Trying to hurry up and get all the money they can before trying to flee the US when they realize they are about to be arrested and charged with crimes of against humanity & treason.
So is Biden a puppet or not? Is he controlled by Patriots or the Cabal? I'd Q just gonna give th Cabal another $50 billion to use against us and the world? Fun propaganda, terrorist activity, ISIS cells? What's going on, exactly?
Right now, he's being directly controlled by Obama and his goons. Jill mediates this and allows it. Joe, when he's lucid, knows it and allows it. Likely Joe had life-long fantasies of being President, so he agreed to allow himself to be used.
Of course, it goes higher than that. Who's running Hussein? Hussein gets some say in all of this, but ultimately, he was trained by the Saudis and owes some allegiance there, but he's more involved with WEF/Soros/Klaus Schwab types. For Obama, religion was always an excuse to justify his socialism, a moral foundation to assure himself that what he was doing was serving a "greater good." That conceit underpins a lot of how Leftist totalitarians think.
Biden's taking advantage of this war the way the powers that be usually do:
Distraction from domestic failures
Boost for his own poll numbers
Create excuses for massive gov't spending that no one dares question that end up being totally unaccountable slush funds the politicos dip into for all sorts of things
And of course to affect geopolitics in ways that further cement their own money and power using the US military as the threat to get what they want.
Here, Putin's been on their bad side for a long time. He's got a central bank they don't control. He's refused to sell his country's sovereignty and allow his people to be corrupted. When he finds corrupt people in Russia, they're taken out quickly and efficiently before they can do damage. Putin's a guy they can't dominate, so naturally, they want to dominate him.
And of course, we've got the biolabs. Putin knows everything. When he put the "nukes" on highest alert, he meant he was going to tell the world about the biolabs. Expect more data to come out on this. Putin plays chess better than puppets.
What happens when the cabal falls? Where does their money go? Is it possible that their ill gotten funds could be returned to the nations that it belongs to? Is it possible this is already happening?
There is always more than one objective in what they do. The ultimate goal is to crash the economy and bankrupt the US. That is why they pass bills with increasingly more insane amounts of money (all borrowed from the fed). Then they can step in with their digital currency and new economic system, where you will own nothing. In the meantime, they pay cronies, provide kickbacks to “cooperative” politicians, fund destabilizing groups like Antifa, finance color revolutions, pay for things like biolabs, and enrich the banking cartel.
Where exactly will this money be going?
I think we all know it's the big circle jerk. Stealing money from us to pay themselves and their cronies.
Normies don't know though.
Trying to hurry up and get all the money they can before trying to flee the US when they realize they are about to be arrested and charged with crimes of against humanity & treason.
I wonder if they already know or have been served their indictments. I would like to see just one small glimmer of hope.
So is Biden a puppet or not? Is he controlled by Patriots or the Cabal? I'd Q just gonna give th Cabal another $50 billion to use against us and the world? Fun propaganda, terrorist activity, ISIS cells? What's going on, exactly?
Yes, he's a puppet.
Right now, he's being directly controlled by Obama and his goons. Jill mediates this and allows it. Joe, when he's lucid, knows it and allows it. Likely Joe had life-long fantasies of being President, so he agreed to allow himself to be used.
Of course, it goes higher than that. Who's running Hussein? Hussein gets some say in all of this, but ultimately, he was trained by the Saudis and owes some allegiance there, but he's more involved with WEF/Soros/Klaus Schwab types. For Obama, religion was always an excuse to justify his socialism, a moral foundation to assure himself that what he was doing was serving a "greater good." That conceit underpins a lot of how Leftist totalitarians think.
Biden's taking advantage of this war the way the powers that be usually do:
Here, Putin's been on their bad side for a long time. He's got a central bank they don't control. He's refused to sell his country's sovereignty and allow his people to be corrupted. When he finds corrupt people in Russia, they're taken out quickly and efficiently before they can do damage. Putin's a guy they can't dominate, so naturally, they want to dominate him.
And of course, we've got the biolabs. Putin knows everything. When he put the "nukes" on highest alert, he meant he was going to tell the world about the biolabs. Expect more data to come out on this. Putin plays chess better than puppets.
What happens when the cabal falls? Where does their money go? Is it possible that their ill gotten funds could be returned to the nations that it belongs to? Is it possible this is already happening?
Anything is possible I guess, but the way things are going it seems like the dollar is going to collapse with the cabal, or neither.
Dude its babylon bullshit fiat, once the gold standard comes those billions will be worthless.
Right into the pocket of the DNC.
Don't forget the RNC as well!!
Whores were never known for their honesty, or accounting skills.
Our VP is not an exception.
I know she was skilled at accepting deposits
And she always got paid first….ba doom hissss!
Hey ooohhhhh! Bazinga!
There is always more than one objective in what they do. The ultimate goal is to crash the economy and bankrupt the US. That is why they pass bills with increasingly more insane amounts of money (all borrowed from the fed). Then they can step in with their digital currency and new economic system, where you will own nothing. In the meantime, they pay cronies, provide kickbacks to “cooperative” politicians, fund destabilizing groups like Antifa, finance color revolutions, pay for things like biolabs, and enrich the banking cartel.