Same with the idiot box. I watch a shit-ton of TV. Way too much... yeah, yeah I know. Recently I've given up on starting a lot the new shows. I'm sick and fucking tired of all the gay characters/couples and leftist propaganda. It gets worse and worse every season. Moving back home to the family farm soon . Thinking maybe I get some fresh air etc etc... and cut back even more on my TV time.
Just unplug your tv(s) and you won't miss them. You do need to have things to do instead of watching. Reading comes to mind. Surfing the web works, too. Even some gaming, but don't become addicted. Do you have any kind of hobby or work you enjoy doing around your home?? Do it now!!
Agreed, its weird though. I did this a few years ago. It takes a bit to break the habit. But the good thing is the shit shows make it so you don't want to watch it anyway.
If weather permits, a nice motorcycle ride, hitting the slopes on a snowboard, hiking, walks while listening to podcasts (martyrmade is an excellent researched one on podbean that covers a lot of cool topics in history and is rather compelling, red pill news is a great one to catch up on happenings or tune into great interviews, etc.)
I for one will not be watching the elites superb owl satanic ritual. see (c) the tales of ovid if you want a background into the satanic symbolism of the owl and the spider.
Well the competitors were very noble, they really fought with all their hearts and didn't even take a salary! Some were so dedicated, they even went up agai st real lions (not the Detroit lions)
A kid asked me yesterday if the Cowboys and Patriots were playing. I told him I had no idea. I still don't. I find out about the Superbowl on the Monday after, when they list the winner. That's about all I need to know. Then later in the year, I watch videos where they lament about the satanic half-time show with washed up singers like Madonna or Lady GooGoo. I don't care about any of it.
Exactly , I'd rather clean the tub than watch those traitors ,, although there may be a heart attack or two thst would be interesting but will c the clip on here , Fk that satanic bowl
All my coworkers want is the super bowl game.its all they talk about. They are actively avoiding information about convoys and crack pipes. " It sounds silly why would the government buy crack pipes "?
Nope. NFL player kneeling and pandering to BLM finished them off for me.
NO MORE NFL. They are done.
Same with the idiot box. I watch a shit-ton of TV. Way too much... yeah, yeah I know. Recently I've given up on starting a lot the new shows. I'm sick and fucking tired of all the gay characters/couples and leftist propaganda. It gets worse and worse every season. Moving back home to the family farm soon . Thinking maybe I get some fresh air etc etc... and cut back even more on my TV time.
Seriously? Two land whales fighting demons? SMH...
Just unplug your tv(s) and you won't miss them. You do need to have things to do instead of watching. Reading comes to mind. Surfing the web works, too. Even some gaming, but don't become addicted. Do you have any kind of hobby or work you enjoy doing around your home?? Do it now!!
Haven't been able to sit down and read since my mother passed away in 2017 and I used to love to read.
Agreed, its weird though. I did this a few years ago. It takes a bit to break the habit. But the good thing is the shit shows make it so you don't want to watch it anyway.
If weather permits, a nice motorcycle ride, hitting the slopes on a snowboard, hiking, walks while listening to podcasts (martyrmade is an excellent researched one on podbean that covers a lot of cool topics in history and is rather compelling, red pill news is a great one to catch up on happenings or tune into great interviews, etc.)
Exactly! I am so glad I no longer give a hang about woke sports and some of its whiney, privileged athletes. Our home is so much better for it.
I for one will not be watching the elites superb owl satanic ritual. see (c) the tales of ovid if you want a background into the satanic symbolism of the owl and the spider.
Jupiter v Saturn
The difference between Rome's bread and circuses is that they were FREE. The price of NFL tickets are rather expensive.
No they weren't free. It was paid for by taxes, just as all the "free" stuff today.
Well the competitors were very noble, they really fought with all their hearts and didn't even take a salary! Some were so dedicated, they even went up agai st real lions (not the Detroit lions)
They got smart and found ways for us to pay for our own slavery.
That's why the ad space was created. So you can enjoy it for close to free by watching from home.
True however you can watch the game for free on TV 📺 so it FREE under todays standards.
who's watchng the superbowl?
I think I'll be watching trucks . . .
I don't watch football since they took the knee
Won't be watching. Don't even know who's playing.
A kid asked me yesterday if the Cowboys and Patriots were playing. I told him I had no idea. I still don't. I find out about the Superbowl on the Monday after, when they list the winner. That's about all I need to know. Then later in the year, I watch videos where they lament about the satanic half-time show with washed up singers like Madonna or Lady GooGoo. I don't care about any of it.
Fuck these pro sports assholes. They don’t get my eyeballs ever again. 100% fed up.
DON'T WATCH. Do something constructive like grout your tub.
Thats a great idea, I'll move onto that after i polish the copper pipes in the basement.
Exactly , I'd rather clean the tub than watch those traitors ,, although there may be a heart attack or two thst would be interesting but will c the clip on here , Fk that satanic bowl
Well the shelves are growing increasingly sparse
And the circus they preform makes us vomit
...Guess it’s time to feed someone to the lions...spoiler alert: THIS time it will not be poor plebes and Christians.
Don’t watch the superbowl goy
I will neither watch the Stupid Bowl nor the Olympus China.
I may watch the kitten or Su-purr bowl or the Puppy bowl, but not betting I will would be at least a 50/50 shot.
Iron and Potters Clay.
Dispersed for a while, re-centralized and re-branded, (Holy Roman Empire)
That old crafty serpent's been at it for a while.
History most certainly repeats, fortunately for those who pay attention, the patterns give it all away.
Hopefully this time around, we can do better...
Great meme .. how true! Keep the people pumped up by sport and entertainement .. all a distraction!
meh, Canadians are revolting during hockey season. But I get what you're saying fren
or just don't watch the super bowl...
When is the super bowl? I don’t even know who is playing this year…
“150 days of games. He’s cleverer than I thought”
...the fuck would I watch the superbowl? I only rarely watched it at all, because the commercials were entertaining...
All my coworkers want is the super bowl game.its all they talk about. They are actively avoiding information about convoys and crack pipes. " It sounds silly why would the government buy crack pipes "?
There's a Superb Owl showing this weekend?
I don't watch any of the farm animals.
I can hear the crowds cheering now.......................HONK HONK!