Newsmax wouldn't say a peep about 2000 Mules, so Kari Lake went on and did it for them. SUPERSTAR Governor in the making
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Best Republican candidate in AZ (the others are RINOs) and one of the best nationwide.
As an Arizona resident, she would be my first choice, but does have a sketch history of border security and amnesty
That said, people change, and Kari seems like the best choice.
Here's a good interview where she definitely shows she's an America First candidate:
Many of us were taken in by the heart felt stories and voted Liberal or Democrat at one time or another.
I remind my kids all the time how they had me/us and what is required to keep them out of your head. Listen here 👍
Thanks for the link. She's impressive!
Your welcome..
Newsmax = Dick Morris = Clinton Administration
Came to say this. NewsMax is controlled opposition
Thank you, been a few videos now I just didn't watch cause didn't have Tele so wouldn't load
I don't have telegram but able to watch.. Thank you for this "trick" !
Rockstar, Trump is going to need a VP
The voice of reason - kudos to Kari.
George Soros has a controlling interested in newsmax europe, and subsequently influence in newsmax usa.
Controlled Opposition
I read this a few years ago, a Ukraine parliament member laid out the connections. I also remember David Petratus being involved as a chair in a subsidiary company.
No sauce, just memory. Went back to try to find link, can't, maybe someone with more computing power, better search engine could verify.
She is amazing! Without question, DeSantis is the best current governor and Lake will be right up there when she's elected. Boom!
Thanks u/7Nick9 👈🏻
Kristi Noem from SD is up there too. She's the real deal (and she's hot)
...and that's the last time the patriot will be permitted to appear on controlled op Newsmax.
Tried to Catboxmoe on mobile.. Screw it !
What is up with the swirls in that graphic background?
The AZ Repugnant put out a front page spread, headline "Feel the Rage," pic of Lake smiling and looking pretty good, with a coat worn cape-like over the shoulders (cue Darth Vader), sub head "Trump-endorsed .... rage-fueled campaign ...." You get the picture.
Go Baby Go!!! I like it
"Superstar governor in the making"
Yall keep falling for it. Starstruck over hyping meaningful but clearly small token gestures.
It's not bravery, people in here speak up every day to people who think they are crazy. Kari lake speaks up because we do. She is a follower like all who waited.
I mean, she's doing what many others fail to do even if what you say is true.