Killarys Panic… Obummer said similar things today.. No Coincidences!! BQOOOMS INCOMING??💥💥💥
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The USA is not a Democracy and never has been. The 'Democracy' clinton and O-thief want is the UN/soros/OWG RULE.
I say again
When all [this] is done, when future is past, and NCSWIC has become NCSWC...
When the Corporation of USA is officially and formally dissolved...
Trump should rename the country The Republic of the United States of America.
"A Republic, if you can keep it."
—Benjamin Franklin
This wreaks of desperation.
In honor of your user name...
wreak = to cause something bad, like havoc or destruction
reek = to emit a strong, unpleasant smell (such as that of desperation :)
It’s like they are about to lose twitter or something?! 🤷♂️
Or trying to stop Truth Social.
Or trying to stop Truth Social.
Or get arrested because of Durham. So many possibilities.
Ahhh...Killary, you lost. You are as meaningless to me as bug I would squash if in my house. (got a little Putin in me, lol) Go away, oh, they're arranging your transportation now.
The van is waiting, with a large team to throw her in it.
Let's be clear: Last I checked, Twitter is at its heart an American company. As is Facebook, for that matter, and as is Reddit.
The EU can do whatever it wants, however it cannot restrict or impede on our companies to force them to change.
Any company that wants to adhere to such restrictions against our Constitution can move out of our country and be blocked within our country for all I care.
Same in the UK where they are pushing through a piece of legislation through parliament which will basically outlaw freedom of speech (the very little left) online. Essentially anything those in power disagree with could find you arrested and in jail if you type it.
Now we know what all them newly built mega prisons are for.
Get in the van Beefy! 🍖🚛 👠
Calling all little demons to censor.
Making the world fit for democracy ..... Yeah, Yeah .... Hillaryous.
Demo - cracy => is said to be derived from demos => where did the s go? demo = omen of the gods=> demo = nothing; and derived from kratia, by the same token cracy = crazy. Etymologically is the same thing.
In other words: the power of nothing or nothing is crazy or power by omen.
So, thanks but no thanks. I' ll stick with the constitution-respublica with a government of, by and for the people remaining within strict confines ....
Still glad I voted for Trump in 2016 and not YOU
Um, isn't she amplifying disinformation and extremism with a tech platform to make this post? Amazing how they don't even see their own hypocrisy.
"They dont see their hypocrisy".
In fact, Death Cultists relish " their hypocrisy". "Their hypocrisy" proves they are superior to weaklings who believe hypocrisy is a bad thing.'s too late...🙂
Global democracy? Global?
I think she means global propaganda
Bathhouse Barry has been getting into the game lately pushing censorship. Is this the best they can do to try to stop the MAGA Tsunami?
I may just have to fire up Def Leppard today....
Tooo Lateee!
For too long, tech platforms have allowed free speech, truth, and views that disagree with the global enslavement of humanity to slip past their censors, with no punishment for thoughtcrime.
I urge our transatlantic co-conspirators to ram the Digital Authoritarianism Act down the world's throat and bolster global communism before it's too late for us traitors to salvage our fortunes.
censorship = democracy??
Censor everything on the internet "before its tOo lAtE" to save "gLoBaL dEmOcRaCy"??? Lol.
Muh dEmOcRaCy evokes a similar response to WaPos motto. Neither are normie benevolent.
"Democracy dies in darkness". Is that why WaPo and the rest of the Globalist Death Cult, including Hillary, is so desperate to keep everyone in the dark?
CIAWaPo's motto reminds me of the infamous title of an alien book featured in a Twilight Zone episode.
Humans were reassured, based on the books title, that the aliens intentions were kindly so they gladly boarded the aliens space ships. Unfortunately, 'To Serve Man' was the title of an alien cookbook.
"BOOOM INCOMING", where are those booms of darkness, no electricity, Trump's proofs and data being played 24/7 as people here were stating? it was planned a year ago with certain dates, which never happened.
"People here were stating" guesses.
Of course.
People who are actively engaged often guess about what will happen. Sometimes a guess turns out to be correct. Often it doesnt. Some live and learn. They're guesses improve over time.
"What happened"???
Still asking questions. Still curious. Still taking President Trumps advice to " stay tuned" to "see what heppens". BRAVO!!!!