Fun-fact: Everyone knows how ruthless the SS were to track down Jews...
...but few people know that the SS were tracking down Jews who were members of the Jewish German Communist Party (KPD) (the same people who created Antifa in 1930) who declared a holy war against German Christians in 1933 and attempted a failed communist coup that same year.
The SS were hunting treasonous communists, most of whom were Jewish members of the KPD.
German Christians were terrified of Jewish communists because 15 years earlier, the Jewish leadership of the Bolshevik Communist Revolution mass murdered 20 million Christians...
...and yes, the Jewish German Communists (KPD) also tried to mass murder German Christians in 1933 when they blocked 2/3 of all food imports into Germany.
Thank you for sharing the other side it's important that information and stories like this are shared. It's mind blowing how we have all accepted the version of history side that is told as the only objective perspective.
Nothing is complete without it being rubbed in noses.
In the movie The Pianist, for instance, constantly characters saying things like “I blame the American Jew Bankers for not participating in waging economic war” or flat out endorsing Communism & Socialism.
They show the truth - they just don’t say it when asked point blank.
The opening scene alone is pretty amazingly done. If you like the first 10 minutes I would suggest having a look at the remainder of the film.
Compared to most of the other Holocaust flicks - this one is pretty gritty and more of what you would think real jews would have acted like given the specific tone of the SS contracted to work in Poland.
Obviously it's not entirely honest and tends to make the SS soliders out to be baffoons when in reality those forward deployed were very much not. It does tend to do the typical "Those in the camps wronging others in the camps didn't do so from lack of morals - but from desperation" when that really was not the case.
Either way the production value alone is worth the watch.
Yay, the Nazi SS were the good guys, defending Christianity
Hitler too, he was a misunderstood patriot
The Holocaust never happened
Nazis good, Jews bad
You cannot make this stuff up. Believe it or not, a large faction here actually believe and promote this. I'll get flamed to a blackened crisp for saying this but as long as mods allow it to flourish, this site will forever occupy a dark forgotten corner of the Internet and never gain the worldwide prominence it otherwise would deserve
My perspective is that we don't really know the truth, and claiming absolutely that we know events that happened behind closed doors is nonsense.
The enemy in WW2 was Lucifer, the adversary and enemy of the human race for all of history. However he twisted and inspired our respective Oligarchy "leaders" to trick good people into murdering each other for over a half decade, the details do not really matter. Most of these jackasses were in Satanic secret societies and people have it opposite- power doesn't corrupt, but rather corrupt people create power and build the gates and hire the gatekeepers to protect their ill-gotten power. War, particularly in the past few centuries, has been heavily spoofed with the same few families hiding behind kings and parliaments and blaring panic in the papers in order to sow chaos, hate, and death in service of their master.
In my opinion, the Nazis won WW2, look at their fingerprints on the last 65 years in every government in the world. The "Nuremberg Trials" lasered in on a dozen officers and that's it. The German People lost WW2.
I like sources, and it's clear that basically every history book I have ever read in school is hot nonsense. Unless we get access to some Cabal records library, there's no way for us to ever know the truth. I have degrees in history, economics, and business, and I didn't know how fractional reserve currency worked with banks creating money out of thin air actually until a year ago- they don't teach how the world actually functions in any school despite it being an open secret.
Almost everything in our world is fake and a lie. Sometimes it doesn't matter whether we can know the truth- because the real truth we need to cling to is Love. Other times, particularly in the case of our health and raising our children and keeping our minds and bodies pure, it is essential to our journey on this plane to strive for the truth.
For me, it's weird to feel like almost everything I ever learned is patently false, yet I understand this world orders of magnitude better than I ever have.
My point is that people on here are quick to root for the “underdog” and people get caught up in the “Nazis good” bull shit. You came out against the Nazis, I was just taking your side. I think you misunderstood me
I hope he crosses into the states - into Idaho - and finds a place to hold him and his girl up until the nonsense is over. He will be pardoned and the mom will eat shit. When little girl grows up to see what her daddy did for her and what her mom was trying to do... well imagine how you’d feel?
You mean the one where Stalin genocided over 25million or were you thinking when Mao genocided over 65 million? I know, maybe it was a lower number: Eisenhowers Holocaust in which he allowed the cold-blooded starvation of over 1.7 million Germans in his DEF camps (this number was blamed ON the Germans to sweep under the rug). These were all real.
Waaaait a minute, no one ever told you about those and are for some reason never brought up? Why the focus on Germany when others during the same time periods atrocities far outstretched anything Germany didn't do? If Germany was so bad, why did Operation paperclip occur? Why were those scientists given top organizational positions in places like NASA? CIA? FBI? CDC?
The propaganda of the Jewish holocaust is just that: propaganda. Read u/Sutton real account of History above.
“If Germany was so bad, why did Operation paperclip occur? Why were those scientists given top organizational positions in places like NASA? CIA? FBI? CDC?”
Are you saying those organizations are good? Wtf. They were let in because they were bad, just like the commies McCarthy exposed. Idk what you’re trying to say. Q confirmed that the Nazis and Hitler were deep state. u/Sutton is not the arbiter or true information. No offense to him but the propaganda that he promotes directly contradicts what Q said about the Nazis. That’s not the real account of history, it’s just propaganda to mislead you into becoming another Rothschild media scapegoat.
I can’t believe someone on a Q forum made this comment. People like you say “Bolsheviks did this” “The Nazis did that” and forget that they’re both deep state. They worked for the same (((team))) that FDR did. Who is the biggest Jewish scapegoat? The Rothschilds. Who’s the biggest left wing scapegoat? The marxists. Who’s the biggest right wing scapegoat? The Nazis. Who owns the media that scapegoats these people? The Rothschilds. The Nazis and Bolsheviks were balls deep in the occult.
Read this. The Rothschilds aren’t even the most powerful family. There are 17 or possibly 18(he doesn’t talk about the peysaurs) families, the Rothschilds are just one.
It’s a good read, fren. Sorry if I sounded rude but these topics can be frustrating sometimes.
No, I never said that. I said, "Top organizational positions" which doesnt leave even a suggestion of maybe possibly being good. You extrapolated that from a biased opinion to contradict what I said, nothing more.
The rest of your comment(s), I agree with, even though (again) you're putting a lot on me I never thought or said.
The main suggestion I gave is that Germany, even still and given example by your retort, is seen as THE big bad guy on the field while everyone ignores the BIGGER bad guys in the lineup. This was to provoke a "step back" to think about it and wonder, "Huh, fuck me, that's 100% correct...WTF!?" Savvy?
The Bolcheviks were the largest criminal element by far. Starving women and children. Laughing when people were reduced to waiting by the dying to eat them. I hope hell is hot enough for them.
Fun-fact: Everyone knows how ruthless the SS were to track down Jews...
...but few people know that the SS were tracking down Jews who were members of the Jewish German Communist Party (KPD) (the same people who created Antifa in 1930) who declared a holy war against German Christians in 1933 and attempted a failed communist coup that same year.
The SS were hunting treasonous communists, most of whom were Jewish members of the KPD.
German Christians were terrified of Jewish communists because 15 years earlier, the Jewish leadership of the Bolshevik Communist Revolution mass murdered 20 million Christians...
...and yes, the Jewish German Communists (KPD) also tried to mass murder German Christians in 1933 when they blocked 2/3 of all food imports into Germany.
Thank you for sharing the other side it's important that information and stories like this are shared. It's mind blowing how we have all accepted the version of history side that is told as the only objective perspective.
Nothing is complete without it being rubbed in noses.
In the movie The Pianist, for instance, constantly characters saying things like “I blame the American Jew Bankers for not participating in waging economic war” or flat out endorsing Communism & Socialism.
They show the truth - they just don’t say it when asked point blank.
I usually skip those quiet historical fictions, is The Pianist good?
It's actually pretty good.
The opening scene alone is pretty amazingly done. If you like the first 10 minutes I would suggest having a look at the remainder of the film.
Compared to most of the other Holocaust flicks - this one is pretty gritty and more of what you would think real jews would have acted like given the specific tone of the SS contracted to work in Poland.
Obviously it's not entirely honest and tends to make the SS soliders out to be baffoons when in reality those forward deployed were very much not. It does tend to do the typical "Those in the camps wronging others in the camps didn't do so from lack of morals - but from desperation" when that really was not the case.
Either way the production value alone is worth the watch.
Yep, it's bonkers how you never hear about 20 million Christians killed by Jewish communist.
Here's an excellent summary on the origins of the "six million" number. We're told to never forget, so it's worth knowing the truth.
I never had, until just now! Enlightening, to be sure.
Yay, the Nazi SS were the good guys, defending Christianity
Hitler too, he was a misunderstood patriot
The Holocaust never happened
Nazis good, Jews bad
You cannot make this stuff up. Believe it or not, a large faction here actually believe and promote this. I'll get flamed to a blackened crisp for saying this but as long as mods allow it to flourish, this site will forever occupy a dark forgotten corner of the Internet and never gain the worldwide prominence it otherwise would deserve
My perspective is that we don't really know the truth, and claiming absolutely that we know events that happened behind closed doors is nonsense.
The enemy in WW2 was Lucifer, the adversary and enemy of the human race for all of history. However he twisted and inspired our respective Oligarchy "leaders" to trick good people into murdering each other for over a half decade, the details do not really matter. Most of these jackasses were in Satanic secret societies and people have it opposite- power doesn't corrupt, but rather corrupt people create power and build the gates and hire the gatekeepers to protect their ill-gotten power. War, particularly in the past few centuries, has been heavily spoofed with the same few families hiding behind kings and parliaments and blaring panic in the papers in order to sow chaos, hate, and death in service of their master.
In my opinion, the Nazis won WW2, look at their fingerprints on the last 65 years in every government in the world. The "Nuremberg Trials" lasered in on a dozen officers and that's it. The German People lost WW2.
I like sources, and it's clear that basically every history book I have ever read in school is hot nonsense. Unless we get access to some Cabal records library, there's no way for us to ever know the truth. I have degrees in history, economics, and business, and I didn't know how fractional reserve currency worked with banks creating money out of thin air actually until a year ago- they don't teach how the world actually functions in any school despite it being an open secret.
Almost everything in our world is fake and a lie. Sometimes it doesn't matter whether we can know the truth- because the real truth we need to cling to is Love. Other times, particularly in the case of our health and raising our children and keeping our minds and bodies pure, it is essential to our journey on this plane to strive for the truth.
For me, it's weird to feel like almost everything I ever learned is patently false, yet I understand this world orders of magnitude better than I ever have.
Q even claimed the Nazis were puppets of the deep state.
So are Soros, the Clintons, and the Rothschilds. Your point being?
My point is that people on here are quick to root for the “underdog” and people get caught up in the “Nazis good” bull shit. You came out against the Nazis, I was just taking your side. I think you misunderstood me
you disregard the fake news of today but believe the fake news of the past
almost there gaw, i still have faith in you all.
they don't. if you straight up deny the holocaust you will get banned.
should be a red flag to you since the truth does not fear scrutiny (it welcomes it actually)
You didn't argue against any of his points, you're just deflecting.
I'd like to see the sauce, 20 million dead can't be hidden. There must be some sort of info somewhere
If anything, these would not be real "Jews" they could have been people controlled by the Rothschild Banking Cartel
The Bolshevik Revolution. It's not disputed by anyone, anywhere.
Ahhh, isn't REAL History fun, kids? Thanks, Sutton....I get so tired of people regurgitating the revisionist BS over this, the truth.
I hope he crosses into the states - into Idaho - and finds a place to hold him and his girl up until the nonsense is over. He will be pardoned and the mom will eat shit. When little girl grows up to see what her daddy did for her and what her mom was trying to do... well imagine how you’d feel?
Where "anti-vaccination" means "based and free from tyrranical, media- propagated brainwashing." Call it what it REALLY is, libtards!
Get that man an AR-15
Are they really force vaccinating 7 year old's in Canada?
Np but a child can be jabbed by one parent even when other parent says no.
Except to a huge percentage of people here, the actual Holocaust itself isn't reality.
You mean the one where Stalin genocided over 25million or were you thinking when Mao genocided over 65 million? I know, maybe it was a lower number: Eisenhowers Holocaust in which he allowed the cold-blooded starvation of over 1.7 million Germans in his DEF camps (this number was blamed ON the Germans to sweep under the rug). These were all real.
Waaaait a minute, no one ever told you about those and are for some reason never brought up? Why the focus on Germany when others during the same time periods atrocities far outstretched anything Germany didn't do? If Germany was so bad, why did Operation paperclip occur? Why were those scientists given top organizational positions in places like NASA? CIA? FBI? CDC?
The propaganda of the Jewish holocaust is just that: propaganda. Read u/Sutton real account of History above.
“If Germany was so bad, why did Operation paperclip occur? Why were those scientists given top organizational positions in places like NASA? CIA? FBI? CDC?”
Are you saying those organizations are good? Wtf. They were let in because they were bad, just like the commies McCarthy exposed. Idk what you’re trying to say. Q confirmed that the Nazis and Hitler were deep state. u/Sutton is not the arbiter or true information. No offense to him but the propaganda that he promotes directly contradicts what Q said about the Nazis. That’s not the real account of history, it’s just propaganda to mislead you into becoming another Rothschild media scapegoat.
I can’t believe someone on a Q forum made this comment. People like you say “Bolsheviks did this” “The Nazis did that” and forget that they’re both deep state. They worked for the same (((team))) that FDR did. Who is the biggest Jewish scapegoat? The Rothschilds. Who’s the biggest left wing scapegoat? The marxists. Who’s the biggest right wing scapegoat? The Nazis. Who owns the media that scapegoats these people? The Rothschilds. The Nazis and Bolsheviks were balls deep in the occult.
Read this. The Rothschilds aren’t even the most powerful family. There are 17 or possibly 18(he doesn’t talk about the peysaurs) families, the Rothschilds are just one.
It’s a good read, fren. Sorry if I sounded rude but these topics can be frustrating sometimes.
No, I never said that. I said, "Top organizational positions" which doesnt leave even a suggestion of maybe possibly being good. You extrapolated that from a biased opinion to contradict what I said, nothing more.
The rest of your comment(s), I agree with, even though (again) you're putting a lot on me I never thought or said.
The main suggestion I gave is that Germany, even still and given example by your retort, is seen as THE big bad guy on the field while everyone ignores the BIGGER bad guys in the lineup. This was to provoke a "step back" to think about it and wonder, "Huh, fuck me, that's 100% correct...WTF!?" Savvy?
The Bolcheviks were the largest criminal element by far. Starving women and children. Laughing when people were reduced to waiting by the dying to eat them. I hope hell is hot enough for them.