Take a half pound of barley and loosely tie it up in a cotton cloth that is porous. It has to be loosely woven cotton, like old-style diapers. Loosely tie the barley in it (the barley will expand) and put it in a pot with about 6 liters of water. Boil it for 6 - 7 hours. Pour the barley water off. Throw away the barley. There should be about 4 liters of water left after boiling (a slow covered boil) If you do it right the water should be bright pink. Mix that with three liters of milk and add a pound of sugar to the final 7 liter mix. If it comes out to 6 liters still add a pound of sugar, it will not be too much. The actual good limit is 27 ounces of sugar added to 7 liters. It is supposed to be sweet. The baby needs sugar for energy. Make sure you are not a snowflake and USE SUGAR, NOT A SUBSTITUTE. Corn syrup is also permissible in the same amount but nothing else*. I'd add a couple grams of salt (just the tip of a teaspoon) to the final mix of about 7 liters and no more, it should not taste like it has salt. It should taste like it has NO SALT. Freeze what you are not going to use right away. You'll have a happy healthy baby, that recipe totally destroys commercial formula. I can back this up with hard data. That is THE RECIPE. If anyone posts a recipe more complicated or quicker or easier or more "nutritious" than that, it is a load of crap. That is the old Roman recipe that has been around for 2,000 years and it produces great results. I know this because the family used that recipe when a mother could not produce milk, it is all the kid had and the (not vaxxed) kid is sharp as a whip.
*see Litecola2's point on glyphosate in corn syrup
I'll vouch for the value of barley but draw the line at corn syrup, because you can find non-GMO and organic sugar but not clean corn syrup - and under no circumstances should a baby be exposed to glyphosate.
Yeah, I'm not crazy about the corn syrup either. The reason the corn syrup is in most recipes is that evaporated milk can cause constipation in babies- heck it can cause it in adults and the corn syrup keeps that from happening. Honey could be used for older babies but can cause botulism in infants. It would also be used to keep digestion flowing.
13 oz evaporated milk
20 oz water
2 level TBSP Karo syruo
Heat and then pour into 4 6oz bottles. Of course, the recipe can be doubled or tripled.
When searching people were acting like this was horrible. My dad was raised on this in the 1930's, I was in 1958, my younger brothers were as were millions of babies. None of us have grown 2 heads. T
his formula is sure as hell better than what people buy in the stores with the unpronounceable ingred. Plus some baby formulas, like Similac, are made by Big Pharma.
Another good thing is that evaporated milk is very stable when stored even for long periods.
The American Academy of Pediatricians says never to feed homemade formulas to babies, so you know that means it's probably the healthiest thing to feed babies besides breast milk - unless the mother has been vaxxed.
You probably could as maple syrup or pancake syrup are given as alternatives to Karo syrup. My nurse friend told me that they gave babies in the nursery a little sugar water if they were colicky and the Karo was used as a constipation preventative.
There's always a dumbass who thinks our dietary choices as an adult should be pushed on to kids.
I would not give, say, erythritol or stevia to a child just because I use them.
I didn't gain weight until I was put on Prozac.
I ate a lot of candy as a child and remained very fit.
It sounds like a lot of sugar..but there are good reasons for that in a developing body, and most body builders can vouch that carbs help build their body.
I thought this may have been a joke post, so I looked it up and by jove, it really does exist, evidently coming from scientology. Would love to know more about the actual nutrition of the barley water and other people's experience with it. Also, I wonder why homogenized milk? In my understanding, homogenization compresses the fat in the cream into much smaller particles which are not as healthy as the original form.
Barley is more nutritious than wheat, I discovered, when I researched survival crops. Not sure about homogenisation of milk fat, OP's formula has a variety of fats like coconut oil which would emulsify.
Yeah, wheat grown in USA (maybe other countries) isn’t good. Unless it’s truly organic it’s contaminated with Round Up. We have been brainwashed into whole wheat bread and crackers are better. IDK know until recently.
This video gives good info. He has very helpful information, I ignore the promotional products he mentions.
Wow. One or two pounds of sugar? I can't actually comment as I know very little about the infant diet, but that should have that baby up and walking right home from the hospital.
🤣 I tried breast milk & my babies formula. I’m curious also but I wanted to know if it tasted good if I was giving to her. I just wish 30 years ago I knew more about safe foods & natural plant medicine.
Just go to your local ag store/feed store and purchase goat's milk (either liquid or powder) and can also buy pre & probiotics (colostrum is GREAT). Read product labels, buy organic, AS CLOSE TO LOCALLY SOURCED AS POSSIBLE (better yet, find a local farmer on eatwild.org or localharvest.org and buy straight from the source), with as few ingredients as possible. If you purchase powder form, also grab a food safe storage bucket to prolong life as you can buy LARGE bags of it for cheaper than what two cans of small formula will run you.
I think “raw milk” is the milk you get from a cow farmer. I don’t have company cow farms in my area like we did twenty years ago. A lot of truly “clean” eating people (I mean the people that won’t dare eat processed foods or grocery store veggies)
These people will rent or buy a cow from a farmer just to get the milk. Some families might split the cost. Again, not an expert, when I saw raw milk I wasn’t interested. It’s separated & you have to process it to get whole of skim etc.
A farm local to Raleigh sells it at the Farmers market. I’m over an hour out & rarely go to that farmers market.
I’m not putting down people that live this way. I think it’s great. I have my own clean eating habits I try to follow.
Stuff like this is really not worth the risk for your baby. Unless you absolutely have zero way of getting proper baby formula I would avoid gambling your infants development on random internet articles
If you can't breast feed, I trust something handmade with real ingredients and no preservatives over the "proper" stuff big brother is making at the mega corporations any day. My parents raised me on DIY formula.
Note to Gates, Biden, and other Globalists: You will not get your NWO because people aren't going to just die for you. Nor will we sit around suffering for you either. When we see a problem, we take steps to mitigate it before it kills us or makes us miserable. Baby formula shortage? We'll just make our own, just like we started homeschooling and coops when those were taken away.
Nothing is wrong with breast feeding. Not every woman can breastfeed. My baby just wouldn’t nurse. She nursed and feel asleep very quickly. She was loosing & my milk was drying up. We didn’t have a choice except formula. Thirty years ago I didn’t have the internet or other resources we have now. She breastfeed about three weeks. Today there’s plant based formula on the market.
I'm beginning to think all these "planned shortages" & "food factory fires" and the like... are not black hats but instead White Hat Ops taking out contaminated food supplies.
I hope so🛐
I read way back at the start of Covid when they were discussing the vaccine they were working on adding vaccines to the lettuce you get in the store, restaurants etc. Before I knew Covid was man made I read everything I could & followed the top big major 🇺🇸hospitals. Even though I was a little worried I knew I wouldn’t get the vaccine. Haven’t had flu shot in over twenty years. This article was scary! They were so proud they had found a way for vax foods.
We have had toxins in the foods for years. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised at anything they put in the foods or water.
I’ve posted this link a few times this week. I’m not saying the posted link is not a good option. My daughter is thirty & it’s been a while since I researched formula. Wellness Mama has a lot of good information. Just like many bloggers they are selling products. Get the good information and don’t feel obligated to buy products.
Another option from Jim Stone:
Take a half pound of barley and loosely tie it up in a cotton cloth that is porous. It has to be loosely woven cotton, like old-style diapers. Loosely tie the barley in it (the barley will expand) and put it in a pot with about 6 liters of water. Boil it for 6 - 7 hours. Pour the barley water off. Throw away the barley. There should be about 4 liters of water left after boiling (a slow covered boil) If you do it right the water should be bright pink. Mix that with three liters of milk and add a pound of sugar to the final 7 liter mix. If it comes out to 6 liters still add a pound of sugar, it will not be too much. The actual good limit is 27 ounces of sugar added to 7 liters. It is supposed to be sweet. The baby needs sugar for energy. Make sure you are not a snowflake and USE SUGAR, NOT A SUBSTITUTE. Corn syrup is also permissible in the same amount but nothing else*. I'd add a couple grams of salt (just the tip of a teaspoon) to the final mix of about 7 liters and no more, it should not taste like it has salt. It should taste like it has NO SALT. Freeze what you are not going to use right away. You'll have a happy healthy baby, that recipe totally destroys commercial formula. I can back this up with hard data. That is THE RECIPE. If anyone posts a recipe more complicated or quicker or easier or more "nutritious" than that, it is a load of crap. That is the old Roman recipe that has been around for 2,000 years and it produces great results. I know this because the family used that recipe when a mother could not produce milk, it is all the kid had and the (not vaxxed) kid is sharp as a whip.
*see Litecola2's point on glyphosate in corn syrup
I'll vouch for the value of barley but draw the line at corn syrup, because you can find non-GMO and organic sugar but not clean corn syrup - and under no circumstances should a baby be exposed to glyphosate.
Yeah, I'm not crazy about the corn syrup either. The reason the corn syrup is in most recipes is that evaporated milk can cause constipation in babies- heck it can cause it in adults and the corn syrup keeps that from happening. Honey could be used for older babies but can cause botulism in infants. It would also be used to keep digestion flowing.
13 oz evaporated milk
20 oz water
2 level TBSP Karo syruo
Heat and then pour into 4 6oz bottles. Of course, the recipe can be doubled or tripled.
When searching people were acting like this was horrible. My dad was raised on this in the 1930's, I was in 1958, my younger brothers were as were millions of babies. None of us have grown 2 heads. T
his formula is sure as hell better than what people buy in the stores with the unpronounceable ingred. Plus some baby formulas, like Similac, are made by Big Pharma.
Another good thing is that evaporated milk is very stable when stored even for long periods.
The American Academy of Pediatricians says never to feed homemade formulas to babies, so you know that means it's probably the healthiest thing to feed babies besides breast milk - unless the mother has been vaxxed.
Can it just be natural sugar instead of corn syrup? Can find organic sugar, nothing corn is organic anymore
You probably could as maple syrup or pancake syrup are given as alternatives to Karo syrup. My nurse friend told me that they gave babies in the nursery a little sugar water if they were colicky and the Karo was used as a constipation preventative.
Uh oh, evaporated milk causes constipation? I know prepping fams who are sticking up on that more than dry milk, better mention that!
Tell them to buy honey. 1 TBSP in a glass of hot water will fix constipation.
Thank you, fren!
You're welcome!
You said make sure you're not a snowflake and use sugar oh I'm howling that was so funny
There's always a dumbass who thinks our dietary choices as an adult should be pushed on to kids.
I would not give, say, erythritol or stevia to a child just because I use them.
I didn't gain weight until I was put on Prozac.
I ate a lot of candy as a child and remained very fit.
It sounds like a lot of sugar..but there are good reasons for that in a developing body, and most body builders can vouch that carbs help build their body.
I thought this may have been a joke post, so I looked it up and by jove, it really does exist, evidently coming from scientology. Would love to know more about the actual nutrition of the barley water and other people's experience with it. Also, I wonder why homogenized milk? In my understanding, homogenization compresses the fat in the cream into much smaller particles which are not as healthy as the original form.
Barley is more nutritious than wheat, I discovered, when I researched survival crops. Not sure about homogenisation of milk fat, OP's formula has a variety of fats like coconut oil which would emulsify.
Yeah, wheat grown in USA (maybe other countries) isn’t good. Unless it’s truly organic it’s contaminated with Round Up. We have been brainwashed into whole wheat bread and crackers are better. IDK know until recently. This video gives good info. He has very helpful information, I ignore the promotional products he mentions.
Flav City
Wow. One or two pounds of sugar? I can't actually comment as I know very little about the infant diet, but that should have that baby up and walking right home from the hospital.
🤣 I tried breast milk & my babies formula. I’m curious also but I wanted to know if it tasted good if I was giving to her. I just wish 30 years ago I knew more about safe foods & natural plant medicine.
Just go to your local ag store/feed store and purchase goat's milk (either liquid or powder) and can also buy pre & probiotics (colostrum is GREAT). Read product labels, buy organic, AS CLOSE TO LOCALLY SOURCED AS POSSIBLE (better yet, find a local farmer on eatwild.org or localharvest.org and buy straight from the source), with as few ingredients as possible. If you purchase powder form, also grab a food safe storage bucket to prolong life as you can buy LARGE bags of it for cheaper than what two cans of small formula will run you.
OP, I honestly started laughing at the photo of crazy-eyes lady. Recipe might be fine, but whoa nelly I can't look at her
Well, raw milk was all fine for many centuries for kids of people, but I will say wet nurses were still preferred, must be for a reason (or hundred).
Agreed. There's bread recipes that start that way, feed the yeast quickly
👏 Yes, people ate healthy before mass produced food plants.
I think “raw milk” is the milk you get from a cow farmer. I don’t have company cow farms in my area like we did twenty years ago. A lot of truly “clean” eating people (I mean the people that won’t dare eat processed foods or grocery store veggies) These people will rent or buy a cow from a farmer just to get the milk. Some families might split the cost. Again, not an expert, when I saw raw milk I wasn’t interested. It’s separated & you have to process it to get whole of skim etc. A farm local to Raleigh sells it at the Farmers market. I’m over an hour out & rarely go to that farmers market. I’m not putting down people that live this way. I think it’s great. I have my own clean eating habits I try to follow.
Stuff like this is really not worth the risk for your baby. Unless you absolutely have zero way of getting proper baby formula I would avoid gambling your infants development on random internet articles
If you can't breast feed, I trust something handmade with real ingredients and no preservatives over the "proper" stuff big brother is making at the mega corporations any day. My parents raised me on DIY formula.
Note to Gates, Biden, and other Globalists: You will not get your NWO because people aren't going to just die for you. Nor will we sit around suffering for you either. When we see a problem, we take steps to mitigate it before it kills us or makes us miserable. Baby formula shortage? We'll just make our own, just like we started homeschooling and coops when those were taken away.
Here’s a couple more formulas with video instruction, looks all healthy imo
I don’t know much about cod liver oil except it’s important to get a good source.
Please share or DM me the brand you like. I have chronic pain and will try anything! Thanks
What the hell is wrong with breastfeeding? All that store bought formula is chock full of soy and will turn your kids into homos
Nothing is wrong with breast feeding. Not every woman can breastfeed. My baby just wouldn’t nurse. She nursed and feel asleep very quickly. She was loosing & my milk was drying up. We didn’t have a choice except formula. Thirty years ago I didn’t have the internet or other resources we have now. She breastfeed about three weeks. Today there’s plant based formula on the market.
And exclusively breastfeeding for the first 1-2 yrs boosts your child's IQ by 5 points.
For the downvoters who were raised on karo syrup: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2939272/#:~:text=Anderson%20and%20colleagues%20(5)%20showed,large%20effects%20in%20population%20terms.
I'm beginning to think all these "planned shortages" & "food factory fires" and the like... are not black hats but instead White Hat Ops taking out contaminated food supplies.
https://www.talk.lol/viewpost.php?postid=61635c00724e4 - Don't worry, if you don't want the vaccine they will put it in your food.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rj6JOKrL_vg - Nestlé: The Most Evil Business in the World
e.g. - baby formula.
Only time will tell.
I hope so🛐 I read way back at the start of Covid when they were discussing the vaccine they were working on adding vaccines to the lettuce you get in the store, restaurants etc. Before I knew Covid was man made I read everything I could & followed the top big major 🇺🇸hospitals. Even though I was a little worried I knew I wouldn’t get the vaccine. Haven’t had flu shot in over twenty years. This article was scary! They were so proud they had found a way for vax foods. We have had toxins in the foods for years. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised at anything they put in the foods or water.
Company Man also did a fantastic video on Nestle recently, especially about their formula.
He's very even-handed and fair with all his videos, I highly recommend him.
Well, we are still being sprayed from the skies. Chemtrails have kicked up a lot here lover past few months.
I’ve posted this link a few times this week. I’m not saying the posted link is not a good option. My daughter is thirty & it’s been a while since I researched formula. Wellness Mama has a lot of good information. Just like many bloggers they are selling products. Get the good information and don’t feel obligated to buy products.