Does merely receiving a piece of paper from a university make you intelligent and wise. I don't think so. It makes you knowledgeable in what you were taught from youth all the way through university. This is the state of the education system now.
I'm not saying I know more about hiring than you, as I've never done it and you have. But wouldn't emphasizing 4-year + work experience over a degree rob others of the opportunity you were given in your first year of experience fresh out of education? I'm sure I'm missing something, just figured I'd pick your brain.
When I finished engineering and started my first job, that was the point where I realized that even with all the education that I was still bordering on clueless beyond the basic grasp of the workflow.
It really took about 2 years of work experience to develop a level of confidence and it was around 5 years of experience that I realized that I had developed an expertise in the field by having my estimation with basic information proved correct after thorough calculation.
This is an accurate statement that I would like to expand. It's not just a function of WHERE, but also WHEN. Allow me to elaborate:
SITUATION 1: I earned my MBA from a 'brick and mortar' institution in 2002. In the first three weeks I was having difficulty with some stats material. I approached the professor WHO WAS A FRIEND OF MINE - Golfing buddy. His response: "McDonalds is always hiring". I was like ... what the fuck bro...I need some guidance. He explained, "This graduate school is for people who make their own guidance and dig deep to find the answers themselves". That fucked me up. Our attrition rate for the first semester was like 65%. If you made it to the CAPSTONE side of the curriculum (back half) you got treated like an equal with respect ... until that time, you were a piece of shit lower life form trying to gain access to a very exclusive club. It was hard as hell and fucking awesome. You had to learn that shit like you invented the ideas or you would never pass the boards.
SITUATION 2: In 2012 I got a Masters in HR. It was still brick and mortar with a dash of online. It was fucking pathetic. Half the classes were 'show-up, participate, and pass'. Touchy feely bullshit mostly. The law classes were kick ass but the rest - lame. I proof read several papers for classmates ... how the fuck those leptons got past high school was beyond me. No one ever explained apparently, you don't write like you speak. Graduate level courses, and half those cats had a 6th grade writing level at best.
Yes, "when" is also a large factor in this. I received my engineering degree in the mid 90s and I wonder if even a degree such as that is worth anything anymore.
I find it ironic, the sheep being led by their tv calling out others intelligence. This is why when this is all over I will have zero issue rubbing their nose in it. The retards have earned it.
I don't have a degree, but I have been educating myself for almost 50 years. So I am educated, I understand the scientific method, and I check references. It turns out that Chryslin888's "facts" are not really facts. I think he/she/it is very dense.
In my opinion, you don't need a degree from an indoctrination institution to tell you: "you're smart." Why spend so much money somewhere, when you can learn the same thing at your own pace at MUCH less the cost? Most people spend their whole lives trying to pay off that debt, look at how easy it was for the medical industry to control Doctors. To make them disobey and break their oath and engage in multiple human rights violations, just because they could lose their job and that debt will swallow them whole.
I didn't finish college, but I left with just a small debt of $2,500 at 3%. Easy to pay off. I worked for 30 years at various jobs, learning everything I could everywhere, and then I quit while I was still young. (I should have saved up more money.)
I read every day. I research online every day. I download and save stuff every day. I just put some more meat in the freezer today. I taught myself everything I know about computers. I built my own computer and have a number of websites.
One problem I have, besides Asperger's, is that my IQ is extremely high. This means almost everyone I see is incredibly stupid. It's hard to believe sometimes. It's also hard for me to keep quiet about it. :)
Where was this posted? I'd be curious to hear the arguments of those who think we're up in the night on this. I'm guessing I already know what they are:
This is what the Nazis claimed about Jews so it can't be true because Nazis bad
Pizzagate was debunked, cause someone said it was debunked, so there
Drinking blood? Eating babies? That sounds so crazy so obviously it's false
Q is a larp or a CIA psyop to placate the masses to ensure the NWO. Either way, Q researchers and and enthusiasts are being played.
The correlation between understanding the scientific method and education is a false premise.
Critical thinking emerges as a function of necessity for most people.
I have "met" more brilliant people here on GAW than I did in pursuit of my BS, MS, or Phd. Some managed to preserve their intelligence on their path to a degree, others developed their critical thinking skills using other methods.
A commitment to truth facilitates logical thinking. A commitment to truth derives from (in most cases) a strong moral compass. Unfortunately, both have been disappearing from college campuses for 4 or 5 decades.
I see a similar thing having worked in IT Security for over 20 years and having a mind for pattern recognition and risk analysis.
Most people can't even grasp the concepts I work with, let alone the details, yet they still feel comfortable labelling me an idiot.
For some reason they get upset when I just laugh at them though, almost as if they know I'm right and are just trying to put me down because they can't handle the truth.
Iām retired after 42 years in IT, the last 15 in network security. My wife and adult daughter think Iām an idiot despite a bachelors degree and probably close to $100k in vendor training and certifications.
Your BA isn't what makes you intelligent. Why doo people think their formal deep state education is their identification and validation of intelligence?
Everyone I know against the truth has some degree or other. Consider yourself lucky you saw it at all despite your BA.
Working toward MBA, been in management from starting out retail to moving up into more administrative jobs, been reading / watching finance, economics, sales strategy everything involved regarding business from hospitality to accounting since I was 16 probably - have credentials and experience, real records of using models predicting behavioral and sales patterns to mitigate extreme losses of revenue as we've gone through the "pandemic".
Didn't get jabbed though so you know- I'm a fucking dumbass retard conspiracy theorist and have to navigate the fully vaxxed clients, peers, and superiority carefully lest they lose all faith in my ability because I didn't get injected.
Feels good to be in the club.
It's OK though because I'm approaching fuck you money soon, assuming dollars continue to exist.....
Its funny. Looking at college exit polls of wbat graduates find to be most important in their career. Something like 80% put empathy at #1 and almost the same number put intellect last at #10
Yet they think they are the smart ones. They dont value intellect but at the same time want to believe they are the edjucated ones.
In a way they are right. They are all edjucated. Just not edjucated with truth and done so by people who also have an agenda.
I've found that those liberals who claim to value empathy are some of the meanest people you will ever meet (which makes them abysmal in customer service jobs).
It's crazy how quickly they reach for the "ur 2 dum" argument when any real prodding and they demonstrate their lack of knowledge on a subject.
Went through similar frustration after 9-11, at that point, it was always "Oh, so you're smarter than all the master engineers at NIST?" to which I would always respond, "No, but I know enough physics to know that they knew they were lying." (and have stepped through how they fabricated their lie in such a way that most experts in an area would focus on the topic of their expertise and be satisfied).
This was an influencing factor in why I later decided to become an engineer (the larger factor being my soon to be wife's pushing that "you're smart enough and I don't want your body broken by the time you're 50"). Meanwhile, ALL the "dumb" construction workers I would talk about 9-11 with unanimously from their own perspectives could elaborate why the collapse could not have happened with the explanation provided.
Most of them really do believe that education = intelligence, and so because they have the alphabet soup after their names is like little gold star bonuses. Which is funny because I had started looking into getting some of those certifications to realize how little significance they actually hold.
I remember once on a job where the engineer on site would be informed about an issue with the plans and he would instantly start tapping that pinkie ring on the desk to say "I'm the smart one here." While a contractor was trying to explain the issue, I know a couple others brought it up and same response. 6 months and ~1 million dollars later the machine arrives. Not only was the concrete pad it was supposed to sit on too small, it didn't even fit in the room built to hold it.
Anyway, those smug pseudo-intellectuals are probably among the last group to ever accept that their whole world view was wrong.
I've no degree at all. Just tons of real experi3nce in the military and law enforcement. I had no problem seeing because I don't have to break the brainwashing higher education puts in people. Hard sciences good. The rest of university curriculum is to enslave you.
It's fascinating to see. I work on delivering the "training and learning" for people through written and video format. Since waking up, I've realized that I'm in a great position to help undo our lifetime of indoctrination.
Does merely receiving a piece of paper from a university make you intelligent and wise. I don't think so. It makes you knowledgeable in what you were taught from youth all the way through university. This is the state of the education system now.
I'm not saying I know more about hiring than you, as I've never done it and you have. But wouldn't emphasizing 4-year + work experience over a degree rob others of the opportunity you were given in your first year of experience fresh out of education? I'm sure I'm missing something, just figured I'd pick your brain.
amen brother
When I finished engineering and started my first job, that was the point where I realized that even with all the education that I was still bordering on clueless beyond the basic grasp of the workflow.
It really took about 2 years of work experience to develop a level of confidence and it was around 5 years of experience that I realized that I had developed an expertise in the field by having my estimation with basic information proved correct after thorough calculation.
Woe to those dumb enough to believe a 'formal education' in any way relates to actual knowledge, wisdom or even actual education.
Most college degrees don't actually provide anything useful beyond a piece of paper and an inflated sense of self-worth.
This is an accurate statement that I would like to expand. It's not just a function of WHERE, but also WHEN. Allow me to elaborate:
SITUATION 1: I earned my MBA from a 'brick and mortar' institution in 2002. In the first three weeks I was having difficulty with some stats material. I approached the professor WHO WAS A FRIEND OF MINE - Golfing buddy. His response: "McDonalds is always hiring". I was like ... what the fuck bro...I need some guidance. He explained, "This graduate school is for people who make their own guidance and dig deep to find the answers themselves". That fucked me up. Our attrition rate for the first semester was like 65%. If you made it to the CAPSTONE side of the curriculum (back half) you got treated like an equal with respect ... until that time, you were a piece of shit lower life form trying to gain access to a very exclusive club. It was hard as hell and fucking awesome. You had to learn that shit like you invented the ideas or you would never pass the boards.
SITUATION 2: In 2012 I got a Masters in HR. It was still brick and mortar with a dash of online. It was fucking pathetic. Half the classes were 'show-up, participate, and pass'. Touchy feely bullshit mostly. The law classes were kick ass but the rest - lame. I proof read several papers for classmates ... how the fuck those leptons got past high school was beyond me. No one ever explained apparently, you don't write like you speak. Graduate level courses, and half those cats had a 6th grade writing level at best.
Yes, "when" is also a large factor in this. I received my engineering degree in the mid 90s and I wonder if even a degree such as that is worth anything anymore.
People who understand the scientific method didnāt fall for the covid hysteria lol
I forgot the part of the scientific method where the science is always right and any questioning ever is frowned upon and wrong
I find it ironic, the sheep being led by their tv calling out others intelligence. This is why when this is all over I will have zero issue rubbing their nose in it. The retards have earned it.
Yeah, especially the willfully ignorant who will not change the channel from CNN.
I don't have a degree, but I have been educating myself for almost 50 years. So I am educated, I understand the scientific method, and I check references. It turns out that Chryslin888's "facts" are not really facts. I think he/she/it is very dense.
In my opinion, you don't need a degree from an indoctrination institution to tell you: "you're smart." Why spend so much money somewhere, when you can learn the same thing at your own pace at MUCH less the cost? Most people spend their whole lives trying to pay off that debt, look at how easy it was for the medical industry to control Doctors. To make them disobey and break their oath and engage in multiple human rights violations, just because they could lose their job and that debt will swallow them whole.
I didn't finish college, but I left with just a small debt of $2,500 at 3%. Easy to pay off. I worked for 30 years at various jobs, learning everything I could everywhere, and then I quit while I was still young. (I should have saved up more money.)
I read every day. I research online every day. I download and save stuff every day. I just put some more meat in the freezer today. I taught myself everything I know about computers. I built my own computer and have a number of websites.
One problem I have, besides Asperger's, is that my IQ is extremely high. This means almost everyone I see is incredibly stupid. It's hard to believe sometimes. It's also hard for me to keep quiet about it. :)
They've been taught WHAT to think in school, not HOW. They've been told ad nauseum that they are smart, they matter and anyone who disagrees is wrong.
They have no need to think for themselves, because they have been told what to believe and to follow without questioning.
Where was this posted? I'd be curious to hear the arguments of those who think we're up in the night on this. I'm guessing I already know what they are:
Well, sweetheart, it works like this.
You're an idiot.
Once you grasp that actual true fact, the rest will slooooowwwwwly start to make sense for you.
This deep fake has 70 years of brain washing Russia bad. Unlearned for morons is slow.
The correlation between understanding the scientific method and education is a false premise.
Critical thinking emerges as a function of necessity for most people.
I have "met" more brilliant people here on GAW than I did in pursuit of my BS, MS, or Phd. Some managed to preserve their intelligence on their path to a degree, others developed their critical thinking skills using other methods.
A commitment to truth facilitates logical thinking. A commitment to truth derives from (in most cases) a strong moral compass. Unfortunately, both have been disappearing from college campuses for 4 or 5 decades.
Just a thought, Chryslin888 -- perhaps you are the one who is uneducated.
Just throwing this out there 'n all... š
I see a similar thing having worked in IT Security for over 20 years and having a mind for pattern recognition and risk analysis.
Most people can't even grasp the concepts I work with, let alone the details, yet they still feel comfortable labelling me an idiot.
For some reason they get upset when I just laugh at them though, almost as if they know I'm right and are just trying to put me down because they can't handle the truth.
Iām retired after 42 years in IT, the last 15 in network security. My wife and adult daughter think Iām an idiot despite a bachelors degree and probably close to $100k in vendor training and certifications.
Your BA isn't what makes you intelligent. Why doo people think their formal deep state education is their identification and validation of intelligence?
Everyone I know against the truth has some degree or other. Consider yourself lucky you saw it at all despite your BA.
Fortunately, I got my education before it became indoctrination. I was also inoculated against propaganda in 1967 or 1968 by an excellent teacher.
It's a very weird thing
Working toward MBA, been in management from starting out retail to moving up into more administrative jobs, been reading / watching finance, economics, sales strategy everything involved regarding business from hospitality to accounting since I was 16 probably - have credentials and experience, real records of using models predicting behavioral and sales patterns to mitigate extreme losses of revenue as we've gone through the "pandemic".
Didn't get jabbed though so you know- I'm a fucking dumbass retard conspiracy theorist and have to navigate the fully vaxxed clients, peers, and superiority carefully lest they lose all faith in my ability because I didn't get injected.
Feels good to be in the club.
It's OK though because I'm approaching fuck you money soon, assuming dollars continue to exist.....
Try being a physician who speaks out and has refused the jab.....Iām definitely the crazy conspiracy theorist to all of those who are indoctrinated.
Its funny. Looking at college exit polls of wbat graduates find to be most important in their career. Something like 80% put empathy at #1 and almost the same number put intellect last at #10
Yet they think they are the smart ones. They dont value intellect but at the same time want to believe they are the edjucated ones.
In a way they are right. They are all edjucated. Just not edjucated with truth and done so by people who also have an agenda.
I've found that those liberals who claim to value empathy are some of the meanest people you will ever meet (which makes them abysmal in customer service jobs).
It's crazy how quickly they reach for the "ur 2 dum" argument when any real prodding and they demonstrate their lack of knowledge on a subject.
Went through similar frustration after 9-11, at that point, it was always "Oh, so you're smarter than all the master engineers at NIST?" to which I would always respond, "No, but I know enough physics to know that they knew they were lying." (and have stepped through how they fabricated their lie in such a way that most experts in an area would focus on the topic of their expertise and be satisfied).
This was an influencing factor in why I later decided to become an engineer (the larger factor being my soon to be wife's pushing that "you're smart enough and I don't want your body broken by the time you're 50"). Meanwhile, ALL the "dumb" construction workers I would talk about 9-11 with unanimously from their own perspectives could elaborate why the collapse could not have happened with the explanation provided.
Most of them really do believe that education = intelligence, and so because they have the alphabet soup after their names is like little gold star bonuses. Which is funny because I had started looking into getting some of those certifications to realize how little significance they actually hold.
I remember once on a job where the engineer on site would be informed about an issue with the plans and he would instantly start tapping that pinkie ring on the desk to say "I'm the smart one here." While a contractor was trying to explain the issue, I know a couple others brought it up and same response. 6 months and ~1 million dollars later the machine arrives. Not only was the concrete pad it was supposed to sit on too small, it didn't even fit in the room built to hold it.
Anyway, those smug pseudo-intellectuals are probably among the last group to ever accept that their whole world view was wrong.
I've no degree at all. Just tons of real experi3nce in the military and law enforcement. I had no problem seeing because I don't have to break the brainwashing higher education puts in people. Hard sciences good. The rest of university curriculum is to enslave you.
It's fascinating to see. I work on delivering the "training and learning" for people through written and video format. Since waking up, I've realized that I'm in a great position to help undo our lifetime of indoctrination.