"[O]ne lesson in recent history is that once Russians are in your house, it’s sometimes very difficult to get them to leave."
Russia says:
"If Anthony Blinken loves history lessons so much, then he should take the following into account: when Americans are in your house, it can be difficult to stay alive and not be robbed or raped."
So a nice, calming, diffusing of the situation. Ooof.
I really can't wait for history to be corrected to read that it's the Cabal doing all the raping and pillaging, not one country or another. Tired of being blamed for this shit when it's clear that it's the Cabal's operatives doing all the damage.
One general lesson that should be taken from all this is that, irregardless of globalist cabal schemes to take over the world, American leftists just simply do not know how to run a country. Here is an example of a typical foreign policy botch up where they have no understanding of the other side at all, or of history, like the Russians said.
Twatter link, and I happen to glance over at the news trending tab, and phew I feel so much better now that Reuters and AP said there is No evidence of 'mass formation psychosis'
IT blows my mind they would make this their number 1 trending story. It seems like they want more people to be talking about the obvious 'mass formation psychosis'
Because I hate twatter and having to scroll thru it, I saved y'all the trouble. Would be neato if everyone else here made ThreadReaderApp part of their posts, to save those of us without twat accounts from having to delve into that cesspool.
Sure can't wait for DJT's Truth Social to go live.
Are we for or against this revolution? Because this last post implies that we are against it because it was orchestrated by someone connected to Biden. It's confusing to have these contradicting narratives. Either the people are organically protesting vaccine passports, or the revolution was started by this Biden person. Maybe I'm not understanding. Is the attempted revolution related to the protests?
"February we will launch."
US says (Blinken):
"[O]ne lesson in recent history is that once Russians are in your house, it’s sometimes very difficult to get them to leave."
Russia says:
"If Anthony Blinken loves history lessons so much, then he should take the following into account: when Americans are in your house, it can be difficult to stay alive and not be robbed or raped."
So a nice, calming, diffusing of the situation. Ooof.
I really can't wait for history to be corrected to read that it's the Cabal doing all the raping and pillaging, not one country or another. Tired of being blamed for this shit when it's clear that it's the Cabal's operatives doing all the damage.
Yes, restoration of all of our nation's reputations post-cabal will be gratifying.
One general lesson that should be taken from all this is that, irregardless of globalist cabal schemes to take over the world, American leftists just simply do not know how to run a country. Here is an example of a typical foreign policy botch up where they have no understanding of the other side at all, or of history, like the Russians said.
Link to them saying this?
Within the twitter feed, link above provided by OP.
Is that a subtle racist implication that American implies "African American"? lol
in this context, "house" refers to "country"
For more, don't miss this awesome post:
It HAD to be this way.
Twatter link, and I happen to glance over at the news trending tab, and phew I feel so much better now that Reuters and AP said there is No evidence of 'mass formation psychosis'
IT blows my mind they would make this their number 1 trending story. It seems like they want more people to be talking about the obvious 'mass formation psychosis'
Isn’t denial of mass formation psychosis, in effect, itself, actually mass formation psychosis?
Clint's Jan 7 twatter thread on Kazakhstan:
And, here's the thread to match this post:
Because I hate twatter and having to scroll thru it, I saved y'all the trouble. Would be neato if everyone else here made ThreadReaderApp part of their posts, to save those of us without twat accounts from having to delve into that cesspool.
Sure can't wait for DJT's Truth Social to go live.
That Twatter thread is spot on, there is much more to this than first meets the eyes.
Nobody is supposed to trust anything. Trusting information is for dummies. Read it, and if you agree, fine. If you disagree, fine.
That I can’t answer. There are so many personalities here and there that I just focus on the information
Looking forward to seeing upcoming arrests? Don't let me down :)
"Its not about what happens on the 6th, but the 7th." Happened it did my dudes
Are we for or against this revolution? Because this last post implies that we are against it because it was orchestrated by someone connected to Biden. It's confusing to have these contradicting narratives. Either the people are organically protesting vaccine passports, or the revolution was started by this Biden person. Maybe I'm not understanding. Is the attempted revolution related to the protests?
Archived Link:
“ mi scusi”
oh really why i am not suprised
WONDER HOW FAKE-NEWS will "spin" this....MMMMMM
Oh good. I was getting worried.