I'm reading a book right now about the severe and debilitating effects of Vitamin B12 deficiency. It's everything from weakness, a lack of agreeableness, and irritability, to full on dementia and paralysis.
The only way (truly) to get enough B12 in one's diet is to either eat meat products, or to consume very specific foods such as nutritional yeast (still an animal product if you think about it... bacteria are a "creature") or to take supplements.
However, for all the talk about vegetarianism and veganism, NOBODY is talking about the importance of supplementing B12.
The demented states of "soy boys" and other types of people, and the very angry, entitled mentalities that are associated with vegans might have a biological cause... severe B12 deficiency.
In short, they need to break down our minds to make us dumb enough to believe all the shit they say and try to make us do. This, along with flouride to kill the soul and calcify the pineal gland, and vitamin D deficiency to weaken the immune system, seem to be causing a lot of issues...
The brain needs fats.
FAT = more stem cells than bone marrow!
When I read the studies from 2015 and 2019 that showed that human body fat, especially abdominal fat, contains way more restorative stem cells than the previously preferred location (bone marrow) by a factor of 5000 vs 100, I realized that the body's fat is full of important reserves and is there for the body's use as needed.
(Pity the poor people who liposuction all of that away in search of slim waists and surgical 6-packs...)
Thus, I no longer trim the fat off the steaks and other meats I eat, because it may be the most nutritional part of the meat.
As a child, we'd fight over the fat and gristle on a good steak or roast. Now I know my instincts were correct! Fat = important stem cells, Gristle = collagen.
Besides tasting delicious, we can now enjoy it again and feel smart for doing so.
We were vegans in the garden....no death until Adam sinned means no animals were killed for meat. So God didn't design us correctly from the beginning? Animals were also NOT meat eaters like they are now. Hard concept to grasp perhaps but logical. There were also no GMO plants in the garden as well so maybe that's the difference?
Genesis 3:16 would say that childbirth would have been painless before the fall from Eden, and 3:17-19 says the very ground is cursed, requiring painful toil to live. Is it really all that hard to say that God would have changed a few things around to require hunting for a sustainable diet?
The bible is a store not a literal interpretation of the past.
You are a fool then. Sorry. It is historically, literally and grammatically correct. You should read it sometime.
Sure it is.
Totally. My daughter got all caught up in the woke BS and I wasn’t fully tuned into it many years ago. I went Vegan with her to show support.
We are a very healthy and active family and eat whole foods. I enjoy cooking and studying nutrition. Anyways...
It was all fine and dandy but 2+ years into it I noticed my power going down. As I learned more about it I noticed my body was slowing (so to speak).
Bottom line, it is a great cleanse but our bodies need a mix of all foods. I also supplement now with Dr Mercola multi D as our food is generally lacking.
My daughter woke up!!! Thank God!!! And I fully woke up!!! So no more AGENDA driven weaponized diet!!!
It really is sick to see how The Deep State plays on the desire of young people who want to ‘do the right thing’. It is The Satanic Rule of Reversal at work.
Some of the sickest patients I dealt with due to self affliction were vegans that were runners. At 40 years old they had the skeletal structure of someone in their eighties. Every single one of them eventually ended up with a severe shattering type of fracture of a lower extremity that required surgical intervention. None of them were ever able to run again.
I never considered it a healthy diet in the long run - and I have studied the topic extensively. As you well know, it is not just a diet, it is an obsession and in some cases, a cultic religion of sorts. It can take many years for that clock to wind down due to the deficiencies and by the time it all hits the wall it may be too late to undo the damage. It is a slow wasting type of condition. The irony is that they really think they are healthy.
B12 comes from bacteria in soil and water. Animals in modern times aren't getting any B12 from the soil or water. Everything is "dead" as far as these essential vitamins go in modern farming.
They add B12 to the food cows, chickens etc, eat. You in turn consume the meat that has been given B12 supplements.
No different than taking them yourself as part of a daily regimen.
The above is pertaining to the US and Canada specifically. Europe, Middle East, Latin America etc still have healthy farms and soil.
I think I read we only started developing bigger brain through meat eating. Meat is a complete food.
Vegetarians are more docile.
Totally. And from cooking, which breaks down cell walls and makes food more bioavailable.
Ya, right?
Something dietary is definitely going on. Maybe from GMO’s too. Lots of genetic freaks around.
Females are conned into thinking “oat milk” will suffice (it doesn’t) sugar free is ideal (females literally need sugar to function) and eating meat is equatable to murder (ladies NEED iron for their monthly cycle!!). They do all this to their bodies and are surprised when they can’t lose weight or their hormones are all wack. They are literally depriving their bodies of nutrients and are genuinely shocked 😐
Aside from diet, do you have a particular supplement you'd recommend for kiddos?
5-HTP is great for a tryptophan supplement.
No animal fats = mental decline, shriveled gray matter. Fat is brain lube
Just want to add, there's a reason cults restrict meat consumption, it's to make people's minds more malleable to brainwashing.
Ironically, veganism is borderline cultish.
I have an old cookbook of my grandmothers. As I was flipping through it, there was a page that discussed vitamins and the foods they came from. I was a little shocked to see all of the vitamins that are consistently discussed here. Wish I could attach a picture
For more anti vegan info check out Vegan Deterioration on YouTube.
It is NOT possible to thrive, or after many years even survive, off a non-meat diet. Even vegetarians often have horrible side effects. Not everyone can process beta carotene or the lab-made B12. Nutritional yeast is no substitute for meat.
One needs cholesterol to make vitamin D from sunlight. Vitamin D and A are only found in animals, among many other key things we need.
I was searching up ways to combat all the estrogen Ive consumed over my lifetime... Found this (50 Ways to boost Testosterone Naturally) in my inquiries.
Has a wealth of information, used studies to back up their claims. Some things I'm skeptical on, but that's some of my discernment at work. Might be something you'd like to check out.
Meat is not your savior. And fruits and vegetables are not poison that make you stupid.
Stop deliberately overlooking processed/bleached food that get stripped of their nutrients and then refortified with chemicals and other ‘natura!’ Additives
You are missing the point...
Plenty of vegetarians do just fine. India is full of them, including the military. They typically consume a lot of dairy, though. Can't say the same about vegan.
If they consume a lot of dairy they will likely be ok. I'm saying that misguided people run into problems, and it's not for all. Please do more research.
Hey friend, yeast are not bacteria. They are fungi. Fungi are also different from animals.
No shit. But it's a "living" creature, not a plant. Is it truly vegan? Maybe.
"Vegan" is a made up leftist term so they can virtue signal to others about who loves animals more while at the same time they destroy their own health.
I have a special affinity for yeast, since yeast make beer, and I am BeerMan.
Peace to you, friend.