Howard Stern is scared.....what has he done, what is he hiding....
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“When are we gonna stop putting up with the idiots in this country and just say it’s mandatory to get vaccinated? F*ck ’em. Fuck their freedom. I want my freedom to live,” he said. “I want to get out of the house already. I want to go next door and play chess. I want to go take some pictures.” - Howard Stern from September
Look at this quote, he is a lunatic. He hasn't left his house. This guy is so afraid of death. And he should be, while I cannot judge his soul, I will take bets on where he is going.
This guy is a total pussy. Would love to see what anons could dig up on him.
He sold his soul for fame and fortune. Now, the reaper is here to collect. The only strength he ever had was the illusion of his big name, that was gifted to him by his puppet masters. As they are taken down, people like him are exposed for what they are. Just a short dick sell-out, that had no other course in life without selling his soul. People are going to care less and less what these retards are spewing.
"This guy is a total pussy."
Truth. He was a total nerd growing up.
Those are the kind that lose it with power/fame/riches.
I heard he would bang all the fat chicks and he thought he was so cool for doing it.
He's one of the many unimpressive entertainers whose mega success never made any sense until you learned what a globalist cabal was.
Those that scream the loudest..
I was suspect of him from the moment I was told to "check out his show". Everyone liked his debased approach because they were bored and wanted more novelty. The guy is soulless and repugnant. He was actually a red pill for me back in the day, because his racy show had ZERO SUBSTANCE and seemed only like aimless, costumed evil.
Like "fart" jokes..why do (((they))) always try to "dumb down" white americans? I see a pattern. Do you?
Of course.
He's afraid everyone will find out he wears a wig.
Ha lol Tucker talked about him tonight he’s flipping Libtardian NUTS, he’s hiding fully V’d, he’s one coo coo wack job.
Pretty sure he's walking around with Kleenex boxes on his feet and saving his piss in jars.
Howard Stern is just the most vocal and high profile of this type of person, I've seen it here at my local level too. People who USED to be edgy, counter-culture, and priding themselves on being non-conformists are now just useful idiots and spouting the Party Line like good little Nazis.
Somewhere along the way they got lost, lost their values, became comfortable in their roles, and became afraid of losing something. So now, THEY are "the man" that they used to claim they hated so much. THEY are "THE MAN."
I wonder if any of them are smart enough to see what has happened to them?
That would require honest introspection and that is the mirror they fear the most...
It’s like that black mirror episode with the black dude on the exercise bike. What a great metaphor.
He is on video asking when the olsen twins are of age because he wanted to do sexual things to them. The dude and everyone on his show is a Pedophile in my opinion.
you are probably right.
His 15 minutes were up years ago. I had no idea if he was still alive or not. Still don't really care.
I can’t believe anyone still listens to that idiot.
He is pretty well insulated. He has done blackface. He called Whoopi the n-word to her face multiple times in some stupid unfunny sketch. None of it came back to bite him.
Huh! That would probably save their lives. (He can keep the Robitussin too.)
Anybody remember how Mancow Mueller in his zoo radio days could piss Stern off just by existing?
Always had a weak mind even in terrestrial radio haven of Zoo York.
People who took 2 or more injections should not be allowed to vote.
Can't wait for the vaxx to kick in on this SOB.
LOL he must not know the survival rate (over 99%).
Or, if he does, he's the biggest pussy on the planet after Adam Schiff.
Nerf the world so Howard Stern can play chess, folks!
Thanks for letting us know personally from your own shitface you’ve been conned 3 times to bend over. Shouldn’t be long until you can have a one on one show with Hitler himself!
SarcasmOn. If the vax works, why would there be vaxxed people in the hospitals if Stern is allowed to ban the unvaxxed?
I can't wait until he keels over with a stroke, survives but can't use his penis or vocal chords. Just desserts
A big problem for a long time. Hope he gets help before it's too late.
Oh oh oh, Someone is feeling guilty. THE truth is gonna get ya. Under the deal, Stern's archive of audio and video will continue to be licensed to SiriusXM for an additional seven years. After decades of being on traditional radio, Stern began airing his show on Sirius's satellite radio in 2006 when he signed a five-year deal worth $500 million with the company. Remember this is how they bribe the Celebrities. Remember George Clooneies booze business was purchase for millions. The Story Behind George Clooney's Tequila Brand Casamigos, Which Sold to Diageo for $1 Billion. Somebody's Guilty, ho ho ho.
Probably hiding a massive bald spot underneath that wig.
Cher looks awful. Btw, who dies from C19 at home? It’s in the hospitals where they go to die.
Is this Schmuck still relevant? Was he ever relevant to begin with?
It's funny, despite the mask mandates, many have been unmasked for the putrid shitbirds they are.
On the list of daily disappointments I've been having, finding out about people I wouldn't have guessed to take this opinion. Not that I've ever been a Stern fan, but growing up in the DC area I remember him from back in the day.
he is hiding the fact that he wears a poorly fashioned wig
Think Phil Spector left all his wigs to him in his will!
I have wondered the same thing. Or the big money sports leagues get different batches. Some batches seem more dangerous than others.
Hmmmm let me guess…pedo …. Pedo something…..
It's going to come out that he's a MAJOR kid fucker.
highly likely, he has always been open about his pervertedness with the strippers.
This guy has never had his ass kicked and it shows
I find that hard to believe. I guarantee this dude had his knish money stolen every day at school as a youngin. Prolly why he’s suck a d bag blowhard now.
I volunteer to kick his ass
Welcome aboard. ;)