As a vegetable farmer who grows organic but isn't certified out of spite for the state who's main customer base is super left and anti-gmo, it's going to be a very hard year of not asking all these covidiots how the non-gmo diet is going now that they injected some into their bodies directly.
Every single day I thank God for giving me the strength to risk my career and not get that damn injection. Thank you lord for the strength you give me and thank you for allowing me to keep providing for my family.
Of course, it’s not about IF you got Covid or not, it’s a matter of if your body was able to handle the onslaught. You were most likely already exposed to it, but you were able to overcome..
However, when the virus overcomes your system, your immune system will ratchet things up and go into overdrive.
honestly fucking terrible. Everyone I deeply care about is vaccinated and I feel like i’m going to watch the negatives play out in them and I can only pray that it doesn’t. I tried to tell them.
Not like me getting vaccinated could have helped, but there is an odd guilt I feel literally not being in the same boat. After this fiasco Im not likely to trust anything for a long time and am I happy I held this tyranny off.
Fuck it’s really one of the biggest crimes against humanity ever to unfold
Killing cops, pedestrians, and hookers in gta was great fun in my youth, never had the desire to actually end human-being's lives though. Tf is wrong with demons?
I’m 20 weeks pregnant, spent 10 days in the ICU with COVID pneumonia and pulmonary embolism. Was treated with remdesivir for 5 days, was on oxygen (no vent), and steroids IV. Made a complete and swift recovery and baby is fine. So thankful I am still unvaxxed. I’d go through that 10 more times just to protect my genes and baby’s!
So basically the zombie apocalypse is still on the cards.
Mixed metaphor, but basically I assume so. I also assume William Fence wasn't joking when he promised "another pandemic".
William fence = bill gates ?? Lol
That is hilarious. Wow.
Im dying over here at William Fence!
chambers a 12 gauge shell in my Mossberg
Zombie apocalypse you say?
/me Orders more Homeland Security Zombie targets off FedBizzOps
pure blood checking in, still a frog.
*user name checks out👍
As a vegetable farmer who grows organic but isn't certified out of spite for the state who's main customer base is super left and anti-gmo, it's going to be a very hard year of not asking all these covidiots how the non-gmo diet is going now that they injected some into their bodies directly.
The bloody irony right?
Ask them anyway. The mental gymnastics will be fun to watch.
Every single day I thank God for giving me the strength to risk my career and not get that damn injection. Thank you lord for the strength you give me and thank you for allowing me to keep providing for my family.
Also…not getting ANY vaccines ever again in my life.
Not getting any vaccines, not trusting MSM and politicians ever again.
Yep, same. This clusterfuck has opened my eyes.
Haven't got covid yet, what's wrong with me?!
Have you tried wearing a mask? That might speed things up :)
Dang, I'll try that!
You've not had a cold in 2 years? If you have, that was probably it.
Do sniffles count?
Of course.
The actual SAR2-COV2 virus does not contain mRNA that alters your DNA.
Of course, it’s not about IF you got Covid or not, it’s a matter of if your body was able to handle the onslaught. You were most likely already exposed to it, but you were able to overcome..
However, when the virus overcomes your system, your immune system will ratchet things up and go into overdrive.
I would guess so.
honestly fucking terrible. Everyone I deeply care about is vaccinated and I feel like i’m going to watch the negatives play out in them and I can only pray that it doesn’t. I tried to tell them.
Not like me getting vaccinated could have helped, but there is an odd guilt I feel literally not being in the same boat. After this fiasco Im not likely to trust anything for a long time and am I happy I held this tyranny off.
Fuck it’s really one of the biggest crimes against humanity ever to unfold
I agree. I don't feel good about knowing much of my family has at least the first two shots.
My parents and my brother did not get the vaccine, but my wife and MIL did.
My MIL is fully boosted and had to have heart surgery after the booster, but unable to put 2 and 2 together due to a steady diet of CNN.
I don't feel guilty, though. Just a mixture of sad, angry, and disappointed.
I can't celebrate either. When I hear that someone otherwise healthy has died, the first thing I think is that it was the vax.
Even in my sadness I'm determined not to have survivor's guilt. Vax injury and death was totally avoidable, especially by those who were warned.
I'm cozy AF!
'6' hours you say? that evil 6 number again
2020 normies: haha You're a conspiracy theorist!
2023: "Dear Lord, can ya feel me? Stress gettin major! Lord be my Savior!"
Nothing will get you to fear God and ask for help faster than the realization that you may be a goner.
Feeling pure and... slightly righteously indignated; other than that, totally healthy. And me fams :). Cheers Pures!
The actual Swedish study was in vitro so use caution.
“In this study, we present evidence that COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2 is able to enter the human liver cell line Huh7 in vitro.”
Pureblood here .... wife too! Both doing great:) Playing Days Gone now .... 892 Days Gone;) Love to all you pedes!!
Killing cops, pedestrians, and hookers in gta was great fun in my youth, never had the desire to actually end human-being's lives though. Tf is wrong with demons?
I’m 20 weeks pregnant, spent 10 days in the ICU with COVID pneumonia and pulmonary embolism. Was treated with remdesivir for 5 days, was on oxygen (no vent), and steroids IV. Made a complete and swift recovery and baby is fine. So thankful I am still unvaxxed. I’d go through that 10 more times just to protect my genes and baby’s!