It just dawned on me while I was waiting my turn at Costco to buy gasoline. Everybody around me in their cars were looking at their cell phones. In fact, whenever I'm at a location around other people who are waiting for something, they're ALL looking at their cell phones. I don't know whether it's some kind of background content on the cell phones, or whether it's the electromagnetic waves from the cell towers. I know this sounds conspiracy'ish, but I really do believe the media and the cell service companies are pushing these devices for more reasons other than just making money.
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Back in the 50's and 60's they regularly put subliminal messaging into kids cartoons about smoking cigarettes. Well known this was done.
The phones make you stupid. The phone takes away critical thinking, on your own. The phone removes the need for you to think for yourself. " just google it"
So, you google it , find the information you were looking for and now you're smart. Problem is, 90% of the time you're getting confirmation bias and not actual facts. It's so easy to flood the nets with "the right information" so people don't wake up or learn things on their own. I called this about the cell phones the day they started making it so you could get on the internet with them.
There is also something about the light that the phones give off that affect you mentally. We know if you're on your phone before bed, you might have problems sleeping. I'm sure there is something to this as well.
Quick example : When in Calgary I worked for a plastics moulding injection company. We made a product called "Lite book". It was just this 10 inch x 10 inch box that housed LED lights. The lights were of a frequency that, when turned on while flying, apparently reduced jet lag. We had to watch a promo thing from the Light Book company about how it worked, and how they figured out what frequency of light did what.
SIDE NOTE: Idk how many of you do this, but turn off your phone's WIFI / data before you go to bed. I started doing it about 2 years ago and I've definitely noticed a much more full night of sleep regularly. No random half waking up and struggling to get back to sleep. Try it.
It's generally known that the blue light emitted from monitors and phones causes your brain to stay active for longer.
Tv makes people dumb. No escaping it.
People are literally addicted to their phones. Social media and the msm are all deep state/CIA run. The addiction keeps you looking at it while they keep feeding you what they want you to believe. This whole Q movement is designed to counter it. To make people look outside what we have been fed.
Well just imagine how ridiculous people would look if they were reading Chaucer while pumping gas
I've always said it , there is no way there is this many stupid people, it's more than msm brainwashing it's some kind of high tech hypnotic something ,
I don't think it's emitting any kind of hypno-waves or some crap like that. It's just subtle suggestion. You see or hear something mildly offensive or appalling (or maybe it's something positive like boobies or David Hasslehoff in Baywatch) but you let it slide. And you do that repeatedly. Eventually you get to the point where that stuff doesn't bother you but something like loving Jesus is extremely offensive because the man in the box that you put all your trust and faith in said so. Kind of like magic, but much more boring.
There's also addiction components to it. Gaming companies are known to hire psychologists to make their crap "more engaging". So now MMOs are about dailies, weeklies and RNG loot because making good content is too hard/costly and mobile games keep you on an IV drip of dopamine with gambling nonsense. Social media seems to do something similar but for a negative response.
I don't fully understand how it all works, but I see enough to make some connections. They've been working on this for a loooonnnggg time. It's just psychology. See through them and shake it off.
Honestly I don't feel like throwing insults at these people is the way to go. View them more as bratty impressionable children with a very bad "friend" egging them on. When the Bible tells us to love everyone, even our enemies... it makes sense to me now. Q saying not all people are bad also makes sense. They're just..... well, you know. The thing.
Apparently it's the flicker hypnotised and contents are then absorbed with no critical thinking involved
And now I'm thinking of Tyler Durden in the editing booth🐸
It's all about the frequencies, Kenneth.
Cell phones, computers, and TV have all taken away the emotion of boredom. This may seem trivial, but boredom is one if the biggest motivational drivers. If you get bored, your mind will wander. Your mind will think, analyze, dive deep. If bored long enough, it will drive you to action. Action of talking to a stranger. Action of starting a new hobby.
Bored and Brilliant is an interesting book and the author has a Ted talk thar sums it up nicely. Boredom is an emotion many younger folks have literally never experienced. And an emotion other folks haven't experienced for a long time. This is what constant connection to screens is doing to us. We are outsourcing our thoughts and it causes us to do nothing.
You don’t actually need any kind of special electromagnetic trick to brainwash most people.
Most people are sheep and so all you do is repeat the same lies again again and they believe it.
Propaganda 24/7.
The Holy Spirit is impervious to hypnosis or mind control. So........if everyone around us is mind-controlled, what does that say about the Spiritual condition of (most) people?
Your phone and TV decide what you need to know. They deliver it on a silver platter. If you have a news app it decides what and when to tell you, its rare you search for yourself thee days.
Conservatives are probably researching, democrats are probably watching porn or finding the next Antifa or BLM rally. But in reality there is some basis for the phone being a Svengalli type appliance in your hand, but the average person is too stupid to understand that concept, so they really are not hypnotized. It is just a way to have immediate satisfaction at your fingertips. Basic American ingenuity at its finest, yet the pull to use it is tremendous. The need to have instantaneous info is is a basic instinct and everybody uses their phone for this purpose. Put simply, kinda nefarious, but more just humans being humans.
Q posts tell us exactly how is done. Research John Perry Barlow.
TV shows have gotten so extremely woke that it is ridiculous. Instead of a subtle gay man being super cool and mentally stable like in the old days they push every woke caricature out there in every episode.