The troops did not seem to excited to see Biden. They pretty much ignored him unless he was right in their face. Very different from when President Trump was with troops.
Yeah I caught that, when I was in the military we would have laughed at the same in house joke! The troops sat around had zero respect for the resident potato.
haha I thought the same thing! And he's got his shirt unbuttoned at least one button too low, trying to be "cool guy". It's like some zombie Bee Gees throwback.
Oh fuck, that was such a cringe moment. Imagine being such an out-of-touch fool that you think saying you carry condiments around in your purse is going to make you relatable and likeable.
The troops did not seem to excited to see Biden. They pretty much ignored him unless he was right in their face. Very different from when President Trump was with troops.
"We got pizza, here you go!"
As the whole room laughs!
Military planning at its finest?
Yeah I caught that, when I was in the military we would have laughed at the same in house joke! The troops sat around had zero respect for the resident potato.
Notice they handed him an open cup to drink from? Would SS allow that?
Very astute observation
isn't it hilarious this retard wears his mask on Air-Farce-One but then in a crowded ass to elbows lunch hall he is mask free??? what a clown.
haha I thought the same thing! And he's got his shirt unbuttoned at least one button too low, trying to be "cool guy". It's like some zombie Bee Gees throwback.
I see zero enthusiasm amongst the servicemen. Eye daggers
The soldiers, you can see it in their faces, they wanted to laugh at him so bad. Props to them for keeping themselves professional.
"a big fat shot in the ass" and jalapenos probably do not mix well
Dr. Jill's gonna need some extra wipes and depends after that...oh boy💩💩💩
You can tell that nobody there likes that piece of shit.
Well, now we know that cracker don't carry hot sauce in his purse, like Hillary.
Oh fuck, that was such a cringe moment. Imagine being such an out-of-touch fool that you think saying you carry condiments around in your purse is going to make you relatable and likeable.
It was coms. The hot sauce was actually a packet of pizza spice and the company's website was pedo symbols galore
I feel bad for whoever has Presidential Diaper Duty tonight.
What a pussy! And they were probably mild picked jalapeños🤣🤣!
Stupid ashole he should’ve died
Direct and to the point, I love it.
Trinidad Scorpion peppered pizza for that pedo, next time
Omfg I'm dead.
The soldier staring intently and watch for signs of PAIN
"Please let this dumb old fuck pick the jalepeno pizza... oh SHIT yes here he goes!"
How many pizzas does a pedo pick if a pedo could pick pizza?🍕🦫
Nothing instills confidence to the troops like choking and crying over HOLLA penas
Poor bastards having to deal with that pedo. Share good pizza with him. Biden gets better than what he deserves.
That diaper is FULL
And the butt has been wiped!
Jeez what a weak and pathetic pussy that guy is.....cant imagine more than a couple guys in that room supporting him.....
Putin must be laughing his ass off..... cadaver can't even eat a slice of pizza.... Kudos to whoever gave him pie with Jalapenos on it!!!!!!!
Oh my gosh. He is pathetic.
Not enough walnut sauce!
The soldier with 🤡iden has a name badge that says LIBRO, Spanish for book. Throw the book at him!
Troops seem amused at the display of a walking, talking sack of shit in their midst.
They all have a look on their face like "Can you believe this bullshit??"
Comet pizza and atomic peppers
Trump would have pushed that pizza outta there and said, “WHERE’S THE ALL MEAT PIZZA? GET THESE GUYS ALL MEAT PIZZA’S!”