100%. That's the difference in being awake vs being conservative. If Trump suddenly makes an endorsement of someone who doesn't seem to fit, the awakened immediately question and dig. We take nothing at face value. Trump's goal, and the goal of Q, and the goal of the true patriots who drove everything, was to make sure we'd never be lulled into comfortable sleep again.
They could compromise Trump, and the MAGA movement would not stop. They could compromise the entire MAGA movement, and we'd start another as digital soldiers. NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING
I like the idea, but I disagree with the MAGA hat.
The MAGA base is systematically destroying the RINO base of the Republican party. The MAGA faction is taking the Republican party over from within.
In my humble opinion, if the MAGA hat side was changed to a picture of RINOs that would make more sense.
The Big Political Lie in US parties is that we have a majority two party system of Democrats Vs. Republicans. It's a big shell game of each "side" declaring all the problems are the other side's fault and if you just elect our side, we'll fix it all.
This has been going on for decades and this is why our nation has been in decline all that time. To be clear, we are a nation in decline. We've been going down hill and at the bottom of the hill is a cliff we are about to go over.
The Truth is that we have a two party system, but the two parties are US vs THEM. "Them" is politicians in both parties and their associated bureaucracies in DC. They have been working together as one, with only the ruse that they oppose each other, to make the electorate think they have choices in elections. We don't. The parties choose their candidates and then we have to choose from their selected candidates.
Trump was the first non-politician to win the Presidential election in modern times and he was the greatest threat to this establishment described above. That is why the "Republicans" faught Trump every day the entire time Republicans "had control" of the White House, the House, and the Senate.
Think of how little was done when Republicans had control of all three houses? They sandbagged everything the entire time. Contrast that with what the democrats are doing with a 50/50 Senate. They are ramming through everything they possibly can.
This is the uniparty. They are against US and only working for themselves and the establishment.
In my opinion, I would replace the MAGA red hats in this meme with RINOs 🦏.
Put the awakened in the MAGA hats. For the most part, only awakened have the guts to wear a MAGA hat in public. Even with massive catastrophic failures taking place in our country right now, the country club RINOs still can't get over Trump's mean tweets, let alone wear a MAGA hat in public.
Thanks u/ShmellyTunaMelt1 👈🏻 I feel the same for you. You have a great meme by the way. I just wanted to add some additional insight from my perspective.
I personally see MAGA blowing the doors off of both parties and taking the lead in representing all Americans. Neither party ever will. They've proven their failure over decades.
Our Founding Father's warned us of political parties. Jefferson was 100% against them until he realized he couldn't counter weight Hamilton's desire for a central bank without forming a party and engaging in party politics.
Parties are something we are likely stuck with so we may as well take one, make it our own, and dominate the political landscape.
Trump has always said its about the movement, not about him. It's hard to believe that sometimes because he is such a powerful force as a person. However, he won't be around forever and at most, can only serve one more term.
He has prepared us to take the reigns and crush the deep state, which is represented by both establishment Democrats and Republicans.
In order for America to survive and thrive long term, WE THE PEOPLE must once again lead our nation. And we will. Nothing can stop what is coming as long as we ride together.
Welcome to the system, everyone’s a victim
Doesn’t matter if you’re black or white, it hates you all
Here inside the system, violence is a symptom
Fighting for what’s right, but somehow everyone is wrong
Tom Macdonald, "The system".
The system is like an industrial machine on which everyone is chained, and trying to unchain yourself and do things different makes everyone give you weird looks and reject you. Keeping on or getting back to the chains is your choice. If you unchaining yourself works, more chained people will soon follow.
This is what both the commies and stormfags dont get. They all think it is about race. They accept one half of the equation, but ignore the other. Bring up horseshoe theory and they reee.
I'll tell you what in the actual fuck. It's time to end tribalism. If MAGA is about restoring America, then it means breaking the political pendulum altogether. This means ending the Trump hero worship and voting along party lines bullshit. MAGA should be about putting the Constitution first... And that's it. All ideologies that flow need to be acknowledged and respected. Disagreement on policy and ideas should not only be encouraged, but allowed to flourish. No more shutting down discussion. No more parties. No more alienating ourselves while submitting to our representatives as an authority. They are NOT an authority. We are their authority and when all this is over I sure as fuck will not be submitting to Trump or Q as such. That flag represents freedom and when we worship politicians it shifts to representing servitude. Never. Again.
Does that clear it up?
EDIT: to be clear (lol) there are a few select topics that should always be shut down like pedophilia. Otherwise, most topics should be on the table.
The Maga thinkers out there are all shaking hands and edging closer to the Libertarian and Constitutionalist views much more than any republican before, that is a good thing. IMO.
There will always be tribalism. In group bias is part of both our biology and society. The healthiest tribalism is nationalism. Healthy nationalism destroys globalism and allows the mixing of races, cultures and ideology. Clearly all of these branches of liberty need pruning though. The rot of corruption needs to be trimmed away.
I think he means uniparty us vs them division and skincolor tribalism.
It is believed Q team has already made contact with ETs...that's why Q and racism don't go together...it's way past "race" or "globalism"
If anything, if you believe hidden hand conspiracy you know the aliens running the cabal are evil and they'll be trying to use Earth to fight their war in the name of "humanity"
Don't speak for all of MAGA like you know all 100 million of the followers personally. The hero worship and overlooking of his past mistakes that is the problem. People get side tracked with defending his reputation when his reputation doesn't matter. What he did as President does. And that's it.
But at the end of the day, we cannot fall for the lies again. Just because some people do good it doesn't mean they are better than us. Trump's life is just as valuable as the poorest poor person in the world. THAT is what I mean by ending the hero worship. Being appreciative is one thing, but remember to live your own life and that at the end of the day all Americans regardless of ideals matter.
You paint all of MAGA with your broad brush meme, then you dare to spout off at me with, “ Don't speak for all of MAGA like you know all 100 million of the followers personally.”
EXACTLY THIS! The other kind of Matrix I do not wish to kowtow to would be "the religious right". Maybe chopping off a body part wouldn't be that bad. ; )
And also a bad look because the MAGA useful idiot is just a simple person who just wants a job and maybe a chance to own a nice car or a pretty house, they're not evil just sleepy
The NPC libtard is literally working for the destabilization of western society
Well, I would say that the Old Republican party, I was one to say "lesser of two evils" however, not with this movement. Saying that, there are still many within it that still do not "get that" and are filled with much anger what have them calling for violence against the others, same as some of the others calling violence on us. There are soo many of you all here and within the party that are really aiming for "strength though unity" While calling out only those who need to be called out on obvious BS psy-op statements and behaviors going on out there. Thank You.
100%. That's the difference in being awake vs being conservative. If Trump suddenly makes an endorsement of someone who doesn't seem to fit, the awakened immediately question and dig. We take nothing at face value. Trump's goal, and the goal of Q, and the goal of the true patriots who drove everything, was to make sure we'd never be lulled into comfortable sleep again.
They could compromise Trump, and the MAGA movement would not stop. They could compromise the entire MAGA movement, and we'd start another as digital soldiers. NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING
Nothing new under the sun.
Damn.... ✔️
I like the idea, but I disagree with the MAGA hat.
The MAGA base is systematically destroying the RINO base of the Republican party. The MAGA faction is taking the Republican party over from within.
In my humble opinion, if the MAGA hat side was changed to a picture of RINOs that would make more sense.
The Big Political Lie in US parties is that we have a majority two party system of Democrats Vs. Republicans. It's a big shell game of each "side" declaring all the problems are the other side's fault and if you just elect our side, we'll fix it all.
This has been going on for decades and this is why our nation has been in decline all that time. To be clear, we are a nation in decline. We've been going down hill and at the bottom of the hill is a cliff we are about to go over.
The Truth is that we have a two party system, but the two parties are US vs THEM. "Them" is politicians in both parties and their associated bureaucracies in DC. They have been working together as one, with only the ruse that they oppose each other, to make the electorate think they have choices in elections. We don't. The parties choose their candidates and then we have to choose from their selected candidates.
Trump was the first non-politician to win the Presidential election in modern times and he was the greatest threat to this establishment described above. That is why the "Republicans" faught Trump every day the entire time Republicans "had control" of the White House, the House, and the Senate.
Think of how little was done when Republicans had control of all three houses? They sandbagged everything the entire time. Contrast that with what the democrats are doing with a 50/50 Senate. They are ramming through everything they possibly can.
This is the uniparty. They are against US and only working for themselves and the establishment.
In my opinion, I would replace the MAGA red hats in this meme with RINOs 🦏.
Put the awakened in the MAGA hats. For the most part, only awakened have the guts to wear a MAGA hat in public. Even with massive catastrophic failures taking place in our country right now, the country club RINOs still can't get over Trump's mean tweets, let alone wear a MAGA hat in public.
You earned this; u/#Ridetofreedom
This means so much coming from you u/Phishhed44 👈🏻
Have a fantastic weekend!
How come his face is greyed-out?!! 😂
You might say his face is ashen in color. 🤔😁
I dunno. those dr.Oz signs at the rally in PA and the J&J ceo make me think we got some group think going on.
I agree with you on Oz. I am as confused on this as I am with Trunp supporting "vaccines". Plenty of fog of war on both of those.
u/bubble_bursts has some very interesting digs on Johnson and Johnson. Worth scanning through bubbles comment thread on that.
Wasn't every single person at the rally holding a Oz sign and in support of Oz at the last rally?
nah. maybe like 10 percent
I don't like the look of the Oz support.
you give me that Oz sign and I'm gonna throw it in the trash and ask for another.
You and I think a lot alike in that we think for ourselves. You are right to call out MAGA groupthink because it does happen even in this sub.
I mean for fucks sake, there's a whole gaggle of MAGA Christians in this sub alone who won't hesitate to embrace installing a theocracy...
I respect your opinion and your posts around here.
Thanks u/ShmellyTunaMelt1 👈🏻 I feel the same for you. You have a great meme by the way. I just wanted to add some additional insight from my perspective.
I personally see MAGA blowing the doors off of both parties and taking the lead in representing all Americans. Neither party ever will. They've proven their failure over decades.
Our Founding Father's warned us of political parties. Jefferson was 100% against them until he realized he couldn't counter weight Hamilton's desire for a central bank without forming a party and engaging in party politics.
Parties are something we are likely stuck with so we may as well take one, make it our own, and dominate the political landscape.
Trump has always said its about the movement, not about him. It's hard to believe that sometimes because he is such a powerful force as a person. However, he won't be around forever and at most, can only serve one more term.
He has prepared us to take the reigns and crush the deep state, which is represented by both establishment Democrats and Republicans.
In order for America to survive and thrive long term, WE THE PEOPLE must once again lead our nation. And we will. Nothing can stop what is coming as long as we ride together.
The system is like an industrial machine on which everyone is chained, and trying to unchain yourself and do things different makes everyone give you weird looks and reject you. Keeping on or getting back to the chains is your choice. If you unchaining yourself works, more chained people will soon follow.
This is true, being in a heavily - artificially swayed "blue" area. The gov goon cult workers are part of the mass thought formation.
They're the fags flying the "current thing" flags, while virtue signaling with masks at all times
Attempting to normalize bullshit by constant exposure
This is what both the commies and stormfags dont get. They all think it is about race. They accept one half of the equation, but ignore the other. Bring up horseshoe theory and they reee.
I love it. Stickied.
Thanks boss.
I'll tell you what in the actual fuck. It's time to end tribalism. If MAGA is about restoring America, then it means breaking the political pendulum altogether. This means ending the Trump hero worship and voting along party lines bullshit. MAGA should be about putting the Constitution first... And that's it. All ideologies that flow need to be acknowledged and respected. Disagreement on policy and ideas should not only be encouraged, but allowed to flourish. No more shutting down discussion. No more parties. No more alienating ourselves while submitting to our representatives as an authority. They are NOT an authority. We are their authority and when all this is over I sure as fuck will not be submitting to Trump or Q as such. That flag represents freedom and when we worship politicians it shifts to representing servitude. Never. Again.
Does that clear it up?
EDIT: to be clear (lol) there are a few select topics that should always be shut down like pedophilia. Otherwise, most topics should be on the table.
The Maga thinkers out there are all shaking hands and edging closer to the Libertarian and Constitutionalist views much more than any republican before, that is a good thing. IMO.
I agree. We are all kings in our kingdoms. The government serves us.
If we “worshiped Trump”, we would have taken the vaxx that he kept pushing.
If we “worshiped Trump”, we would have accepted his endorsement of Dr Oz without question.
And we need to end tribalism? Dude, do you know what complete lack of tribalism is? Globalism.
There will always be tribalism. In group bias is part of both our biology and society. The healthiest tribalism is nationalism. Healthy nationalism destroys globalism and allows the mixing of races, cultures and ideology. Clearly all of these branches of liberty need pruning though. The rot of corruption needs to be trimmed away.
I think he means uniparty us vs them division and skincolor tribalism.
It is believed Q team has already made contact with ETs...that's why Q and racism don't go together...it's way past "race" or "globalism"
If anything, if you believe hidden hand conspiracy you know the aliens running the cabal are evil and they'll be trying to use Earth to fight their war in the name of "humanity"
also Q uses the phrase dark secrets..
Dark secrETS
Don't speak for all of MAGA like you know all 100 million of the followers personally. The hero worship and overlooking of his past mistakes that is the problem. People get side tracked with defending his reputation when his reputation doesn't matter. What he did as President does. And that's it.
But at the end of the day, we cannot fall for the lies again. Just because some people do good it doesn't mean they are better than us. Trump's life is just as valuable as the poorest poor person in the world. THAT is what I mean by ending the hero worship. Being appreciative is one thing, but remember to live your own life and that at the end of the day all Americans regardless of ideals matter.
Oh, fuck off with your bullshit 🙄
You paint all of MAGA with your broad brush meme, then you dare to spout off at me with, “ Don't speak for all of MAGA like you know all 100 million of the followers personally.”
Take your own advice.
this guy fucks.
lol. its a compliment ☺️
Bad look with the MAGA hat
The leader of the MAGA movement is Q+
He coined MAGA because MAGA is easy to understand and believe in
If the red hat was a Q the movement wouldn't even be half as big
MAGA is easy for the normies amongst the base...it is still compatible with normie religion and base level beliefs
The more they MAGA, the closer they get to Q
Remember when election happened..many moved from PDW to here
They heard the trumpet, they came.
EXACTLY THIS! The other kind of Matrix I do not wish to kowtow to would be "the religious right". Maybe chopping off a body part wouldn't be that bad. ; )
Spot on sovereign individuals and well reasoned thinkers.
And also a bad look because the MAGA useful idiot is just a simple person who just wants a job and maybe a chance to own a nice car or a pretty house, they're not evil just sleepy
The NPC libtard is literally working for the destabilization of western society
Yeah the two sides are good and evil, so pick one
Well, I would say that the Old Republican party, I was one to say "lesser of two evils" however, not with this movement. Saying that, there are still many within it that still do not "get that" and are filled with much anger what have them calling for violence against the others, same as some of the others calling violence on us. There are soo many of you all here and within the party that are really aiming for "strength though unity" While calling out only those who need to be called out on obvious BS psy-op statements and behaviors going on out there. Thank You.