So many times, I text my spouse, yet he didn't receive text while sitting on couch beside me! We are tmobile customers. Absolutely disgusting behavior. I'm glad I wasn't crazy.
When I updated my Android a couple of months ago ( On Comcast ) everything from this site was purged along with most of the other conservative articles i had saved.
Did Nyone else get Sim cards for 5g? Sprint t sent them for me to install. They are Ina. Drawer as my phone works fine on the old system. I don't trust them and I didn't ask for the upgrade.
Your phone works ok now, but at some point in the foreseeable future it will no longer connect to cell towers without getting a new SIM card. There are random updates that require a new SIM card for your phone to continue working. I recently had to get a new SIM card because we changed plans to a cheaper one. As soon as he plan changed over, my phone wouldn't connect to the cell towers until I went into the store to get my new SIM card.
Oh look! Another "error" that benefits Libtards and hurts Conservatives!
how come no false-positives for BLM, Antifa, and all the other "mostly peaceful no-hate-speech" libtards?
but you get 4-5 spam calls every day....
My friends and I use Signal Messenger. It gets through no problem.
Signal works well, I can vouch for that. I try to get everyone I know on it
Isnt that owned by Facistbook? I think they are.
Signal is pretty simple. Its similar to Facebook / WhatsApp as far as GUI goes.
I havent used Threema, but I see its $3.99
So does everyone in my friend circle need to own Threema to communicate anonymously? Or will it only effect the messages I send alone?
Now ask them for a list of sites that were caught up.
We block "when a site has been repeatedly reported as malware". By whom?
This is a 'shift the blame' tactic.
It's not T-Mobile's fault as long as two or more blue-haired social justice warriors report a conservative site.
And you certainly can't blame those people who reported the sites, because they didn't have the authority to block anything.
See? No responsibility. For anyone. For anything. Ever.
Dang. Not much remaining.
AT&T = trash Verizon = trash TMobile = trash
Patriot Mobile (MVNO) uses TMobile towers. Patriot Mobile is supposed to be a Christian Conservative provider.
Might be different with MVNO's though. Not sure how to test this.
Stop using providers sms system.
So many times, I text my spouse, yet he didn't receive text while sitting on couch beside me! We are tmobile customers. Absolutely disgusting behavior. I'm glad I wasn't crazy.
AT&T does the same.
Verizon does it too, they would prevent me from sending political messages that resulted in send failures.
Any other text would send fine.
They need to do a better job with their filters, I’m still getting spammed… and it’s not decreasing lol.
When I updated my Android a couple of months ago ( On Comcast ) everything from this site was purged along with most of the other conservative articles i had saved.
Covering up their shit
About to buy a phone that only is a phone.
Did Nyone else get Sim cards for 5g? Sprint t sent them for me to install. They are Ina. Drawer as my phone works fine on the old system. I don't trust them and I didn't ask for the upgrade.
I'm convinced the only safe(r) encryption is OTP.
Alas, no.
I meant One-time-PAD.
It was mild humor. As far as royal pain goes... It's near the top I think?
Your phone works ok now, but at some point in the foreseeable future it will no longer connect to cell towers without getting a new SIM card. There are random updates that require a new SIM card for your phone to continue working. I recently had to get a new SIM card because we changed plans to a cheaper one. As soon as he plan changed over, my phone wouldn't connect to the cell towers until I went into the store to get my new SIM card.