Yes, the text accompanying the images speaks about them hopping in their trucks and driving off. I don't see any trucks, thus I'm cautious to the statement.
Obviously not everybody is able to find the disconnect between what they read and what they see. Or perhaps people don't read or have really low absorption rate?
That’s moving, Fren. Thanks for sharing!🙏🏻
Does anyone have sauce for this? It sure would be great, but I read that it was an old photo from a funeral procession.
I wish it was true, but a quick search revealed zip.
Ahh well, when they make the whole Freedom Convoy thing into a movie, they should definitely include it🐸
You're all retarded believing people hopped in their trucks and drove off in their horse-pulled carriages like the image implies.
You see any trucks driving in that pic? Lol wtf.
Well the trucks move faster than horses /s
Yes, the text accompanying the images speaks about them hopping in their trucks and driving off. I don't see any trucks, thus I'm cautious to the statement.
Obviously not everybody is able to find the disconnect between what they read and what they see. Or perhaps people don't read or have really low absorption rate?
Oh those TERRORISTS, the gual.
what hateful rhetoric!
God bless them all! Thank you!
I love the Amish.
The Amish are probably the best people on the planet, honestly.
Sounds a little far fetched
that is WONDERFUL - onions...ugh
streisand effect strikes again... it's amazing how stupid these globohookers are.
The Spirit Moves The Soul. A picture says a thousand words. That right there is totally awesome Frens
Bullshit. The Amish don’t have trucks that they “Jump in and drive 2.5 hours”. The Amish don’t drive.
The convoy trucks
I'd love nothing more than to believe this and share it far and wide, but Amish don't drive trucks and I can't find any sauce on it.
The Amish don't have trucks. They use horse and buggies like the ones in the picture.
I've never heard of an "Amish barbecue" ever, and I've lived around Amish for nearly my entire life.
Downvoted for obvious lies.
Ive seen this same image of the amish used for a lot of different things...