And freaking Kavanaugh sided with liberals to force it on healthcare workers or force them to undergo repeated testing. We all knew how Roberts would vote.
But constitutional for me? So healthcare workers are not protected by the constitution and are essentially different than other U.S.citizens? Good to know.
And thats the problem. According to the way I read it they didnt even rule on the constitutionality of mandates only that OSHA cant make mandates themselves. But they left it open for Congress to do so.
This entire thing was a sham as forcing people to become guinea pigs is Unconstitutional period.
The Purebloods fired for not being vaxxed will be first in line for a new career. Western medicine has killed so many people. It won't survive this genocidal two years.
Any idiots who ran into each other while trying to get their employees to get jabbed within 15 minutes because "Ohsa and Biden said we have to" now gets a lifetime of reminders on what they were willing to do.
And freaking Kavanaugh sided with liberals to force it on healthcare workers or force them to undergo repeated testing. We all knew how Roberts would vote.
Lawfare, gotta set pins up to knock them down.
Yeah I think Kavanaugh is damaged goods. Can't rely on him after getting shell shocked.
Too late, The Federal Government became too powerful like 100 years ago, its time to take back the power.
But constitutional for me? So healthcare workers are not protected by the constitution and are essentially different than other U.S.citizens? Good to know.
And thats the problem. According to the way I read it they didnt even rule on the constitutionality of mandates only that OSHA cant make mandates themselves. But they left it open for Congress to do so.
This entire thing was a sham as forcing people to become guinea pigs is Unconstitutional period.
It's still wrong. What about the heroes??
The Purebloods fired for not being vaxxed will be first in line for a new career. Western medicine has killed so many people. It won't survive this genocidal two years.
This. Anyone who still has any trust left in that system has not been paying attention. Healthcare as we currently know it needs to fall apart.
too late.they are waay too powerful.
Kind of surprised he didn't end the tweet with "And we will stand behind Israel"
"to ensure the federal government does not become too powerful"... WAY TOO LATE FOR THAT!!!
The Federal Govt has been too powerful since the late 1800's.
That ship sailed a long time ago.
That's why we have a constitution which "limits" the Federal Government.
Any idiots who ran into each other while trying to get their employees to get jabbed within 15 minutes because "Ohsa and Biden said we have to" now gets a lifetime of reminders on what they were willing to do.
Be on the lookout for a plane crash?
The constitution is immune to Jewish tricks
Don’t trust Pompeo. He’s swampy af
That’s your ass you’re confusing him with.
You’re a complete fucking moron if you think you can trust him. I learned my lesson with Barr. You obviously haven’t learned shit.
Only moron here is you....
Riiight. You haven’t learned shit, you delusional limp dick.