It seems like just enough Democrats cross the aisle when certain horrible bills get voted on. Just like the RINOs under Trump, when something the party wants is about to get passed, just enough cross the aisle for whatever reason and vote no. The media blames Republicans for not "playing fair" (not giving them what they want) and ignores the Dems who flipped.
So I'm expecting to see her get confirmed, but it wouldn't surprise me if the Democrats/Deep State for whatever reason decide to keep the circus going.
I have to agree with you. The commies say the dumbest things, but they have no embarrassment for saying them--because they are martyrs for their party (the party thinks of them as heroes). Sad, as we are being crushed by these (people we think are idiots) ideolog communists and we, the American people, have to pay the dearest of all prices--FREEDOM and LIVES.
Dems don't care how stupid they look. (are). Hank Johnson is still a member of congress after voicing his concern that Guam might tip over.
Interestingly, I looked at his record to see what committees he is currently assigned to and peeked at his voting record. Check out this recent bill that has taken up tax dollars and work hours. Who says our reps aren't hard at work?
He didn't look "under duress." He was asking questions of a military guy during a hearing. You should have seen the guy trying to answer without laughing.
Mechanic: "It looks like you didn't push your dinglebop through a grumbo so your fleeb filled up with its own juice, and now your plumbus is malfunctioning."
This is the most entertaining confirmation hearing ever. Just hope hope hope she doesn't get in.
Unfortunately, the libtards have the votes themselves.
It seems like just enough Democrats cross the aisle when certain horrible bills get voted on. Just like the RINOs under Trump, when something the party wants is about to get passed, just enough cross the aisle for whatever reason and vote no. The media blames Republicans for not "playing fair" (not giving them what they want) and ignores the Dems who flipped.
So I'm expecting to see her get confirmed, but it wouldn't surprise me if the Democrats/Deep State for whatever reason decide to keep the circus going.
It's not about who votes but who counts and whether the votes count
It depends on what your definition of "she" is. LOL
I can't define it, not being a biologist.
That is actually an old Mechanic joke.
I have to agree with you. The commies say the dumbest things, but they have no embarrassment for saying them--because they are martyrs for their party (the party thinks of them as heroes). Sad, as we are being crushed by these (people we think are idiots) ideolog communists and we, the American people, have to pay the dearest of all prices--FREEDOM and LIVES.
The dumber you are, the more likely you have no idea how dumb you are.
Dems don't care how stupid they look. (are). Hank Johnson is still a member of congress after voicing his concern that Guam might tip over.
Interestingly, I looked at his record to see what committees he is currently assigned to and peeked at his voting record. Check out this recent bill that has taken up tax dollars and work hours. Who says our reps aren't hard at work?
Gees. Did VF have a 14 year old girl write that?
If they published that today it would be labeled hair of privilege.
Ha, that really is a burning issue. Guam tipping over was epic.
No one is stupid enough to think an island would tip over. He either said that under duress or it was comms.
He didn't look "under duress." He was asking questions of a military guy during a hearing. You should have seen the guy trying to answer without laughing.
meme her till she cries, then meme about her crying
Mechanic: "It looks like you didn't push your dinglebop through a grumbo so your fleeb filled up with its own juice, and now your plumbus is malfunctioning."
Need a meme with all the "African Americans" behind the couch with her sitting in front. Each with a label, like, biologist, mechanic, doctor, etc.
but they are all congressional leaders and also big mike
Bill Engvall needs to give her a "stupid" sign.
"Here's your sign."
Ok ok. What happened?
She thought she was being cute and esoteric but just came off stupid and retarded
Willfully ignorant or can fix stupid