Media is now pushing putin invaded ukraine or whatever bullshit, and now the board is blowing up with this shit. Very little about the stolen election and the durham investigation. Being in the know is great, and knowing what their story line is, is important tl countering it. However, when every other post is saying "the putin invasion of ukraine" that feels more like infiltration to me and less like being informed. We are suppose to report the facts, not fox, cnn, msnbc, etc articles over and over. Anyone else noticing?
Comments (42)
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I've noticed.
This has been going on for far longer than you think. This started long ago with the discussions regarding posing certain Telegram links...
And I am not saying its every post, still plenty of people here digging and getting great info out, just making sure we are still on our toes as we know how these people work.
The sauce has degraded from when I first came here.
Yeah, I think the good stuff is still there just watered down and takes alot more effort.
I have to sift through sooooo much more. And I love the energy, but dang the amount of repeat posts is inundating.
Yep I feel the same
I mean, there's not really any news on those other items at the moment, but when there is it's always posted. 🤷♂️ I get my news from all over, and like to see the perspectives of people here.
All that said, this is a Q board... and if we were getting really technical, everything should be Q related.
I feel as though this board has evolved into something more than just Q, however the point I was making is to try not to focus on the riff raff fake news bombing that tends to happen from time to time.
Also exposing police for the communists they are, which needs to happen. They cannot be trusted.
I think this is really complicated. We cannot lump them all into one group, I believe as with anything else, many of the large cities law enforcement has been infiltrated. I believe our battle is to weed out the good ones and make sure they are on our side.
They're not on our side.
4pol is like this too.
Yes agreed. I don’t want to lose focus on Pizzagate, Podesta, Huma,, stolen election, Epstein. These are the most important to me.
Yep all important
This is my go to answer. It has to happen for the plan to move forward. We have to be squeezed with the rest of mankind, and I feel like there are more converging timelines now than ever before, and you listed most of them.
I notice my posts get deleted and been put on a list that disallows me from downvoting...
I even messaged mods about this and it gets ignored.
If only TS was available on Android...
I see you have no posts, were you able to check the logs to see what is happening when you do?
Oops, I meant replies to others and posts.
Need more ☕️.
Have you tried turning off community styling and mobile site preferences?
Same thing happened to me like a year ago and after I turned off the fancy styling and started using the desktop site option I haven't had any issues.
Turning off community styling basically turned off graphical format.
No option for mobile site preferences.
Desktop site option did nothing for anything.
Still doesnt explain why my posts are deleted for no reason where I am respectful to fellow anons when replying.
Anyways, thanks for taking the time to help. 👍
Yeah you can only downvote a post with community styling off, however I would be more worried about the replies etc not being let through. My guess is maybe its the filter taking a few and maybe not seeing it?
Here Steve Turley explains what actually happened with Russia, Ukraine, and the Minsk accords. Russia did not invade Ukraine. I like Steve Turley a lot of the time and he explains what's going on really well.
Yeah I think Dave did a great job explaining too
I haven't listened to Dave in a while I need to start again.
Yeah he is solid.
Very nice work, fren. I don't know how I missed these the first time around. Could be the time of day, like Popcorn mentioned. Feel free to tag me in your posts as I like to read real research (as opposed to GWP reposts.) Thanks for your effort!
The time of day really makes a difference, just saying.
Our border is still wide open & fentenal is still coming across it. I lost my 40 yr old step daughter yesterday from fentenal. How many more have to die ?
Yup, it's true.....
Lots of people following the Globohomos.....
Don't worry. In two weeks Truth Social will be released for Android or PC and then there will be nothing but circle jerk posts about that here.