I bet the MSM will claim they are the smoke trails of all the Russian Rockets fired at widowed Ukranian mothers and their infant children... (end sarcasm font)
Contrails go away. We can see the end of them behind the plane. I can't believe the disagreements I get into with people. As a trucker I can tell where the storms will be. Kind of a game the wife and I play.
I remember watching actual contrails as a kid. We never saw the lingering type. Now it is rare to see an actual contrail.
Trumps first year in office they stopped in my area. Saw contrails and it gave me a nostalgic feeling. We had a springtime that lasted before the heat of the summer hit and the clouds actually looked different.
I don’t claim to know what is in those chemtrails but they are certainly different than what I saw as a kid.
After a sick dump across my sky’s, we always have some sort of weathering. It’s been a lifelong joke that Missouri weather is sketchy AF, but maybe it’s because in the increase of how often it’s deployed.
Been trying to redpill normies with that observation here in NC for years. Wow, look at all the cloud seeding, it's sure going to rain hard tomorrow! What a strong storm, sure explains all the cloud seeding trails yesterday! Oh, don't you know? Look up the programs if you care, they've been making weather for years and years; seems like there's stuff in there that hasn't been good for the bees, though, and that's really sad.
Where I’m located in Missouri (KC) we currently have about 5+ inches of snow and it’s still coming down. 5 days from now it’s forecasted to be 72 and sunny.
I love where I live but wtf man? Lol
Harvesting the Texas Skies in 2020 - A Summary of Rain Enhancement Operations in Texas"
I use this as a simple one. It's from the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation website and even has a ".gov" address.
This is ironclad, irrefutable evidence.
Once you read this description (and there is a LOT more within the website, this is just a summary), if you look at the sky and see precisely this phenomena in practice, and then say "it's just water vapor", you are a moron. People are only ignorant when they see evidence and choose to ignore it. Until then, they are just uninformed. I assumed it was "just water vapor" until I started digging into all the wild nonsense we are told to believe.
"Each of the cloud seeding projects uses specially-equipped aircraft designed to place seeding materials (in the form of pyrotechnic devices, or flares, containing silver iodide and other compounds) into convective towers (turrets of growing thunderstorms) to induce them to expand and process more atmospheric water. The seeding is achieved by burning flares either mounted on the wings of single and twin-engine aircraft or held in racks, and dropped (ejected), from the underside of the aircraft fuselage. Pilots in the aircraft are directed to convective clouds believed by the meteorologist to be treatable with the seeding agent. Timing and targeting are the two critical factors in successful seeding of young thunderstorms. The concerted efforts of both pilot(s) and meteorologist are designed to give the growing cloud a “nudge” to enable it to be more efficient in the way it uses available cloud droplets to grow raindrops."
We have crazy floods all the time followed by extreme droughts. These idiots are ruining our world.
"The analysis of cloud-seeding operations conducted by these projects in 2019 showed that, on average, individual seeded thunderstorms lived 22 minutes longer (or 41 percent) than untreated storms in the vicinity and covered some 44 percent more area than the unseeded ones. Rain output from seeded storms, on average, was 24 percent more than that from nearby untreated storms. The total number (101 in all) of single, isolated thunderstorms that were seeded produced an estimated 101,031 acre-feet above and beyond what could have been expected without intervention. More complex thunderstorm clusters that were seeded were observed, by radar, to have yielded an estimated 956,657 additional acre-feet of rainwater. The cost to produce this additional rainwater was estimated at less than $11 an acre-foot."
Significantly longer, significantly, more severe storms, and yet "What is more, there is no evidence that seeding causes clouds to grow substantially taller and produce unwanted effects (such as damaging winds, hail, and flash floods)."https://www.tdlr.texas.gov/weather/weatherfaq.htm
Longer storms means flooding. Larger storms means flooding. And there is zero transparency or safety monitoring, not just for the weather produced (the climate is the long-term weather patterns that are constantly being screwed with, "climate change" is really just "climate manipulation"), but for the chemicals being used.
Between the silver iodide, aluminum oxide, and glyphosate, what chance does our planet's insect population have? Why do you think when you drive between big cities now, your car is no longer covered in dead bugs?
SAI stratospheric aerosol injection. Illegal under international law. So they didn't ask permission but did it covertly. They have some interesting uses when used in conjunction with ionospheric heaters like HAARP. They ended or were dramatically reduced following Trumps election in 2016. I've been grateful ever since. It made me really depressed when I couldn't see blue sky for what felt like decades. Here is a CIA fagot talking about them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vBhEDbIy7g
This thread is an example of our current education system. If you have lived near an airport, and or flown in a plane at a window seat, you can see the vapor forming off of wing tips of commercial planes. Its not hard guys.
Yes we do cloud seed for rain. No, contrails aint it.
It's not to prevent "global warming" either. These ass-hats know we are entering an inter-glacial cooling period. The particulates do enhance the conductivity of the atmosphere. Now why would that be important if you knew earth was getting ready for a magnetic reversal?
They breathe the same air we do. The deal with the same climate we do. If they were trying to poison us or burn us out, someone should inform them that they are harming themselves too.
Politicians probably made a quick photo op at the site, shook some hands, and generally left the site. The workers were in all the rubble for weeks and months, cleanup took quite a long while. It's very different being exposed to dangerous materials for a small amount of time vs months of working on the area. Cancer rates are generally some sort of chance that continues to increase the longer one is exposed to the harmful chemicals. Sometime who smokes for 30 years is much more likely to have lunch cancer than the person who smokes random weekends when they're drunk.
Vapor trails disappear immediately behind the plane. Depending on temp and humidity it can be several miles behind the plane. What we are talking about is a grid like in the picture that eventually forms this nasty haze as far as you can see. Lasts all day.
I didn't even know this was up for debate lol. People even here legitimately look up in the sky and assume that shit is contrails lol.
"Wow look how a blue sky turned into grey haze with 50 crossing lines. Definitely only contrails"
I bet the MSM will claim they are the smoke trails of all the Russian Rockets fired at widowed Ukranian mothers and their infant children... (end sarcasm font)
Contrails go away. We can see the end of them behind the plane. I can't believe the disagreements I get into with people. As a trucker I can tell where the storms will be. Kind of a game the wife and I play.
beat me to it
Dane Wigington
Most complete site I know, although Dr. Nick Begich, of Alaska, also has a lot of related info.
Here's a link to the website, for those who are having trouble with that link like I did.
You got them all. Nothing today here yet.
I remember watching actual contrails as a kid. We never saw the lingering type. Now it is rare to see an actual contrail.
Trumps first year in office they stopped in my area. Saw contrails and it gave me a nostalgic feeling. We had a springtime that lasted before the heat of the summer hit and the clouds actually looked different.
I don’t claim to know what is in those chemtrails but they are certainly different than what I saw as a kid.
Yea I don't think it's normal to think that shit above us is contrail lol
After a sick dump across my sky’s, we always have some sort of weathering. It’s been a lifelong joke that Missouri weather is sketchy AF, but maybe it’s because in the increase of how often it’s deployed.
Missourian checking in and I agree.
Been trying to redpill normies with that observation here in NC for years. Wow, look at all the cloud seeding, it's sure going to rain hard tomorrow! What a strong storm, sure explains all the cloud seeding trails yesterday! Oh, don't you know? Look up the programs if you care, they've been making weather for years and years; seems like there's stuff in there that hasn't been good for the bees, though, and that's really sad.
Where I’m located in Missouri (KC) we currently have about 5+ inches of snow and it’s still coming down. 5 days from now it’s forecasted to be 72 and sunny. I love where I live but wtf man? Lol
Where I live is supposed to get hit with 15-18 inches of snow this weekend and then be almost 60 on Tuesday lol
I've noticed the usually spray the day before it rains. 🤔
That looks like my sky with the squiggly lines! Pilots must be enjoying some really good marijuana!!
They're spraying natural cannabinoids for our freedom
I wish
"WEATHER MODIFICATION Harvesting the Texas Skies in 2020 - A Summary of Rain Enhancement Operations in Texas"
I use this as a simple one. It's from the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation website and even has a ".gov" address.
This is ironclad, irrefutable evidence.
Once you read this description (and there is a LOT more within the website, this is just a summary), if you look at the sky and see precisely this phenomena in practice, and then say "it's just water vapor", you are a moron. People are only ignorant when they see evidence and choose to ignore it. Until then, they are just uninformed. I assumed it was "just water vapor" until I started digging into all the wild nonsense we are told to believe.
"Each of the cloud seeding projects uses specially-equipped aircraft designed to place seeding materials (in the form of pyrotechnic devices, or flares, containing silver iodide and other compounds) into convective towers (turrets of growing thunderstorms) to induce them to expand and process more atmospheric water. The seeding is achieved by burning flares either mounted on the wings of single and twin-engine aircraft or held in racks, and dropped (ejected), from the underside of the aircraft fuselage. Pilots in the aircraft are directed to convective clouds believed by the meteorologist to be treatable with the seeding agent. Timing and targeting are the two critical factors in successful seeding of young thunderstorms. The concerted efforts of both pilot(s) and meteorologist are designed to give the growing cloud a “nudge” to enable it to be more efficient in the way it uses available cloud droplets to grow raindrops."
We have crazy floods all the time followed by extreme droughts. These idiots are ruining our world.
"The analysis of cloud-seeding operations conducted by these projects in 2019 showed that, on average, individual seeded thunderstorms lived 22 minutes longer (or 41 percent) than untreated storms in the vicinity and covered some 44 percent more area than the unseeded ones. Rain output from seeded storms, on average, was 24 percent more than that from nearby untreated storms. The total number (101 in all) of single, isolated thunderstorms that were seeded produced an estimated 101,031 acre-feet above and beyond what could have been expected without intervention. More complex thunderstorm clusters that were seeded were observed, by radar, to have yielded an estimated 956,657 additional acre-feet of rainwater. The cost to produce this additional rainwater was estimated at less than $11 an acre-foot."
Significantly longer, significantly, more severe storms, and yet "What is more, there is no evidence that seeding causes clouds to grow substantially taller and produce unwanted effects (such as damaging winds, hail, and flash floods)." https://www.tdlr.texas.gov/weather/weatherfaq.htm
Longer storms means flooding. Larger storms means flooding. And there is zero transparency or safety monitoring, not just for the weather produced (the climate is the long-term weather patterns that are constantly being screwed with, "climate change" is really just "climate manipulation"), but for the chemicals being used.
Between the silver iodide, aluminum oxide, and glyphosate, what chance does our planet's insect population have? Why do you think when you drive between big cities now, your car is no longer covered in dead bugs?
SAI stratospheric aerosol injection. Illegal under international law. So they didn't ask permission but did it covertly. They have some interesting uses when used in conjunction with ionospheric heaters like HAARP. They ended or were dramatically reduced following Trumps election in 2016. I've been grateful ever since. It made me really depressed when I couldn't see blue sky for what felt like decades. Here is a CIA fagot talking about them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vBhEDbIy7g
Possibly weather manipulation or attempted weather manipulation.
This thread is an example of our current education system. If you have lived near an airport, and or flown in a plane at a window seat, you can see the vapor forming off of wing tips of commercial planes. Its not hard guys.
Yes we do cloud seed for rain. No, contrails aint it.
Vapor formation and contrails are not what's being discussed here or ever when people discuss the topic of chemtrails.
What's discussed are 3 things:
The seemingly coordinated criss crossing patterns in conjunction with dispersed exhaust. Not to be confused with normal flight patterns.
The most important point, how the trail disperses into a haze that completely alters the both the color and appearance of the sun for an entire day.
this shit happens everywhere. There are pictures and videos of this over farmland and areas no where near airports
Now go back to pretending you've figured out why contrails turn blue clear skies into grey disgusting haze lmao
It's not to prevent "global warming" either. These ass-hats know we are entering an inter-glacial cooling period. The particulates do enhance the conductivity of the atmosphere. Now why would that be important if you knew earth was getting ready for a magnetic reversal?
They breathe the same air we do. The deal with the same climate we do. If they were trying to poison us or burn us out, someone should inform them that they are harming themselves too.
Unless they have the ANTIDOTE to what they POISON US with. Think
Exactly. Babies blood can’t be the only cure they drink.
I like Rudy though - should I not?? 👀
Politicians probably made a quick photo op at the site, shook some hands, and generally left the site. The workers were in all the rubble for weeks and months, cleanup took quite a long while. It's very different being exposed to dangerous materials for a small amount of time vs months of working on the area. Cancer rates are generally some sort of chance that continues to increase the longer one is exposed to the harmful chemicals. Sometime who smokes for 30 years is much more likely to have lunch cancer than the person who smokes random weekends when they're drunk.
Vapor trails disappear immediately behind the plane. Depending on temp and humidity it can be several miles behind the plane. What we are talking about is a grid like in the picture that eventually forms this nasty haze as far as you can see. Lasts all day.
Grew up near an ANG F-102 interceptor base. If conditions right it looked like a grid when they were doing maneuvers.