2016 election was trump winning and we thought we were home free... but not yet.
Egypt is lured up from behind.
Into the red sea (the furious, yet meek and restrained people holding back their wrath for the RIGHT moment, holding the line till trumps gives green light)
Once every one of them now surrounded and in our grasp, the trap is sprung.
Red wave anhilates every one of them. The red sea (blood) is as high its deep. We are many) as a horses bridle.
We walk out unscathed... and straight into the promise land.
The ancient hebrews did NOT make it. They gave up faith and continued on in the Egyptian ways.
Envisioned from the epic movie; Ten Commandments with Charlton Heston.
The time we are in currently is the Red Sea has parted and we are half way through. We see Pharoah's army of chariots driving through as they approach the parted sea at the other end. We begin to run, hurry, hurry! But the chariots keep charging through.
Soon we will be on safe ground where the sea begins to close in where we had just traveled. We see it closing in towards the center point and Pharoah's army begin to turn around, as they know they'll never make it to the other side.
The sea rapidly closes in on the army, Pharoah himself and are drowned.
This is the equivalent to the Durham investigation, the great awakening, Hunter Biden laptop from hell, Biden Admin failure after failure, Money laundering, child-human trafficking revealed, corrupt politicians being exposed and so much more! We are seeing the Red Sea close in on the Deep State...they are drowning and soon will be no more.
Truth always has a way to shine through. The word of Jesus is righteous, can see that as I read it. I wouldn’t be surprised if they omitted some of his teachings though.
The truth was Ramses II was chasing the Jews OUT of Egypt as they had become too numerous and too powerful. The Hebrews were never enslaved, they migrated to Egypt as that was the grainary of the world at that time and a land of plenty.
They went there in search of food for themselves and their flocks.
Pharaoh was looking for any excuse to keep the Israelites enslaved. Moses took many trips warning pharoah and the plagues that followed, he only promised freedom because the plagues affected him but then continued to oppress the Israelites.
God did harden pharoahs heart you're right, that is not taking away his free will, he merely strengthened whatever was in his heart, made him feel more justified or determined to do whatever he wants.
If pharoah did what he promised and let God's People go, nothing would of happened but God gave him ten portions of plagues to force him to release God's people. Everytime the plagues stopped his own ego and pride made him want to keep the Israelites and punish them more.
The Israelites not only left Egypt, but they left WITH Egypt's treasures. The DS treasures will someday belong to the patriots.
I wonder if gme is the vehicle to do it with.
Trump is Moses.
DS is sodom and egypt.
We are hebrews (not jews)
2016 election was trump winning and we thought we were home free... but not yet.
Egypt is lured up from behind.
Into the red sea (the furious, yet meek and restrained people holding back their wrath for the RIGHT moment, holding the line till trumps gives green light)
Once every one of them now surrounded and in our grasp, the trap is sprung.
Red wave anhilates every one of them. The red sea (blood) is as high its deep. We are many) as a horses bridle.
We walk out unscathed... and straight into the promise land.
The ancient hebrews did NOT make it. They gave up faith and continued on in the Egyptian ways.
Envisioned from the epic movie; Ten Commandments with Charlton Heston.
The time we are in currently is the Red Sea has parted and we are half way through. We see Pharoah's army of chariots driving through as they approach the parted sea at the other end. We begin to run, hurry, hurry! But the chariots keep charging through.
Soon we will be on safe ground where the sea begins to close in where we had just traveled. We see it closing in towards the center point and Pharoah's army begin to turn around, as they know they'll never make it to the other side.
The sea rapidly closes in on the army, Pharoah himself and are drowned.
This is the equivalent to the Durham investigation, the great awakening, Hunter Biden laptop from hell, Biden Admin failure after failure, Money laundering, child-human trafficking revealed, corrupt politicians being exposed and so much more! We are seeing the Red Sea close in on the Deep State...they are drowning and soon will be no more.
Yes, Trump is our modern day Moses.
Red Sea. It's in Exodus. Second book of the Bible. Read the story.
Don't think holy scripture,should be referred as damn bible.
Considering how likely it is that it’s been modified by the church to hide some truthes from us… I think it’s fitting.
Then whydo you tell him to read it? If it's been changed?
Truth always has a way of shining through the lies. Jesus' words are in that book.
Truth always has a way to shine through. The word of Jesus is righteous, can see that as I read it. I wouldn’t be surprised if they omitted some of his teachings though.
The truth was Ramses II was chasing the Jews OUT of Egypt as they had become too numerous and too powerful. The Hebrews were never enslaved, they migrated to Egypt as that was the grainary of the world at that time and a land of plenty.
They went there in search of food for themselves and their flocks.
Read Exodus again.
In my view God only intensified what Pharoah already intended to do
Pharaoh was looking for any excuse to keep the Israelites enslaved. Moses took many trips warning pharoah and the plagues that followed, he only promised freedom because the plagues affected him but then continued to oppress the Israelites.
God did harden pharoahs heart you're right, that is not taking away his free will, he merely strengthened whatever was in his heart, made him feel more justified or determined to do whatever he wants.
If pharoah did what he promised and let God's People go, nothing would of happened but God gave him ten portions of plagues to force him to release God's people. Everytime the plagues stopped his own ego and pride made him want to keep the Israelites and punish them more.