Yep, the same situation as Afghanistan in many ways. There was no way optically or politically for Trump to take out these deep state hot spots while he was overtly running things. Better to do it during devolution, and let the Potato take the heat for it.
ya, afghanistan was good in multiple ways. it hurt the deep state, and made biden look horrible to normies...which is why even left wing polls like quinnipiac have biden at 33 or 35
The die-hards will never wake up. We all eventually woke up to the bullshit in the republican't party. The other side will never wake up and fight against communism.
Excellent point. I had never realized before how corrupt the Ukraine was until I started looking into it. It's also a major source of young girls. The women are quite beautiful.
I wonder how many people think it odd that seemingly regular furniture could cost tens of thousands of dollars, and have what might seem like a person's name as the "model" name. With some digging, it also turns out that those "model" names also have the same name as missing children.
I’m surprised that more isn’t being discussed about how Lindsey Graham was linked to Ukraine and how he and No name were in Ukraine pushing for military aid etc......
"Ukraine has been their corruption playpen for many years."
"... for many years."
Tinker, tailor, boogeyman, spy..."
Reilly continued to go by the name Rosenblum, living at the Albert Mansions, an apartment block in Rosetta Street, Waterloo, London in early 1896.[39] He created the Ozone Preparations Company, which peddled patent medicines,[39] and he became a paid informant for the émigré intelligence network of William Melville, superintendent of Scotland Yard's Special Branch. (Melville later oversaw a special section of the British Secret Service Bureau founded in 1909.
Failed snake oil salesmen from the Ukraine make great snitches and spies.
Ukraine is the distraction from what’s happening at home - Just look at our borders North and South / Dictator in the North trampling civil liberties and freezing assets of peaceful protesters … complete lawlessness in the South, waves of criminals and freeloaders just walking into the country … inflation is closing in on 9% / gas prices on verge of quadrupling … I would say we should pay attention to our domestic issues or we won’t have a country to respond to international events… just a thought
Interesting thought process, but we're missing a lot of details.
Who's doing the cleaning? We don't have much in the line of forces there and they have no legal authority whatsoever. Are we expecting Putin to do the cleaning? Given that there are plenty of little Russian girls in the network, I'm sure he's got an interest, but we have no evidence at all that's what's going on here.
Europe would certainly have been involved with this and have plenty of skeletons in the closet, and yet, they're totally disinterested here. No one in the EU looks interested in doing anything other than getting the Americans to go do the fighting.
Much of these criminal networks thrive in instability. If we run our usual "regime change" playbook, we'd be enabling the organized child smugglers rather than cleaning anything up.
I'm not convinced of this theory. Too many unanswered questions and things that don't make sense yet.
I agree. Yes, the post is right but it’s being misconstrued. I’m thinking, Biden/DS wants to destroy Ukraine. They need to get rid of evidence and certain people because they know what’s coming. Crooked Hillary killed Gadafi for the same reason and don’t forget building 7. They need a clean up in Ukraine but Putin isn’t playing along.
Our DOJ has some nerve. Yes, perhaps it is true about the trafficking in Ukraine and surrounding countries, but what about the U.S.? Is the DOJ going to pretend they and other U.S. government agencies aren’t a big part of it? I knew in my 20’s that without the U.S. government being involved in drug and gun trafficking, the U.S. wouldn’t have a drug problem. I never knew about the extent of human trafficking, organ harvesting, adrenochrome, and D.U.M.B.S until this last decade. To think our military and our government agencies have been a part of this for decades or more is infuriating and disgusting. Those are to mild words. I hope that those in charge root out and execute anyone with any scintilla of involvement in this trade because those people are irredeemable whether they procured, abused, harvested, experimented, murdered. They all need to be made an example of what happens when this occurs.Everyone involved is evil. Anyone who could use, abuse, kill like this is sick and even more sick when callously doing it for money and power-infliction of pain, misery, suffering on others. I do not care if you are an ordinary citizen, Hollywood freak, politician, gang member, you need to be executed in the most painful way-perhaps injection of acid into your veins.
Yep, the same situation as Afghanistan in many ways. There was no way optically or politically for Trump to take out these deep state hot spots while he was overtly running things. Better to do it during devolution, and let the Potato take the heat for it.
Yes, the potato is baked.
you schmuck!! now i'm hungry... that's not good right before bed time!
Eat something anyway.
ya, afghanistan was good in multiple ways. it hurt the deep state, and made biden look horrible to normies...which is why even left wing polls like quinnipiac have biden at 33 or 35
The die-hards will never wake up. We all eventually woke up to the bullshit in the republican't party. The other side will never wake up and fight against communism.
Potato Fantasy
Excellent point. I had never realized before how corrupt the Ukraine was until I started looking into it. It's also a major source of young girls. The women are quite beautiful.
Also outstanding folk art, still putting out handmade things.
That made me think of Wayfair catalogs for some reason.
I wonder how many people think it odd that seemingly regular furniture could cost tens of thousands of dollars, and have what might seem like a person's name as the "model" name. With some digging, it also turns out that those "model" names also have the same name as missing children.
Look on Etsy for Ukraine. Lots of beautiful women showing off embroidery and whatnot, e.g. The prices aren't outrageous like Wayfair, the goods offered are non essential, the beautiful women are ubiquitous.
Needs some pictures.
here's one
Canada becoming the true manifestation of Canuckistan is also important though as that is now communism on one border and drug cartels on the other.
We have enemies all around us now and that is a sketchy spot to be in.
I’m surprised that more isn’t being discussed about how Lindsey Graham was linked to Ukraine and how he and No name were in Ukraine pushing for military aid etc......
Wonder if there was a specific reason he fought so hard for Kavanaugh.
Think of it in the way that if he never appointed them, we would never know who they are.
Probably very few people knew the real Faux-xi. Now a hell of a lot of people know the real Faux-xi.
Agree on Kavanaugh and Barrett, they're fucking trash.
These issues are closely related.
"Ukraine has been their corruption playpen for many years."
"... for many years."
Tinker, tailor, boogeyman, spy..."
Reilly continued to go by the name Rosenblum, living at the Albert Mansions, an apartment block in Rosetta Street, Waterloo, London in early 1896.[39] He created the Ozone Preparations Company, which peddled patent medicines,[39] and he became a paid informant for the émigré intelligence network of William Melville, superintendent of Scotland Yard's Special Branch. (Melville later oversaw a special section of the British Secret Service Bureau founded in 1909.
Failed snake oil salesmen from the Ukraine make great snitches and spies.
Can't wait for the this ancient can of worms to get opened up...
Is there any starter pages with their corruption to send to a friend?
this new devolution might help-
Ukraine is the distraction from what’s happening at home - Just look at our borders North and South / Dictator in the North trampling civil liberties and freezing assets of peaceful protesters … complete lawlessness in the South, waves of criminals and freeloaders just walking into the country … inflation is closing in on 9% / gas prices on verge of quadrupling … I would say we should pay attention to our domestic issues or we won’t have a country to respond to international events… just a thought
Always weird when one user's post gets pinned then another user reposts it and replaces that pinned post.
I think putin will drop the news on the deep state,as a defensive measure.....
Kinda reminds you of the CIA blacksite playpen in Canada, Lincoln Park, doesn't it?
And with Xiden leading Obama’s charge; FAILURE.
Interesting thought process, but we're missing a lot of details.
Who's doing the cleaning? We don't have much in the line of forces there and they have no legal authority whatsoever. Are we expecting Putin to do the cleaning? Given that there are plenty of little Russian girls in the network, I'm sure he's got an interest, but we have no evidence at all that's what's going on here.
Europe would certainly have been involved with this and have plenty of skeletons in the closet, and yet, they're totally disinterested here. No one in the EU looks interested in doing anything other than getting the Americans to go do the fighting.
Much of these criminal networks thrive in instability. If we run our usual "regime change" playbook, we'd be enabling the organized child smugglers rather than cleaning anything up.
I'm not convinced of this theory. Too many unanswered questions and things that don't make sense yet.
I agree. Yes, the post is right but it’s being misconstrued. I’m thinking, Biden/DS wants to destroy Ukraine. They need to get rid of evidence and certain people because they know what’s coming. Crooked Hillary killed Gadafi for the same reason and don’t forget building 7. They need a clean up in Ukraine but Putin isn’t playing along.
Rudy said special prosecutor.....perhaps his quiet spell was because he was such person.
Our DOJ has some nerve. Yes, perhaps it is true about the trafficking in Ukraine and surrounding countries, but what about the U.S.? Is the DOJ going to pretend they and other U.S. government agencies aren’t a big part of it? I knew in my 20’s that without the U.S. government being involved in drug and gun trafficking, the U.S. wouldn’t have a drug problem. I never knew about the extent of human trafficking, organ harvesting, adrenochrome, and D.U.M.B.S until this last decade. To think our military and our government agencies have been a part of this for decades or more is infuriating and disgusting. Those are to mild words. I hope that those in charge root out and execute anyone with any scintilla of involvement in this trade because those people are irredeemable whether they procured, abused, harvested, experimented, murdered. They all need to be made an example of what happens when this occurs.Everyone involved is evil. Anyone who could use, abuse, kill like this is sick and even more sick when callously doing it for money and power-infliction of pain, misery, suffering on others. I do not care if you are an ordinary citizen, Hollywood freak, politician, gang member, you need to be executed in the most painful way-perhaps injection of acid into your veins.
Well to me it looks like Russia & our military have Ukrain surrounded ?