When Lindsey Graham was 'elected', did he campaign on a pro-2A platform or a pro-gun grab platform? What other issues has he waffled on once elected/re-elected?
We've talked about using bonds against feckless politicians before as a way to make them accountable for deceiving the very people they were elected to represent.
I think it's well past time for Lindsey's chicks to come home to roost.
Forgive my gloom , but I'm truly concerned..do you all believe/ think that they will take our guns ? I know all the statements like "come to my door etc . But seriously is this it ? R they going to take our 2nd ?
A lot of horror has happened the past three years .. covid and than the jab ..(they murdered so many not that they haven't been killing us for years) ! Our election .. so much open horror has been done to us , but , I stood unmovable, however, this has shaken me , I have always recieved so much solice here and it's my source for news , but Its to the point where I'm really starting to believe that I will come on here and read .,,,,,....,.!!!
honestly I'm quietly freaking out!
Btw I hate this F and he needs to go visit his BF noname !
Relax! I am not even American! No way they take your guns! The day they try; the soy boys will retreat in horror! Being a real American will save us all!
It's on their agenda, america is rich with resources and they can't roll out the new world order until we "The Freedom Fighting Patriots" fall.
They have secured all the low hanging fruit available, time to tackle the big boys with the big toys.
They have been dealt some defeats lately, Russia, China, India, etc.. don't want to play their game, while it may be premature to say multipolar has won the day, it's easy to see unipolar NWO is struggling to save their dystopian dream.
They have to consolidate the powers they have, and tie up loose ends for a longer than expected conflict with multipolar nations.
The complete enslavement of nation states they think they now control has to be realized in order to utilize those resources to move forward to achieve the goals they have and bring multipolar nations to heel.
They have laid out this elaborate hoax of plan with FFs, and created shortages and disruption, now they are all dressed up and ready to dance.
The only question left, will we punch their card and take them for a turn on the dance floor, or will we sit this one out and surrender our 2nd?
I wish I were wrong, but it's the way I see it, and I think It will go kinetic.
I gotta get the hell out of Cali , I truly believe we are standing on a cliff and it appears to be unsteady ,, I need to pray more! Our 2nd is more important than ever before !
No. They know they will die trying. There is a reason wars are not fought on American soil. There are guns in almost every household. That war, if they choose to have it, won’t last long.
Thank u , I feel a bit better! It appears that they plan on modifying, ripping apart , rewording our 2nd! , I pray I'm wrong! I need to pray more and speak life over our nation ! Ty again !
I've been trying to find report cards on him from NRA or GOA, but I guess they don't publicize those anymore. South Carolina doesn't seem like a state that would turn a blind eye to 2A opponents.
What stands out is he does not say "I stand ready to vote (YES) on ALL the..." He is just saying that he is ready to vote on ALL the proposals. This shemale is a massive flip flopper, so maybe this is just a ploy and he intends to vote NO... One can only hope.
Lindsey hasn't seen an extended mag since his Playgirl subscription ran out in the 70s.
I laughed out loud on that one.
Except, (we can surmise) 'the one that shall not be named' probably gave him a little taste.
I wonder...
When Lindsey Graham was 'elected', did he campaign on a pro-2A platform or a pro-gun grab platform? What other issues has he waffled on once elected/re-elected?
We've talked about using bonds against feckless politicians before as a way to make them accountable for deceiving the very people they were elected to represent.
I think it's well past time for Lindsey's chicks to come home to roost.
That sounds
This guy has to go as soon as possible .
Forgive my gloom , but I'm truly concerned..do you all believe/ think that they will take our guns ? I know all the statements like "come to my door etc . But seriously is this it ? R they going to take our 2nd ? A lot of horror has happened the past three years .. covid and than the jab ..(they murdered so many not that they haven't been killing us for years) ! Our election .. so much open horror has been done to us , but , I stood unmovable, however, this has shaken me , I have always recieved so much solice here and it's my source for news , but Its to the point where I'm really starting to believe that I will come on here and read .,,,,,....,.!!!
honestly I'm quietly freaking out! Btw I hate this F and he needs to go visit his BF noname !
Relax! I am not even American! No way they take your guns! The day they try; the soy boys will retreat in horror! Being a real American will save us all!
I'm not talking about raiding our homes , I'm talking about ripping apart the 2nd , God help us as I think they are going to atleast try !
It's on their agenda, america is rich with resources and they can't roll out the new world order until we "The Freedom Fighting Patriots" fall.
They have secured all the low hanging fruit available, time to tackle the big boys with the big toys.
They have been dealt some defeats lately, Russia, China, India, etc.. don't want to play their game, while it may be premature to say multipolar has won the day, it's easy to see unipolar NWO is struggling to save their dystopian dream.
They have to consolidate the powers they have, and tie up loose ends for a longer than expected conflict with multipolar nations.
The complete enslavement of nation states they think they now control has to be realized in order to utilize those resources to move forward to achieve the goals they have and bring multipolar nations to heel.
They have laid out this elaborate hoax of plan with FFs, and created shortages and disruption, now they are all dressed up and ready to dance.
The only question left, will we punch their card and take them for a turn on the dance floor, or will we sit this one out and surrender our 2nd?
I wish I were wrong, but it's the way I see it, and I think It will go kinetic.
Nope, they a lot of stupid stuff. They pretend the constitution doesn't exist. They're lying.
The federal government has zero authority over states. They are essentially just casting a spell. Words. Hoodoo. Nothing more
I gotta get the hell out of Cali , I truly believe we are standing on a cliff and it appears to be unsteady ,, I need to pray more! Our 2nd is more important than ever before !
No. They know they will die trying. There is a reason wars are not fought on American soil. There are guns in almost every household. That war, if they choose to have it, won’t last long.
Thank u , I feel a bit better! It appears that they plan on modifying, ripping apart , rewording our 2nd! , I pray I'm wrong! I need to pray more and speak life over our nation ! Ty again !
The archive of these comments and votes will serve them well in the trials to come.
Come get ya some ladybug.
Cannot unsee the mental image...
I know right, and I can't hear ladybug's name and not think of the image...
God it was hilarious
Fucking Traitor!!!
Wait though it doesn’t say he’s vote yes
I've been trying to find report cards on him from NRA or GOA, but I guess they don't publicize those anymore. South Carolina doesn't seem like a state that would turn a blind eye to 2A opponents.
he's CALLING for the vote, not HOW he'll vote
When Miss Lindsay says "stands ready", she means "pants down, bent over a table".
Ankles firmly grasped. 😂
Closet queen
What stands out is he does not say "I stand ready to vote (YES) on ALL the..." He is just saying that he is ready to vote on ALL the proposals. This shemale is a massive flip flopper, so maybe this is just a ploy and he intends to vote NO... One can only hope.
So lady Lindsey is unfamiliar with the Constitution?
Sodomite traitor --> go straight to GITMO.
Wait didn't he just had a organism sending weapons over to Ukraine. This guy is a true snake
Impeach him for treason -- not upholding his oath to defend the Constitution. Or is that sedition. Whatever!
Both barrels would indicate he is shooting a shotgun.
But one of those fine English double barrel rifles in the 600 nitro might get the job done.
Use a elephant gun to go mouse hunting or,
Kill a Rino Rat...
Pepper em up real good