There is SUCH a grand design to them. The dates attributed to their construction coupled with the techniques and labour force available at the time illustrate the ludicrousness of the official narrative. I've worked in construction for decades. Even with modern day equipment and machinery the construction of many of these structures would be impossible.
And yes, with research, one can find that obelisks, bandstands, cathedrals and old domed buildings more often than not show clear straight line and perpendicular alignments.
Jon Levi's work is brilliant. He views things with an open mind, simply asks questions and rarely gives conclusions. I recommend checking out his entire video library. Enjoy :)
I have JonLevi's entire channel archived on my Plex server, and even keep it up to date when he releases new episodes.
I've come to my own conclusions about these ancient mud flood buildings and other things he discusses.
The Book of Enoch talks in great detail about the fallen angels and their children, the Nephilim. I believe many of these buildings date back to the pre-Flood era and were built by those mighty men of old, the men of renown.
The Sumerian AKA Babylonian mythology seems to be a counterfeit of the Book of Enoch. I don't believe the Annunaki created mankind, but I definitely believe they experimented with and modified DNA. That is what I believe prompted the Great Flood.
The Native Americans have many "myths" about cannibalistic red-haired giants who were ultimately driven underground. The legend of Si-Te-Cah is just one of those tales.
Great info fren. The red head giants with their double rowed teeth. Documented in so many old USA newspaper articles. The Smithsonian obfuscation of it all, world wide... The history mystery and the pieces of the puzzle are coming together, albeit slowly. What a fascinating time to be alive in this realm! :)
I agree it's surreal to think about, the buildings were so intricate, and today's construction looks like cardboard prisons. and I'll have to pay more attention to obelisks locations, sure there's some kind of pattern, maybe they transmit energy🤔
There are theories out there that these elaborately constructed buildings were doing exactly that. Emitting harmonious frequency energy. 432 Hz as opposed to the Rockefeller introduced 440Hz. Akin to the rose windows of cathedrals mirroring cymatic patterns that assist with healing, abundant growth etc... Consider that many of them also contain the most extraordinary pipe organs...
I was taught about star forts across the great lakes and the eastern seaboard was that that was the design of the 1600s and 1700s because it was a good defensive layout for defending against native attacks
Star forts are a world wide phenomena. Internet search star fort images and you’ll see they span the Americas, Europe and Asia. Viewed from above it becomes very clear that these things weren’t simply defensive but served a much more important role. What exactly that was is a mystery. There are only theories. Here's a basic look:
Ok so the "sun never set on the British Empire" is the timeframe these star forts date to according to normie history, and it lines up that the Brits would not have been the only people to design their forts like that. This star fort theory lines up more with the Tartaria and flat earth theories which both do not pass the smell test for me because I have seen enough normie history and methods. Its the name changing that is the stolen history. Obscuring who is related to who and who they really worship is the history that we have really been lied to about, the rest of this stolen history stuff always seems to not check out if you have researched enough
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
EVERYWHERE. Even down to remote country towns throughout Australia. Then there's the blurry origins aspect to most of them. It seems many of them have been here far longer than the construction dates attributed by the official narrative... The domes too, are EVERYWHERE. The history we've been taught through the Rockefeller education (indoctrination) system is a lie. There's a reason that the great empire of Tartaria has been memory holed. The capitol buildings, the great hotels of Canada, the cathedrals of the world, the grand post offices, the city halls, the World's Fairs, these all hold the keys to a hidden relatively recent past...
so obvious now that we know their symbols, amazing they were able to keep it hidden for so long.
and I wonder if these monuments all line up on a map?? if there's some grand design to them. Q talked about a 40,000 ft. view...
There is SUCH a grand design to them. The dates attributed to their construction coupled with the techniques and labour force available at the time illustrate the ludicrousness of the official narrative. I've worked in construction for decades. Even with modern day equipment and machinery the construction of many of these structures would be impossible.
And yes, with research, one can find that obelisks, bandstands, cathedrals and old domed buildings more often than not show clear straight line and perpendicular alignments.
It's a beyond fascinating topic...
Fascinating. Now I'm curious and would love more information.
Cambell from Autodidactic channel covers the topic very well. Here he's giving a basic overview for SGT Report. Highly recommended place to start:
Jon Levi's work is brilliant. He views things with an open mind, simply asks questions and rarely gives conclusions. I recommend checking out his entire video library. Enjoy :)
I have JonLevi's entire channel archived on my Plex server, and even keep it up to date when he releases new episodes.
I've come to my own conclusions about these ancient mud flood buildings and other things he discusses.
The Book of Enoch talks in great detail about the fallen angels and their children, the Nephilim. I believe many of these buildings date back to the pre-Flood era and were built by those mighty men of old, the men of renown.
The Sumerian AKA Babylonian mythology seems to be a counterfeit of the Book of Enoch. I don't believe the Annunaki created mankind, but I definitely believe they experimented with and modified DNA. That is what I believe prompted the Great Flood.
The Native Americans have many "myths" about cannibalistic red-haired giants who were ultimately driven underground. The legend of Si-Te-Cah is just one of those tales.
Great info fren. The red head giants with their double rowed teeth. Documented in so many old USA newspaper articles. The Smithsonian obfuscation of it all, world wide... The history mystery and the pieces of the puzzle are coming together, albeit slowly. What a fascinating time to be alive in this realm! :)
I agree it's surreal to think about, the buildings were so intricate, and today's construction looks like cardboard prisons. and I'll have to pay more attention to obelisks locations, sure there's some kind of pattern, maybe they transmit energy🤔
There are theories out there that these elaborately constructed buildings were doing exactly that. Emitting harmonious frequency energy. 432 Hz as opposed to the Rockefeller introduced 440Hz. Akin to the rose windows of cathedrals mirroring cymatic patterns that assist with healing, abundant growth etc... Consider that many of them also contain the most extraordinary pipe organs...
I don't buy the statue of liberty one...
If you investigate it, you will
The statue of Liberty actually stands on an ancient star fort. One has to ask why. One also has to ask why we were never taught about them...
I was taught about star forts across the great lakes and the eastern seaboard was that that was the design of the 1600s and 1700s because it was a good defensive layout for defending against native attacks
Star forts are a world wide phenomena. Internet search star fort images and you’ll see they span the Americas, Europe and Asia. Viewed from above it becomes very clear that these things weren’t simply defensive but served a much more important role. What exactly that was is a mystery. There are only theories. Here's a basic look:
Ok so the "sun never set on the British Empire" is the timeframe these star forts date to according to normie history, and it lines up that the Brits would not have been the only people to design their forts like that. This star fort theory lines up more with the Tartaria and flat earth theories which both do not pass the smell test for me because I have seen enough normie history and methods. Its the name changing that is the stolen history. Obscuring who is related to who and who they really worship is the history that we have really been lied to about, the rest of this stolen history stuff always seems to not check out if you have researched enough
Each to their own fren. That's the path we're all on. Never stop researching :)
The sculptor was a Mason.
Look into the Colossus of Rhodes and you may just redpill yourself.
It's actually the debt enslavement division, the psychological warfare division and the physical warfare division.
The Statue of Liberty's visage was based on the designer's mother.
We're better than this.
That doesn't hav anything to do with intent.
Lots of phophecies about monuments at Julie Green Ministries.
Watch the Faull Brothers "Belly of the Beast", it unloads a lot of good info like this
Ooooo what’s that one? Rumble?
Just found it on rumble. I’ll watch later. Thanks
WDC is not the "political" division it is the military division. The US military is the enforcement arm of the cabal.
Money Religion Military - 3 ways to control the world.
You are correct. It is the military division. Thanks for pointing that out.
Revelation 18:4
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
It's true, sad but true. Obelisk s everywhere.
EVERYWHERE. Even down to remote country towns throughout Australia. Then there's the blurry origins aspect to most of them. It seems many of them have been here far longer than the construction dates attributed by the official narrative... The domes too, are EVERYWHERE. The history we've been taught through the Rockefeller education (indoctrination) system is a lie. There's a reason that the great empire of Tartaria has been memory holed. The capitol buildings, the great hotels of Canada, the cathedrals of the world, the grand post offices, the city halls, the World's Fairs, these all hold the keys to a hidden relatively recent past...