I have every intention of doing just this. Just like they like to use the "clump of cells" statement to describe a baby, we must stop letting them use these phrases to describe pregnancy.
My church runs EndAbortionNow.com and equips & trains churches all over the world to fight abortion at a local level. We've lost count of how many babies we've saved at this point. Thousands and thousands.
One of the biggest things is don't let them say "fetus" to dehumanize that abortion kills a human child. "Fetus" is Latin for "small child"
If they say "clump of cells" remind them they too are also a clump of cells.
Secondly say "murder" or "kill" the child instead of "abort" "end" or "terminate"
Memorize this: "The only differences between a newborn and an unborn child are "Size, level of development, level of dependency, and environment" In no other situation is it okay to murder someone for any of those reasons.
He called our tiny church in the desert and we answered. We've lost count of how many babies have been saved at this point. We've also helped shut down a number of abortion facilities with our work and training / equipping other churches to do this.
We've also got pro-life abolition bills being pushed all over the country and very big things coming soon. We have counties and states that will become "sanctuary cities" for the unborn. States will ignore Roe just like it was a federal MMJ law and outlaw it.
This fight will get us to SCOTUS and overturn Roe v Wade with God's help.
There is actually some cognitive dissonance even in the mainstream society about this. At least there used to be a few years ago. Even in ultra-leftist Canada there were cases of multiple homicides where someone murdered a pregnant woman. However, if that same woman decides she wanted to kill her baby, it's would not be a murder anymore because that baby would not be a person. Basically, depending on how the appointed person can chose to perceive something, the exact same unborn person can be one of 2 things:
a human who can be murdered
not a human and therefore not subject to murder, can be killed without consequence
Whether you believe in God or not, you have to admit that these people have given themselves the power of God. They have taken it upon themselves to decide whether those babies, and very soon, you and I are human. The Nazi party did the same thing with any group of people they didn't like. They declared them to be sub-human (another way of saying they were not human). These new "progressives" are stealing ideas from the Nazi playbook even as they claim to be against "Nazis". They actually have no idea what the Nazis were about and whether they know it or not, they are projecting the evils they hold onto others.
From another perspective, these people have done away with objective reality. Now the only reality is what they have decided in their minds. They now decide whether an unborn baby is a person or now. It's no surprise that they have also declared that someone can change their gender just through thought. Doing away with objective reality paves the road for these kinds of insane things.
We need to catch up to the left...they're already changing the term 'mother' to 'birthing person' in hospitals. Can't be offending all those men who have babies.
There has been a debate (more than one) going on in the Christian community for quite some time. It goes along the lines of "Jesus couldn't have been born in December, because..." and then a bunch of reasons to support a September birth. "There! The Bible is wrong! HAHAHA!"
I dont like this bc being pregnant is its entirely own experience - just as valuable - but totally different & separate from having the child out of the womb. Pregnant women should be differentiated from mothers bc they need their peers and comrades who are NOT yet mothers and are possibly afraid & unsure, to support each other & encourage and inspire for this beautiful new chapter. they are ABOUT to become something sensational and wonderful and they need to prepare emotionally and mentally for that. you are deleting that entire process by just saying theyre already a mother. they aren't. it is scary and there's much to learn that they need to learn from ACTUAL mothers. don't blend and blur the two groups together.
My church runs EndAbortionNow.com and equips & trains churches all over the world to fight abortion at a local level. We've lost count of how many babies we've saved at this point. Thousands and thousands.
One of the biggest things is don't let them say "fetus" to dehumanize that abortion kills a human child. "Fetus" is Latin for "small child"
If they say "clump of cells" remind them they too are also a clump of cells.
Secondly say "murder" or "kill" the child instead of "abort" "end" or "terminate"
Memorize this: "The only differences between a newborn and an unborn child are "Size, level of development, level of dependency, and environment" In no other situation is it okay to murder someone for any of those reasons.
The way this works is you stay the langue (marketing) they are using and you reverse engineer it so you know how to do exactly what you did. Great work!
I will add to the memorise point reductio ad absurdum:
It's ok to murder someone in their house.
It's not ok to murder someone if they walk out into the street.
How am I being an ass? Redefining "pregnancy" to mean motherhood is changing the definition of a biological term. That's straight out of a leftist playbook.
I notice how nobody who disagreed with me bothered to address my point about also having to change the definition of "birthday"
it is and thank you for saying this. being pregnant is a very special experience completely its own separate thing from having the baby. I think its important to accurately say someone is pregnant WITH A BABY and not the bullshit "clump of cells" nonsense but pregnant women are not mothers yet. they are nervous, excited, a whole range of things and it should be celebrated as a very special time where the woman gets to look forward to being a mother.
Immediately after conception, a mother has to start thinking about everything with regards to the child shes carrying. Many start to eat better, take vitamins, quit smoking, etc. A woman starts to care for her child the moment she becomings pregnant, or atleast knows shes pregnant.
Ive heard a quote, and im going to butcher it im sure, it it was along the lines, "A woman becomes a mother at conception, a man becomes a father at the birth."
I think that puts everything in a bit more perspective because so much care has to be taken during pregnancy to ensure a healthy baby.
Also please people here, i am in no way trying to diminish the role of a father, i just think it starts at a slightly different time for my fellow man.
I understand waht you're saying but I'm trying to emphasize that the pregnancy is just as important/special/spiritual as motherhood but it is different. It should be regarded with the same respect and seriousness, if not MORE seriousness bc the baby isnt in the world yet & things can go horribly wrong if a woman is not diligent and careful, but every woman with a child will tell you how the moment they felt this inexplicable change was the moment they gave birth & held their baby for the first time. I dont think pregnancy and motherhood should be smushed together & then pregnancy is just lost as a moment in time, I think pregnancy should be regarded as almost more sacred bc you arent in the clear yet. thanks to social media actually, pregnancy has become much more highly regarded and talked about in far more depth and I think that is a very good thing to have a solid community specifically for pregnant women, not yet mothers. I think making pregnancy MORE different from motherhood and EXTRA special bc its when a woman is literally growing a life in her body (which is insane and amazing) would be better than just blending it together. and I think if it was more widely accepted as being this extra magical time, it would be easier to get more young people to respect it. many women who get abortions are terrified of being mothers (of course some are just irresponsible soulless assholes) - making pregnancy into motherhood is not going to sway them, but making pregnancy into this like superpower (which frankly, it is), would be a better tactic.
"With child" got kicked to the curb.
It's an accurate term though, no?
All those medieval movies had it that way. "I am with child."
I came on to say I remember it that way too... "pregnant with child"
I have every intention of doing just this. Just like they like to use the "clump of cells" statement to describe a baby, we must stop letting them use these phrases to describe pregnancy.
My church runs EndAbortionNow.com and equips & trains churches all over the world to fight abortion at a local level. We've lost count of how many babies we've saved at this point. Thousands and thousands.
One of the biggest things is don't let them say "fetus" to dehumanize that abortion kills a human child. "Fetus" is Latin for "small child"
If they say "clump of cells" remind them they too are also a clump of cells.
Secondly say "murder" or "kill" the child instead of "abort" "end" or "terminate"
Memorize this: "The only differences between a newborn and an unborn child are "Size, level of development, level of dependency, and environment" In no other situation is it okay to murder someone for any of those reasons.
Check out our 2 documentaries here:
Babies Are Murdered Here
Babies Are Still Murdered Here
Here's alot of other videos we have put out including live streaming of discussions in front of abortion clinics and debates with pro-murder advocates
He called our tiny church in the desert and we answered. We've lost count of how many babies have been saved at this point. We've also helped shut down a number of abortion facilities with our work and training / equipping other churches to do this.
We've also got pro-life abolition bills being pushed all over the country and very big things coming soon. We have counties and states that will become "sanctuary cities" for the unborn. States will ignore Roe just like it was a federal MMJ law and outlaw it.
This fight will get us to SCOTUS and overturn Roe v Wade with God's help.
When they say "terminate", I always wished I were there to ask, "what was the role of Arnold's character from The Terminator?"
To kill.
There is actually some cognitive dissonance even in the mainstream society about this. At least there used to be a few years ago. Even in ultra-leftist Canada there were cases of multiple homicides where someone murdered a pregnant woman. However, if that same woman decides she wanted to kill her baby, it's would not be a murder anymore because that baby would not be a person. Basically, depending on how the appointed person can chose to perceive something, the exact same unborn person can be one of 2 things:
a human who can be murdered
not a human and therefore not subject to murder, can be killed without consequence
Whether you believe in God or not, you have to admit that these people have given themselves the power of God. They have taken it upon themselves to decide whether those babies, and very soon, you and I are human. The Nazi party did the same thing with any group of people they didn't like. They declared them to be sub-human (another way of saying they were not human). These new "progressives" are stealing ideas from the Nazi playbook even as they claim to be against "Nazis". They actually have no idea what the Nazis were about and whether they know it or not, they are projecting the evils they hold onto others.
From another perspective, these people have done away with objective reality. Now the only reality is what they have decided in their minds. They now decide whether an unborn baby is a person or now. It's no surprise that they have also declared that someone can change their gender just through thought. Doing away with objective reality paves the road for these kinds of insane things.
It's why we were branded as deplorables.
Many states have this issue too. Fetal Homicide laws display the double standard.
Very Good! 100% Agree!
My baby, NOT my fetus or my tissue, my child NOT my extra clump of cells or waste to sell or throw away, Blessing from God, NOT unwanted trash
Not an issue for vaxxies.
We need to catch up to the left...they're already changing the term 'mother' to 'birthing person' in hospitals. Can't be offending all those men who have babies.
There has been a debate (more than one) going on in the Christian community for quite some time. It goes along the lines of "Jesus couldn't have been born in December, because..." and then a bunch of reasons to support a September birth. "There! The Bible is wrong! HAHAHA!"
Except: December + 9 months = September.
Amen. 🙏🏻
I dont like this bc being pregnant is its entirely own experience - just as valuable - but totally different & separate from having the child out of the womb. Pregnant women should be differentiated from mothers bc they need their peers and comrades who are NOT yet mothers and are possibly afraid & unsure, to support each other & encourage and inspire for this beautiful new chapter. they are ABOUT to become something sensational and wonderful and they need to prepare emotionally and mentally for that. you are deleting that entire process by just saying theyre already a mother. they aren't. it is scary and there's much to learn that they need to learn from ACTUAL mothers. don't blend and blur the two groups together.
My church runs EndAbortionNow.com and equips & trains churches all over the world to fight abortion at a local level. We've lost count of how many babies we've saved at this point. Thousands and thousands.
One of the biggest things is don't let them say "fetus" to dehumanize that abortion kills a human child. "Fetus" is Latin for "small child"
If they say "clump of cells" remind them they too are also a clump of cells.
Secondly say "murder" or "kill" the child instead of "abort" "end" or "terminate"
Memorize this: "The only differences between a newborn and an unborn child are "Size, level of development, level of dependency, and environment" In no other situation is it okay to murder someone for any of those reasons.
Check out our 2 documentaries here:
Babies Are Murdered Here
Babies Are Still Murdered Here
Here's alot of other videos we have put out including live streaming of discussions in front of abortion clinics and debates with pro-murder advocates
Yes excellent work!
The way this works is you stay the langue (marketing) they are using and you reverse engineer it so you know how to do exactly what you did. Great work!
I will add to the memorise point reductio ad absurdum:
Great post!
for those who say they don't know when life begins, you can say "motherhood begins at conception. ask any mother who has lost child."
Amen to this OP.
Love this
but once this child grows up to be a tranny grooming leftist dumbass only then we will turn the other cheek
Bullshit. If she miscarries, no one will call her a mother.
Life begins at decision...
"Gee Honey, should we start a family..?"
It worked for me...
You want to change the definition of "birthday" too?
I thought redefining biological reality was a leftist tactic...
Don't be an ass. The leftists are the ones pretending that a baby in the womb isn't a baby.
How am I being an ass? Redefining "pregnancy" to mean motherhood is changing the definition of a biological term. That's straight out of a leftist playbook.
I notice how nobody who disagreed with me bothered to address my point about also having to change the definition of "birthday"
No, we wouldn't have to change that. Don't be obtuse.
There is no redefining anything here. It is all about using the correct terminology to express ourselves.
That's indistinguishable from the logic that a leftist would use.
Good point, bring that one up too in discussion, so what do we call it "didn't get murdered day" ... "escape death row day"
it is and thank you for saying this. being pregnant is a very special experience completely its own separate thing from having the baby. I think its important to accurately say someone is pregnant WITH A BABY and not the bullshit "clump of cells" nonsense but pregnant women are not mothers yet. they are nervous, excited, a whole range of things and it should be celebrated as a very special time where the woman gets to look forward to being a mother.
I respectfully disagree and heres why:
Immediately after conception, a mother has to start thinking about everything with regards to the child shes carrying. Many start to eat better, take vitamins, quit smoking, etc. A woman starts to care for her child the moment she becomings pregnant, or atleast knows shes pregnant.
Ive heard a quote, and im going to butcher it im sure, it it was along the lines, "A woman becomes a mother at conception, a man becomes a father at the birth."
I think that puts everything in a bit more perspective because so much care has to be taken during pregnancy to ensure a healthy baby.
Also please people here, i am in no way trying to diminish the role of a father, i just think it starts at a slightly different time for my fellow man.
I understand waht you're saying but I'm trying to emphasize that the pregnancy is just as important/special/spiritual as motherhood but it is different. It should be regarded with the same respect and seriousness, if not MORE seriousness bc the baby isnt in the world yet & things can go horribly wrong if a woman is not diligent and careful, but every woman with a child will tell you how the moment they felt this inexplicable change was the moment they gave birth & held their baby for the first time. I dont think pregnancy and motherhood should be smushed together & then pregnancy is just lost as a moment in time, I think pregnancy should be regarded as almost more sacred bc you arent in the clear yet. thanks to social media actually, pregnancy has become much more highly regarded and talked about in far more depth and I think that is a very good thing to have a solid community specifically for pregnant women, not yet mothers. I think making pregnancy MORE different from motherhood and EXTRA special bc its when a woman is literally growing a life in her body (which is insane and amazing) would be better than just blending it together. and I think if it was more widely accepted as being this extra magical time, it would be easier to get more young people to respect it. many women who get abortions are terrified of being mothers (of course some are just irresponsible soulless assholes) - making pregnancy into motherhood is not going to sway them, but making pregnancy into this like superpower (which frankly, it is), would be a better tactic.
Interesting view that i havent really considered before. I can respect it. Thanks for the explanation.