I was just reading an article on Epoch Times (See AnnaMAGA's post below) about the incoming population implosion. Pretty much all first world countries are in a serious population decline and the entire world is on the precipice of and trending towards non-replacement birth rates.
Almost all of this is due to left-wing indoctrination on many levels. Guilting women into careers over family, addiction to birth control, promoting gay life styles, gender dysphoria, abortion, addiction to materialistic things (money over family), etc.
They have their hooks into the majority of conservatives as well. Think of your conservative friends, family, and colleagues. How many of them have 3 or more children? Not many, right?
Conservatives dismiss most of the lies of the left, but they only need to fall for one to ruin their prospects of a large family. Which for us, usually comes down to making money and materialistic goods a priority over family.
We could decimate leftwing ideology in a generation, as they stop breeding and if we could convince conservatives to target 4 children.
I believe there is nothing more important right now for conservatives than these 2 things. 1 - Have at least 4 children. 2 - Be VERY active in their lives, set examples, and instill your values (if you don't, the left will).
I think people would quickly realize that there is no joy greater on this earth than having a large loving family.
Genesis 1:28. God always had a plan, we just need to listen.
No income tax period.
No Income Tax ever. Execute anyone who promotes it in office.
Always appreciate your comments 👍🏻
I've got lots of haters but they hate on the fact that I call it what it is lol. I appreciate your appreciation, fren.
I don’t always agree with you but I like your passion and straightforwardness. I get you 👍🏻 So glad you are here
I prefer straight up no frills or bullshit to the point myself. I appreciate you also ☺️
And return all that was taken
Dittos. The tax on Work For Pay (aka The Personal Income Tax- PIT of despair) Is one of the worst taxes for the economy.
Agreed, fren.
Sales tax is the biggest bullshit
That would be ideal. Not sure even Trump will go there.
I think he is going there. He wants tariffs rather than taxes.
Would that be enough for a genuine national defense?
Oh yes, especially after they get rid of the warmongers and grifters in the Pentagon.
All the federal government is for is protecting the borders.
If the military wasn’t embroiled in foreign conflicts and we got rid of social security and altered/revamped/eliminated Medicare/Medicaid then it would probably be enough.
Remember that the government is a sinkhole for money so eliminating departments and reducing foreign conflict involvement would do wonders for the budget and likely accommodate the elimination of income tax.
How would you pay for a genuine national defense protecting just the country?
15% tax on everything brand new. All other taxes abolished. Tariffs on other countries. Once pockets stop getting filled and stupid agendas are thrown away I think we will see a large pool of cash and it will sustain our needs. NO PORK!!
Not on food**
Tax that scales with consumption should be okay. I'm actually okay with sales tax because it actually incentivises businesses and governments to act in an economically prudent way.
Spend and grow, trickle down, all that good stuff would happen if sales tax was the primary driver rather than arbitrary because I said so tax. Property tax needs to go as well unless you are utilizing the property for commercial uses and profiting past a certain threshold and even then it should not be % scaling just a flat rate. So that it creates incentive for development and growth.
But if I buy home and am taxed 3 different ways that's fucking dumb. Useless federal government profiting off my work for doing nothing except stripping my rights. Dumb bullshit.
And no tax for farmland. Farmers lose their land because commercial and res development drives local taxes up, they can't afford 20x the tax per acre for only harvesting crops, so they go under.
Across the board federal sales tax not exceeding 7%, exceptions for vices (alcohol) etc.
Sales tax is just dual taxation.
Your welcome to buy an infantry division's wages and supplies yourself? lol
Taxing a man's paycheque in my opinion is theft, double theft if you tax a wise man's investments. fucking capital gains rape. Taxing vice and excess in the form of sales tax seems reasonable no? fund vital services by dividing the cost among 300million.