I saw the whole "Purchase on hold" stuff today and my mind immediatly thought, whats the way to destroy this company without actually having to buy it?
Get the purchase going, demand factual evidence of goings on in order to make smart financial decision.
Air out dirty laundry to the public, then be all "Nah fam, thats a bunch of bullshit, I aint buying that."
lol... that's like asking the owner of a used car to start the engine so you can hear the rods knocking and the valve clatter.... then saying ... NOPE!
It’s like asking to see the car and finding out it’s a cucumber sandwich.
it's like asking to see the car and finding a cardboard cutout of a car with a bunch of pink haired transgenders behind it making engine sounds!
Electric engine sounds!
Hopefully the contract has a "lemon law" clause
If they do "start the engine", the price goes WAAAAAAAAAY down. That's what EM is looking to do. I believe he will buy Twat at a massive discount to the original agreed price of 40+ billion. There will be a law suit coming shortly.
He will buy twat, or will DWAC buy twat? I mean, it's in the name... Digital World ACQUISITION Company.
Now wouldn't that be just awesome?
And buy Hollywood. Then make some non woke movies where everyone isn’t a horrible human.
I believe you win the English comprehension award. Well done!
What did you call me?!?
How would you think this works? Is the deal structured in a way that Elon has first right of refusal if something damaging was discovered during enterprise review? That would be amazing.
On a deal, usually this sits under the due diligence contingency declaration. Such as, we will buy it of all your claims are true. But we get to look for ourselves. Twitter will crumble.
As the Bondo falls of the quarters
it would be better to find a live hooker... either way... the trunk needs to get hosed out!
"I've never seen so many dead hookers in my life!" - Norm MacDonald
Sounds like a good time to me
Twitter trying the old brake fluid in the engine oil trick.