Right? I'm still pissed they shut down our glorious GA sub there, we had almost 300k, per Q, users. They were only showing us like 90k but Q told us it was 3x that. I mean I never used reddit before that and since but it still sucked because we were all in one place and it made it hard to come back together though we have this beautiful .win site now.
The power mods who are in on it run all of the major subreddits. And much like leftist Wikipedia editors, they gladly do it for free just to feel important and show they're good little foot soldiers.
Then they'll be unpopular with the ppI in their respective boards. In that event, it'll just be as simple as the ppI getting annoyed. If enough annoyance is reached, then they'll be left with the choice - unpopular mods or paid but popular mods.
WallStreetBets, GME and Superstonk have some pretty good articles about the fuckery from the banks and hedge funds. That's a major part of their funding, and likely how they launder huge amounts of money.
A year ago,the liberals their would blather on and on about how they they would spend their profits to save the planet. Now they know the media and govt and banks are totally corrupt. I've see a big change. And their are many of us over their as well.
People like this can choke on a shit-coverd dildo.
Unions formed for a goddamned reason, in response to the cabal's activities of yesteryear. But people failed to realize, like everything else they had to be maintained by people who were active in them, so when the communism, came to America, the unions were one of the first things to be infiltrated, just like our political offices and schools. They're something you have to keep a vigilant watch on, just like anything else.
He doesn't mean the paid r-politics mods. He means getting ALL of them to demand unionization and pay.
Imagine the knock to Reddit if the mainstream pornography subs all shut down because the entire site demanded their mods be compensated. Then the gaming subs. Then the entertainment subs.
There would be nothing left, and their valuation would plummet by billions.
You son of a bitch, I'm in
Right? I'm still pissed they shut down our glorious GA sub there, we had almost 300k, per Q, users. They were only showing us like 90k but Q told us it was 3x that. I mean I never used reddit before that and since but it still sucked because we were all in one place and it made it hard to come back together though we have this beautiful .win site now.
And they shut down pizzagate forum.
That's enough for me
Ditto that!
This is the way.
Take back reddit
Make reddit free again
Just don't spread this image around just start the riot nothing more
The power mods who are in on it run all of the major subreddits. And much like leftist Wikipedia editors, they gladly do it for free just to feel important and show they're good little foot soldiers.
Start some subs and watch them implode:
r/modpay r/modrights r/ungratefulmods r/selloutmods (...)
Just get creative. The reactions will be their downfall
Then they'll be unpopular with the ppI in their respective boards. In that event, it'll just be as simple as the ppI getting annoyed. If enough annoyance is reached, then they'll be left with the choice - unpopular mods or paid but popular mods.
WallStreetBets, GME and Superstonk have some pretty good articles about the fuckery from the banks and hedge funds. That's a major part of their funding, and likely how they launder huge amounts of money.
I like supperstonk,and wallstreetsilver and the other stock forums.
They are pretty based.
A year ago,the liberals their would blather on and on about how they they would spend their profits to save the planet. Now they know the media and govt and banks are totally corrupt. I've see a big change. And their are many of us over their as well.
Just buy and hold Gamestop.
You should try to DRS a few if you can.
Their is some good DD on superstonk kn how to DRS.
I MOVED 2/3 of mine and will probably do more.
Am I the only person one who thinks they might actually pay the little fucks?
I’d the company goes public then yes, mods need to get paid.
Then fine. We help get them jobs and Reddit loses profits.
We can see how they like paying taxes for the first time. In all honesty most of them are probably teenagers.
This is lovely. never met a marxist who wasn't a hypocrite.
they banned me for saying being gay is a sin
People like this can choke on a shit-coverd dildo.
Unions formed for a goddamned reason, in response to the cabal's activities of yesteryear. But people failed to realize, like everything else they had to be maintained by people who were active in them, so when the communism, came to America, the unions were one of the first things to be infiltrated, just like our political offices and schools. They're something you have to keep a vigilant watch on, just like anything else.
I think he underestimates how much gratification no life loser reddit mods get from banning, and bullying people.
It already happened but I appreciate the sentiment.
He doesn't mean the paid r-politics mods. He means getting ALL of them to demand unionization and pay.
Imagine the knock to Reddit if the mainstream pornography subs all shut down because the entire site demanded their mods be compensated. Then the gaming subs. Then the entertainment subs.
There would be nothing left, and their valuation would plummet by billions.
Wait does Reddit actually have politics mods on payroll because that would be unequal treatment
Yes they do and yes that is. No, they don't care.
That is also a major conflict of interest when it comes to a "non-biased subreddit".
have you actually looked at those mods?
they all have 300+ porn subs then use alts to control all the rest. which they barely mod and only bother with when someone requests them.
they're all controlled by the admin alt accounts.
Best reason ever
This is all good an we'll and I'd like to see reddit go to a dump as much as most of you but.....
Couldn't this be used against us as market manipulation?
The answer is yes, yes it can.
A group of individuals organizing to tank a stock.
There are smarter ways to achieve getting people to unionize, etc.
“No-life losers” from the guy writing up operations to attack Reddit.
Go back to sucking off old man bush...
Says the handshake account...
tbh... I'm not sure how to lose my handshake lol. I've been here for at least a year.
nvm. It's gone now I guess