Revisiting “The end won't be for everyone.” (Q 749)
How exactly do you all interpret this cryptic line?
After we get some replies, I’ll chime in with my 2 cents.
That is definitely one common interpretation.
The several possibilities I have envisioned have been amply covered in the replies within this thread. With that said, I have leaned most toward the quote meaning that many people will not be able to handle the truth of the invisible evils in our world.
My second inclination (which I hope is wrong) is that it means that there will be significant death before this is all over. In other words many won't make it to "the end." I don't know if this means nuclear, pandemic (a real one), vaxx, starvation, or something else. Again, hope I am wrong on this one.
Third inclination, which I again hope is wrong, is that many may not like "the ending." Maybe it will suck in a lot of ways. Maybe us Anons will not like it. Maybe we are living that right now, and possibly headed into the worst part of it.
Today, while rereading the entire #749 drop, it almost makes it sound like we might actually be living in a Matrix-like scenario ("Wonder where they derived that idea from."). And, perhaps, that if/when this fact is revealed, it will be too much for many people to handle/accept.
Or maybe my sleepy mind is going off track. Thanks for all of your comments, Anons.
Honestly I’ve never watched the Matrix or for that matter have not watched movies at all. So I guess I’m kinda missing the boat.
The first one is so good if one has never seent it before. It blew my mind back when i was a youngin
People are not going to accept that the deep state trafficked in children for a Satanist elite that included Luciferian sacrifice of innocents and consumption of adrenochrome. That this was the world government is going to be a big dark stain that many won't be able to even consider possible.
and using Government submarines and sophisticated tunnel systems.
The industrial revolution extended to their sick pursuits
The very end won't be for everyone..
Revelation 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
I just figured a lot of folks are gonna die
This is another interpretation that has been suggested.
Thanks for chiming in.
I think Q was saying many people won't accept the many new realignments. History will be revised, countless industries shaken up, banking overhauled, wealth and debt brought back to equilibrium, and a flattening of class stratification.
Many people will lose generational wealth while others are freed from their debt.
Look at what the industrial revolution did to many of the noble families in 19th century Europe and you'll get the idea.
I’m with you on #2, but not necessarily that it has to be the vaxx. Things are so insane right now and people are still asleep. It will take catastrophic death tolls to wake people up. So, enjoy the movie, not all of us will see how it ends.
20 people dropped dead at Universal Orlando already, media... not a peep about it of course. Sadly, the deaths are just beginning.
Madonna's song Future.
Not everyone is coming to the future (no)
Not everyone is coming from the past (past)
Not everyone can come into the future (to the future, no)
Not everyone that's here is gonna last (gonna last, last)
Yes! And released just before the pandemic (which led to the vaxxes).
The great culling.
Not sure. There's so many ways to interpret it. I do think we're going through " sometimes you have to show them " right now.
No doubt.
If 2020 Election outcome, senile fake Biden, COVID-1984, vaxx mandates, and Lia Thomas aren't redpilling people, what else will... Nuclear scare event?
I can't rule out nuclear scare event. I don't think $10 a gallon gas is going to do it.
Some people may not like how the plan ends?
Another theory I have considered. Thanks Anon. :)
Like some of us 🤔
I think there are so many different meanings to this. In General, there will be people who just can't except all of the lies and deception. People will not be able to accept all of the lies about religion. I see a lot of stuff about this new age spirituality and Insee where people say the Source in stead of God and personally I don't like that. I am not an expert on the Bible, I am new to it. In fact, I am close to finishing the entire Bible. I can't quote scripture. I think there will be real problems with that aspect. As for the children, that goes without saying, people will have a hard time with this. It is hard to believe evil like this exists but they are going after God's most precious gifts.
Since the post is Matrix related, this could mean several things.
"The end won't be for everyone." The end of the trilogy or even the first movie wasn't something everyone liked or understood. But also, not everyone trapped in the Matrix got out of it in the end.
If it's directed towards the "viewers" of the "movie", here's my take. Some people won't understand or like how things are once the mission is complete. Given the magnitude of what's going to be exposed, some people (maybe many) will be able to go a certain distance down the rabbit hole, but not accept or want to know the extent of it. Some here have expressed exhaustion and frustration at what they've learned already. It's not easy or pretty, and knowing all the details may be too much for some people or rejected outright.
If it's directed toward the guilty parties/cabal, it's pretty self explanatory. Sort of like the "suicide weekend" warning. Definitely not going to be for those people. I tend to think the 4-6% may be the amount of people involved directly with the crimes and corruption, i.e. they know they're going down, or maybe, it's about people who are buried in pop culture that just don't want to believe it.
"That choice, to know, will be yours." To me that's the most important line and gives the biggest clue about the entire post. That could also be directed at both the cabal and the general public. For the cabal, once they're found guilty, or know they're screwed, they may want to know who ratted them out or how they got caught. Others won't, out of fear or because they can't handle any more than getting busted.
Directed toward the general public, it's also a little more clear. We're all going to find out a lot more about what's really going on behind the scenes. How much of it any of us really want to know about is pretty much our choice. But I do also think that at the end, this means we're going to be able to find out anything we want to know because information will no longer, at that point, be controlled and restricted.
But that's my 1/250th of a gallon of gas...
Very insightful :)
It's getting hard to continue to watch the destruction happening around us.
Yep and the worst likely still lies ahead.
What hear me out. What if it means us? Anons?
Time is not on our side.
I think it’s connected to another Q statement: “The choice to know will be yours.”
I think basically the problem with full disclosure of all classified knowledge is that the lies are just too much and they go back too far. It’s quite cruel to tell an eighty-year-old that everything they were taught is a lie. So it almost seems like disclosure is being phased in more gently.
I also think evidence of crimes against children will not be released publicly, but there might be some way (after an application process) for people to go to D.C. and view certain things in a SCIF. Most people won’t want to view it (the end won’t be for everyone) but if you are that convinced it’s fake, here it is for your own eyes (the choice to know will be yours).
I believe once the normies realize their loved ones were murdered and by who, the revenge killings will begin. I won't be able to blame them. I won't be willing to tell on them either. The elites have murdered millions over the years. Time to end that no matter what it takes as far as I'm concerned. JMO
It is open to many interpretations:
Many more possibilities.
Good question.
My reply: It's biblical.
Narrow is the gate.
It's not necessarily about surviving the's about salvation.
That's the end of the line.
I was LITERALLY talking to my coworker about this today. Thank you for posting :)
The end literally ISN'T for everyone.
Some will ascend. Some won't
That's how I take it.
I’m stumped. Give me your two cents
People won't openly accept the reality of the satanic pedo elites even with every piece of video/audio evidence and not even seeing those people literally dragged away by the military in handcuffs will convince them.
A compromise of some sort...
I have no idea, and if it is cryptic then someone should know what it means and they should speak up/out so that the interpretation isn't left to individuals who will say things that will/should scare most people, without knowing if they are even close to the truth. With that said, I couldn't even make an educated guess as to what it means. I haven't followed Q for a long, long time. I have been on this site for a while now, and I can't decipher Q yet.
Problem is Q hasn't posted in 18 months, so we will not be getting that explanation.
I fear it is up to us to put our heads together at this point, to figure all of this out.
The reality of it all is more mind-blowing than even the greatest fiction. The disconnect will be gone.
The Nazis won.
And our rogue government is supporting Nazis right now in Ukraine.
Some claim the Nazis had lots of Jewish people in their upper ranks and that Hitler himself was a Rothschild.
You inspire me!