If you guys actually read the thread down enough (which takes maybe 30 secs) you can see proof that she is being very sarcastic. It’s super obvious to me but ya know…maybe the 5G is hitting some of us a little harder than others 😅
Had to come in the comments to see whether she's being serious or being sarcastic (as a ploy to get everyone to look, including the hateful Liberals) and I'm glad it's the latter.
How does ANYBODY get “hateful and divisive” from signs about loving their country and each other? Maybe sarcasm? But the comments! Right now it sure feels like there are a lot more than 4-6% who are lost forever.
She's been posting nothing but fantastic posts and responses to the people's negative shit!! Love her posts!!
Great post!
OMG That's great
Finally!!! An honest journalist... I thought they had gone extinct like the sabertooth cat...
4-letter words... I knew it! What kind of people are these? Oh, yeah, my kind of people, my grandparents from there. Ok.
After seeing these horrific images I need to have a petting zoo and go to a safe space immediately
Points for sarc, Rupa! Masterful.
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If you guys actually read the thread down enough (which takes maybe 30 secs) you can see proof that she is being very sarcastic. It’s super obvious to me but ya know…maybe the 5G is hitting some of us a little harder than others 😅
Did you mean to reply to someone else?
I never thought that she wasn't on our side. That's how it reads to me, anyways.
Oops! Yeah, sorryl
Had to come in the comments to see whether she's being serious or being sarcastic (as a ploy to get everyone to look, including the hateful Liberals) and I'm glad it's the latter.
Good job!
How does ANYBODY get “hateful and divisive” from signs about loving their country and each other? Maybe sarcasm? But the comments! Right now it sure feels like there are a lot more than 4-6% who are lost forever.
Is she being sarcastic or serious? If she is serious then she is beyond stupid. No, stupid is an insult.
You are a headline reader. You need to go to the thread
I think she was being sarcastic.
I think she was too. I think she is mocking the media and the snowflakes. Notice the quotation marks around the word [fringe]
Trolling level: EXPERT! 🤣
wait.... who? gk4448? or Rupa?
<scratches head>
We KNOW that Rupa is being sarcastic to the max. gk4448, I'm not so sure about.
Yes, just look at the photos of the signs.