Isn't it interesting how the cabal so casually sacrifices their underlings? The puppets are loyal, but if they can't protect themselves, they get little help from the top. They're cast off like patsies. Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, R Kelly. Soon Trudeau. Sacrificial lambs.
I think it's a commandment from the Satanic Bible that's forced down through the ranks by the Rothschilds.
Azreal Chapter 6 verse 8: "When thou feeleth the heat of thy deeds exposed by unbelievers and the unworthy, thou shalt throw thy brother under the bus with much vigor and baileth the fuck out of town."
Under the bus, faggot!! Ha haahh. 🍿
Isn't it interesting how the cabal so casually sacrifices their underlings? The puppets are loyal, but if they can't protect themselves, they get little help from the top. They're cast off like patsies. Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, R Kelly. Soon Trudeau. Sacrificial lambs.
You’d THINK they’d learn? But NO…their inflated egos (and personal demons) tell them otherwise. Makes for good entertainment for us 👍🏽
I think it's a commandment from the Satanic Bible that's forced down through the ranks by the Rothschilds.
Azreal Chapter 6 verse 8: "When thou feeleth the heat of thy deeds exposed by unbelievers and the unworthy, thou shalt throw thy brother under the bus with much vigor and baileth the fuck out of town."
Explains a lot.
Ok…first epic laugh of the day Brother!! Seriously funny 👈🏼😂. Love Ya man!!
Is the cabal even able to help anymore? I think of post #17
Especially after they become WW laughingstock
Wolves in sheep’s clothing. They all made a deal with the devil - and it won’t turn out well for them.
Under the truck ! kek
Be watchful. He probably has a bus driver costume.