This is the red line. This is the hill to die on. Do not interpret this as a call for violence, but what good was the Second Amendment ever for if you’re going to sit on your mountain of custom ARs while pedophiles ruin your flesh and blood right under your nose?
💡 Lets GLOOOoow! 💡

It's kind of weird statement. I think education has gone seriously wrong, and I think the pedophiles the schools are now hiring seems out of control. It has to be orchestrated.
However, back to Kumar's statement.
This sounds pretty violent to me.
So what is Kumar actually suggesting people do?
Wanting us to charge a hill but with him not taking any accountability for it.
Right. He’s a flamer
He didn't quite say that:
Fighting and war should be a last resort, when soap box, ballot box, and jury box do not work for the people any more..
We are rapidly approaching the correction of the ballot box problem, hopefully. The jury box was greatly helped by President Trump, however, there are still activist judges who believe the Constitution and Bill of Rights are out dated- KBJ is one of them.
It's almost time for the ammo box.
It seems like that last resort is coming to a head in America. These commies don't seem to understand what America is about and want us to be a 3rd world country. Isn't that SPECIAL? A war without a shot fired, doesn't seem like much of a war. The commie cities across America are having a war of their own with law abiding (maybe) citizens within their borders, and the violence is horrendous--especially after a weekend.
I think your omission of the words "willing to" drastically change the meaning of that phrase.
There's a pretty big step, arguably several, from willing to do something and actually doing it.
The imminent threat of violence is often much more effective than committing acts of violence when negotiating.
Yes and no. He's not advocating that people actually make those threats either. Because that would be illegal.
He's getting pretty glowfaggie. Try these first:
Run for your school board
Homeschool your kids
Run for city council
Run for any and all other applicable local offices
Become a teacher yourself
Unless they are coming into your home to force your kids into the school, save the violence for videogames.
Well, giving up all pursuits except saving and training your children will look like death for many.
Get your kids out of those hellholes. Then demand that your local government cut funding for those empty schools and cut your taxes accordingly. BTW, if you think your schools are okay because you're in a conservative area, you're deluding yourself to continue to keep your kids in hellholes.
Just as Biden is renewing his anti-gun agenda, this asshole is encouraging people to grab their AR's to kill pedo's.
This glows so hard.
Fuckin seriously. There are PLENTY of alternatives. This guy is acting as if the gestapo is forcing kids into the schools. Not even close. Trump was very clear: LEGAL AND PEACEFUL.
Are you able to run for the school board seats? Are you able to run for city council? Do you have the means to homeschool or online school your kids?
This dude is playing us all right now and sadly a lot in this comment section fell for it.
Pull all your children out of the public schools and most private schools. Shut down all public education! It is the only way. Public education can never be trusted.
"But but but... I'd have to get a smaller house and cheaper car!!!!! You want the impossible and I just can't."
-Do nothings who lurk in this group and call for violence and Anti-American control of others as the answer
You are so right.
You can't even get a cheaper house or apartment now. We've tried. Still going to homeschool though
Running in with your "custom AR-15" and shooting people up does not fix the problem, it only worsens it. This is exactly what the left wants they want some AR toting MAGA supporter shooting up people so they can use it as leverage. We're not going to do that and frankly this is a clown statement by Kumar. I will bet he's NOT willing to do what he's absolutely instigating.
Well said.
BBQ flavored confusion intensifies...
There’s BBQ flavor...and then there’s BBQ
this guys platform is too perfect. his campaign feels like an intelligence project. be careful who you follow.
We do need to be wary. The Democrat narrative is falling apart. Deep State's next move would be to sneak into MAGA.
Just like they did with the TEA party.
I think first defense is continued legal pressure.. as I described in another thread, this was the founding fathers' plan A. Vote the right people in power (start locally, work from the ground up, they can't rig them all).
Trump also said "Legal and peaceful". Shut down and hold in contempt any glowfag calling for violence. We're not anywhere close to that.
They are so desperate to create violence. Don't get suckered by these scumbags.
Notice they are never leading the charge, but always asking why you aren't.
It is the last resort for when there is no plan. Q gave us the plan years ago. I feel the wait is nearly over..
This is the last resort after all legal options have been exhausted AND they send their goons to force your kids into the schools. Until then, continue ignoring such glowfags.
i agree but...Fuck this guy! I'm an Arkansan and I called him out over some bullshit on Gab a few weeks back and he blocked me!
This dude checks all the boxes for a grade a glow fagging glow faggot.
Nothing would shut that system down faster than having no one to "teach". GET YOUR CHILDREN OUT OF THE VIPERS PIT!!!!
"Can't. Wife and I are working to save up for a bigger SUV and house. It's a small price to pay for the convenience of free daycare."
OK, but they've infested all institutions. Going Rambo doesn't get anything done. Just gets you killed or put in the slammer and they still own the institutions. The problem with the good guys is they're disunited and uncoordinated. Don't forget normal family people are the majority. Once we start networking and fighting at the societal level it's all over for the degenerates. It's already started (parents challenging school boards and getting shit done, for example), we just need to keep the momentum going. Get out there and get shit done in your own community.
Or... maybe downsize your living situation and homeschool your kids. This guy is massively glowfagging by jumping to the guns statement when there are many many alternatives to pursue:
Run for your school board
Homeschool your kids
Run for city council
Run for any and all other applicable local offices
Become a teacher yourself
Until they are forcing kids into specific schools with specifics classrooms, we have all reason in the world to continue sitting on our ARs. We are not anywhere close to needing our guns and anyone saying so should be held in contempt and told to fuck off. No one is forcing anyone to do anything against their will. Until the government is forcefully taking your kids out of the home and putting them into the school, try to scratch that twitching trigger finger with some Call of Duty. Trump was very VERY clear: legally and peacefully. We still have a fuck ton of legal options to exhaust.
Saw a friends 19yo daughter this weekend. Sophomore at a Red State, State school.
My wife thought it was a 14yo boy. A family pic from 2017 was handy. “Nope, two daughters, no sons”
CRT then gender fluid, then become an elementary teacher and proliferate it.
I have a suggestion here, Check this link out as a way to convince the Republicans to do what is right, and maybe a few Democrats who live in mostly conservative states as well: https://amgreatness.com/2022/04/03/republicans-can-stop-the-ketanji-brown-jackson-nomination/
Normies will invite pedos to their home as long as they are dressed in drag to rape their kids in order to be woke. Have you seen the video of the tranny degenerate dancing for a 3 year old little girl while the mother, father and friends dance and sing along? Fuck these people.
Yup the issue isn't the SJW commie retards. We know who they are. We know their intentions. We know their goals. We know they hate us. They have no issue saying any of this to our faces. The real issue is with these so called "based and redpill" walking dead idiots who will agree with 99.9% of the shit we say but won't do a goddamn fucking thing. I'm not even talking about "violence" shutters. I'm talking about something as easy as not watching sports or Disney. They legitimately CANNOT even do that.
Don't be shy, Neil. Say what you really think.
This is why we celebrate our Great Leaders. Many of us are ready for battle. But we aren’t going do anything on our own. And attempting to do so would be ineffective. We need great leaders to unite call us to arms and lead us to battle.
And we'd be living under theocratic tyranny. No thanks.
You already do, except your state God is corporate IP. Who are you fooling lol