This email is from Commanding Officer Atkinson of a specific command. The overarching commander is Jerry Short, who sent us an email earluer this week saying all Fleet Readiness Centers (aircraft rework and testing facilities) will be doing this. There is zero leadership at any level, supervisor to commander. My team has everyone fully vaxxed except me, yet they keep getting sick and having to telework. We have three out sick this week, yet I'm fine.
The email is as follows:
From: Atkinson, Thomas A Col USMC (USA) Sent: Thursday, January 6, 2022 4:35 PM To: [REDACTED]; [REDACTED] Subject: FRC East COVID-19 Testing Guidance For Unvaccinated Employees
Starting the week of January 10, all unvaccinated military and civilian employees are required to provide a negative COVID test result for access to DoD facilities.
Per Force Health Protection Guidance (Supplement 23) Revision 2, unvaccinated employees who work on site at a DoD facility are required to take a weekly test for access to the DoD facility.
Remote and/or full-time teleworking unvaccinated employees who do not work on-site are required to provide a negative COVID-19 test result taken within 72 hours prior to entering a DoD facility.
Unvaccinated employees and their supervisors will receive an email with additional instructions regarding testing that will include the assigned date, time and location of on-site COVID testing for employees working on-site; remote site testing procedures for detachments and other FRC East work sites; and 72-hour testing procedures for those employees who are teleworking and are required to come on–site to perform official duties.
An employee who has received a positive test result from any rapid or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, either through mandatory testing procedures or other circumstances, must report the positive test result to their supervisor and the Response Management Center and cannot access any DoD facility until cleared to return by the Response Management Center.
Please be advised that the voluntary COVID-19 testing previously conducted at Trailer 32, Drug Testing Room is no longer available due to the mandatory testing requirement beginning next week.
If you are sick or are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, inform your supervisor and do not report to work on-site or to the testing site at Trailer 32, Drug Testing Room.
FRC East Civilian employees and contractors who are symptomatic should schedule a test with their healthcare providers. Active-duty military members who are symptomatic can contact the Naval Health Clinic at MCAS Cherry Point.
And as a reminder, NAVAIR policy requires all civilian, military, contractors and visitors to wear a face covering at all times in DoD facilities.
Semper Fi,
Colonel Thomas A. Atkinson, USMC
Commanding Officer, Fleet Readiness Center East
Phone: 252.464.7000 DSN: 451
Service to the Fleet – Taking Care of People – Building Solutions
If they are too cowardly to lay out the "punishment" for non-compliance, they are bluffing.
Prove me wrong.
I agree with you 100%, which is why I'm trying to keep the others in my facility strong. I never thought of myself as a leader or mentally strong, but seeing how weak everyone else is was eye opening. I have to continually go to other holdouts who are "this close" to taking the jab to keep them hopeful and show them whats happening around us.
Mental strength is about doing what is right when many will not. We are discovering more of this world and ourselves by digging deep down for what we stand for in terms of principles.
It really emotional to see that we are having the same fight with the same employer. It has been hard to see people that I like turn on me. I've been called names, but most of my colleagues are against the mandate. DON claims our command is 90% mudblood. And that our positive cases are 80 something% vexed. They should be testing the gmo employees instead. The other holdouts I know are silent. I am confrontational, yet civil and calm. Other holdouts, and vaxed, have pulled me aside to consult/ encourage me. I believe that speaking up is a requirement of the oath I swore. Even when people agree, they are pretty quiet. I'm very close to exit. I've invested a good portion of my life and health to this mission.
Congratulation on being steady under fire. I bet you never thought it would mean being steady under your own COC who are breaking their oath? Heros come from ordinary people put into extraordinary situations.
Yeah, I really thought our "leadership" who are Marines would stand up, but no. They keep saying things like, "I don't have a choice." You do have a choice. You need to stand up for the small guys and defend the constitution.
Believe me, you are not small. I want you at my back. Not your "leadership".
That is awesome of you to step into the leadership vacuum - I wish you and your co-workers the best. Please keep us posted.
I have a friend who caved to the jab due to work 'requirements' back in November, he so regrets it today and is saying 'no more' as are others there.
I hope those on the edge are able to stay strong with your encouragement!
We've had a lot of people cave, but regret it and have joined our side. People trust me, so they come to me with all of their personal problems and questions. I can't tell you how many people got the shots, had issues from them, and came to me to whisper about their issues. I know how bad the jab damage can be and how many people are experiencing these issues. I don't give out personal information, but I let them know they are not alone on the effects they're experiencing.
In some ways, I think people that caved and say 'no more' are more opposed than those of us who haven't gotten it yet (and don't ever plan to).
It seems to me that the longer we can hold out, the more evidence will get presented against it and the constitution will be upheld by the courts to be on our side, and the tyrannical behavior of companies' mandates will start to fall apart.
Stand strong, and good luck!
Agreed. Some people are born to lead, others thrust into the position. You may be the latter, fren. Stand strong. If need be, tell them to produce the law which states you must comply. The whole mandate this, mandate that thing is such a farce. Good luck to you and please keep us posted.
If you can't enter facility, you can't work. Basically, test or no job. Everyone above you in chain of command has vacated their oath of office to defend the Constitution.
Absolutely and I told then that. There was a discussion board the Navy opened at the middle of 2020 that was taken down because of me and about 5 others who were truthful, but relentless in our arguments against jabs and testing. We let leadership know that the constitution reigns Supreme and they took that oath. They deleted the discussion board, but I saved a pdf copy.
Careful though, you are outing yourself
Doesn't the military have code that states that personnel cannot be forced to subject themselves to experimental drugs, vaxxines, tests, and procedures? The tests are also under EUA and not FDA approved.
Not just the military, the Nuremburg Code. You're correct.
Yes the military has a code for that. I know because when I was deploying to Iraq we were all offered Anthrax vax, but it was not required nor forced nor coherced for any of us to take it. I was 20 years old, I was dumb, I took it, most did not in my unit.
The problem with the Nuremberg Code is that it is a code of ethics and only a framework that is not binding. From a legal standpoint, it cannot be enforced because it was never ratified as any kind of legally binding document on the international level. Just like the Bible contains moral and ethical principles that were later codified into common law, the Nuremberg Code does contain principles that act as a foundation for the laws of various nations. In the US, these principles are a guide for our own laws of informed consent and military code that are legally binding. So, it is our own laws that must be challenged.
Also DoD here. My unit is moving to teleworking too. There are supposedly a bunch of people testing positive, all of which I assume took the jabs. Even one of my commanders who lectured me about mission readiness, being "fit to fight," etc. tested positive and is out for a while. I on the other hand have never taken a single jab, never will, and am very healthy. I've never come down with the wuflu or really any illness for years.
Weekly testing requirements haven't been instated over here...yet. Hopefully they won't. I'm willing to bet I'd come up positive on a PCR test even though I'm not sick. Those tests are garbage.
I have a pending religious exemption for the poke. It was denied at the lowest level but is still going up to much higher leadership. It'll likely get denied. Then I'll appeal and see how much time that buys me. Hopefully this bullshit monkey business federal employee mandate stops for ALL federal employees soon. Keeping my eyes on thr supreme court case.
God bless you. You are not alone in the resistance that exists in the DoD.
It’s simple. Testing the unvaccinated is discrimination. Everyone gets tests or no one gets tested. If people are vaccinated and still getting sick then the vaccine doesn’t work. Remember it was only one shot, the two shots. You are on your 3/4 shot in under 12 months. You have emails at work going back you can reference if needed.
The unvaccinated are now a special class. How is the DoD protecting you from not getting sick from others? They are saying if your vaccinated and sick come to work it’s fine. They have to provide you a save working environment, which they do are not.
File a ERLR case for discrimination and file a labor disput with the union for having a unsafe working environment. It’s time to push back and make it uncomfortable for them and make the think about this shit.
Steady as she goes
Blatant discrimination
Requiring one group to do something special; while ignoring both science that the law, in permitting at other group blanket allowances
I'm there with you. Today will determine a lot of things, for a lot of people. I will not submit to testing because I have not took the shot. I am fully committed to lose my job doing so, I have been at my job over 10 years. I left my career, my dream of being a soldier when Obama was elected, I sure as hell am not about to start bending now. Anyone else in the same boat have some courage and stand up for yourself, and for our country.
Thats what I try to get others to understand; this is not about me or you as individuals, this is about the freedoms for all patriots here and around the globe. The USA is a true symbol of hope. We MUST be strong for the rest of the world. Our brothers and sisters who are Australian, Canadian, Khazakstani, or any other nationality need us to be strong for them.
I want to remind everyone that ethylene oxide is used as the sterizing agent for the swabs they test you with. This is a carcinogenic that can stay on the swab for up to 3 weeks! I'm not sticking that up my nose.
its kinda cool they offer the testing, they are coming up with that per base I think? it was never a written option for us. So, here covered under the union we just got paper work saying punishment postponed/coming.. no union, no paper work. Like your place, the vaxxed are getting sick here. We are given a test once a week..... Refuse test, the commander sent one dude home, Do Not Come back to base without Test results. < he could of had free test here.. Dude left, and they marked him down AWAL. He had use or lose, but didnt put in leave form.. Dude is still gone......
I stopped listening after you proudly announced you're critical infrastructure for the enemy and haven't found a new way to earn income without supporting the enemy after 2 years of this bullshit.
This is a very short sighted response. How about the part where people here need leadership? The people who have learned to trust me and know I'm loyal to them need to have some guidance in their lives other than the news. I have to remind them constantly of what is really happening as opposed to what the news says. I've talked a lot of people out of taking the shots and have taught people about the trafficking, Federal reserve, fractional reserve lending, international politics, etc. I'm useful here to those people. This base I'm on is in a small town where nothing even remotely tyrannical has happened, so people don't know how to react or what to do. I'm helping people where I am.
What you are doing exemplifies Semper Fidelus.. A grateful squid thanks you..