405 US Marshalls guarding Byden instead of SS (media.128ducks.com) N C S W I C posted 2 years ago by aslan_is_0n_the_m0ve 2 years ago by aslan_is_0n_the_m0ve +406 / -1 121 comments share 121 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Killary thrown in van like a side a beef
No matter the context, that line never gets old.
Someone here was able to get it as a username on TS. Kek
Neither does the video kek
How dare you speak that way about a side of beef!?
how about pork guts.... nah..... not even pork guts...
A tough one, maybe overdosing bag lady?
I think I've got it. An overstuffed sack of festering medical waste.
I heard she smells like sulfur
Hey, don’t talk about bags of medical waste like that!
Side of beef-
You know she was being arrested, because if someone were genuinely ill/faint, you wouldn't treat them like that.
When I told ppl that on the telegram channel 'Pepe Lives Matter' I was vilified and attacked for a month. I figure a lot of Killary/Babybloodsucker lovers on there.
I'm curious, for the people who believe she's been arrested, what is your thought process on why it's been "secret"?
No idea, I wish I knew.
Absolute masterpiece
Or the time in the debates when Hillary said ….. https://youtu.be/K1Q71k6fmts and without missing a beat 45 replied. The look on her face!😂😂
Never gonna get old!🤣 He shoulda mic dropped right then and there! 😂😂
Where did the comparison to a side of beef come from, originally? Is that something a random pede coined on reddit? Rush? Tucker? Beck?
It's funny and accurate as hell, but what's the origin?
It comes from a group called brain dead https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=I_MXpiMWKtI
Oh awesome! Thanks!!
TGA is amazing.
That video should have way more views.
Hannity used to use that term. Not sure who started it.