I'm in a "family" group text full of brainwashed vaxtards that is shared with me, I found out my step sister is "terribly ill" from covid, she shared her lab results and says she is positive for the coof.
One says like it's straight out of the script "yeah she is vaccinated and boosted, she thinks that it would've been far worse if it wasn't for the vaccines!" and all of them clicked the thumbs up like fucking robots. I find it hysterical how robotic they are, whenever a vaccinated experiences a breakthrough sickness, it's always the same sentence: "well it would of been far worse if it wasn't for the vaccines, i am thankful to be vaccinated. I'm a robot, beep boop."
Meanwhile, people like me never got sick, and these idiots are getting sick 4 times a year, I just find it incredibly cringe.
That sentence should be printed on each of their grave stones.
"It would've been far worse if it wasn't for the vaccines!"
sadly they will just blame the coof "wow, covid is stronger than ever before, it's killing us vaccinated! we must vaccinate more more more more!"
These people are beyond repair, the ship is leaking from a hole in the floor.. their solution is to make the hole bigger. That's the type of people we are dealing with here.
Its the same around me, this people are now constantly sickly, small cough, they look sick and they get sick all the time.
They can't even reflect on that. tools.
same. One of my coworkers looks like she got hit by a train after coming back from the coof, she is fully vaxxed and overweight. My boss has a cold, his arm shakes strangely now. They're slowly dying man.
And they will never learn
Masks cause brain damage. It's the only way I can rationalize this level of retardation from people I used to consider reasonable people.
Also, they have AIDS now. lol
Defenitly have aids, all the numbers show it. I am curious to know if it last for a long time or if the immune system eventually recovers.
Was filling around with quebec data, uk and Ireland. They all show aids like tendency 3 month after last vaccine
I'm an ICU RN unvaxxed waiting for my walking papers. I'll take it as far as I can. Anyway all these young healthy very active crossfit nurses having high BP, cardiac arrhythmias, fast growing cancers and none will correlate to the clot shot. Waiting for them to drop and they'll have no choice but to keep me. It's very sad situation they've forced us into on both sides.
I had to catch covid to prove to my family that the vaccine is bullshit.
I was the least sick out of all of them. That woke them up.
My wife and daughter got the first jab last year. My wife has had a cold for about 9 months now. Both are woke and I give up trying to discuss anything that is going on around us. It only ends up in vicious arguments and name calling.
I refuse to get any jab from this gene changing vaccine. I have not had a cold for over 2 years now. I am disgusted at this globalist government administration and what they are doing to our country and citizens.
same I havent had the slightest sickness since late 2019, when I got sick for two days and was immediately over it. Maybe a headache during Omicron, but i have been taking Selenium and Zinc (1 every 2 weeks), Vitamin C (every other day), D3 +K2 (every other day), and some Ivermectin (maybe every 2 weeks) when I feel run down.. bam good as new.
Here's a really good lecture on how to deactivate the shot if you're ever forced to take it (by gunpoint): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eE1r2YghpBE
Summary: Ivermectin, NAC, Vitamin C, l-arginine
Nobody has mentioned L-arginine that I remember. I've been taking that for years. It's suppose to be a virus suppressor. I use it for cold sores. Works great. I don't think I've been sick in the last 8 years maybe more.
I know L-lysine is good for cold sores. First I've heard for the same claim for L-arginine.
Lord Jesus, Please soften and convict hardened hearts, remove veils from eyes, unstop ears, turn hearts to you and wake the sleeping. Turn the hearts of the father to the son and the son to the father (in this case spouse and daughter) In your Awesome, Almighty, All Powerful name, Amen
A friendly vet got double-vaxxed and is now at death's door. Medicine is the new suicide cult.
As did my husband’s aunt and died four days later.
Just about, but not long now.
MY brother got the vax to keep his job,, he dropped 4 times like the sports & news casters.. fourth time he was found on bathroom floor at beach covered in his poop. He was fired from his job since he was in the hospital four times... He was happy about the booster! I was like WTF dude?? Now he is dead!! 11MAY22 @ 11:11 Younger than me, never sick before the vax :(
OMG I am so very sorry to hear that. We may never find out how many people actually died from the jabs.
What a sick world we live in, that is how powerful their psychological manipulation is... the injured are proud, even happy to have something that is killing them. Sick sick sick.
I am sooo sorry hun 💜 Your brother is up above with God/Source now and in peace 💜. At 11:11...he is with the angels .
I hope he knew Jesus. That is the inly way to Heaven.
That statement can come across as very judgey and insensitive, especially as someone in our community has just lost someone perhaps dear to them. We all came from the same place. We are all loved. Please be careful with divisive comments. That is what we should be trying to steer away from.
I did express my condolences to them. How is expressing Biblical truth “judgy”?had no intention of divisiveness.
I know you didn't intend to. I'm sorry if I offended you. I'll leave this video here, it'll probably be better at explaining what im trying to say. We're all on the same journey of life together, no matter what we decide to believe. https://youtu.be/avN_gQ7NC0I
I am so sorry for your loss.
Wow. Crazy times
The herd is being culled.
All the vaccinated people I know are the sickest people I encounter these days.
How can anyone know it would be worse if not jabbed?
Had similar talk with a coworker about flu shots. I told her it was worthless since its made for the previous years strain. She said but if I get this flu it wont be as bad. I said - How do you know this, how can you tell?
Has anyone backed up a time machine to see if jabbed or not is worse? Did someone come back to life and said God told them it would have been worse without the jab? Doctors who dont even know whats in it, a 'virus' never isolated said so? And you believe him?
And how do you explain non-jabbed getting sick from jabbed-shedding family.
It's nothing more than conjecture that has been repeated over and over and over in the media, as Bertrand Russell once said:
For the annual flu shots, it's actually been proven that the severity of flus not in the shot are worse, and there a cumulative effect of weakened immune system and shedding. So annual flu shot people shed a lot and get more sick.
Like a bully telling you it would have been far worse if you didn't give up the lunch money.
Most, maybe all, of my family is vaccinated, and they're getting horribly sick and "testing positive" on a regular basis. Parents, uncles aunts, getting horribly sick right now. It's heartbreaking.
It’s because getting sick questions their entire personal narrative. They have to say “it would have been worse had I not vaccinated” to validate their decision. It’s what’s narcissists do instead of reflecting and reevaluating their decision. Too prideful to consider, “shit, that didn’t work, what if I am wrong”. That never happens.
They will come down with every virus now as their immune systems have been destroyed. The more they got jabbed the worse it will be. One gal who is fully vaxxed and boosted told me the other day her nose has been running since the first jab. And she got the vid (or at least tested positive for it) after her third jab.
Ask her if she's been tested for AIDS yet
Cringe overload
Went to jazzfest and was around a ton of people. My friend started feeling bad (vaxed). My boyfriend and I had a sore throat the next day. Day after, she’s sick as a dog and we’re out and about. Friend took a test, positive for covid. Everyone vaxed got sick. We’ve been fine.
i have covid rn and its weak af 2/10 cant believe they tried to shut everything down for this
They act like robots because they've been programmed to behave like one since birth.
Im unvaxxed (obviously), had covid twice in two years and it was like a rough cold. First time around was more annoying because I lost all sense of taste and smell while having it. But all good now.
Just had influenza A or whatever the fuck my kid brought home from kindergarten, but it wasn't covid. Due to work I had to test multiple times a day and 'stay negative on several tests' so I know it wasn't covid this time around.
But this last one was thousand times worse than any of the two Kung Flu's I had. 39.6 in fever, woke up in a pool of sweat several times a day and my nose was just a waterfall of snot.
How anyone can, with a straight face, say "covid would have been so much worse had I not been vaccinated" is beyond me. The conditioning is unreal.
Lack of vit. D3 can cause same symptoms as "COVID" as can radiation..or body detoxing
Influenza is not a virus ..it's the body detoxing ..it produces fever sweating mucus etc as ways to get rid of toxins from chemicals in food water air alcohol drugs medicines etc . Hope this information is helpful
That actually was extremely helpful, thank you.
I think I have the same thing. Hubby had it over the weekend. I started feeling it Tuesday night. The waterfall is seriously annoying. My last shopping trip I got a couple of boxes of kleenex which was a good thing because I have used one already. That and my eyes tearing. Fever comes and goes as well as a headache.
You didn’t have “Covid” twice, you just got sick. Didn’t you ever get sick before 2020?!?!
My wife and I had a cold recently, expected with small kids. We joking said, imagine how easy this would have been if we were vax’d and boosted.
On a side note, Twitter wants their bots back if any of your family are looking for work.
Well, that's nonfalsifiable and unprovable so it's the most intellectually stout choice to not conclude it's true.
I really am sick of hearing that sentence, though.
"I'm a robot in deep dook"... is what I read. That sentence has been programmed into their brain from the mocking bird media.