Think about it, radio waves can’t be controlled, if there’s one way to communicate if cell phones go down the repeaters for ham radio help hams communicate outside of their area. Interesting huh? If SHTF they don’t want us communicating do they?
Radio waves can be controlled thru jamming. I used to mess around with my grandpa's ham radio when I was a kid. Got jammed off the airwaves a bunch of times by FCC until Grandpa got a fine in the mail because of it. Picking out my own switch and the subsequent ass beatings I took for it wasn't fun, but the rest was.
Also, don't think for even a second that the U.S. Govt won't fly AWACS, Hawkeyes, and Growlers all over this country just to jam out the ham and c.b. radio users. They do that shit just for fun on normal training ops. Seen that shit myself while in the Navy. And that was over 20 yrs ago using Vietnam era EA-6/B's. I saw one Prowler shut half of Seattle down for over 1 1/2 just doing training. No comms, no lights...nothing. That was in '96. If a Growler can shut down foreign naval vessels indiscriminately and for an indeterminate period of time while bypassing all the EM shieldimg modern naval vessels have, it's not a stretch to know that this can be done INCONUS. And only the repeater stations would need targeting. Anything else would be a boon. Also, a Growler can outright fry radios permanently. I know this because the EA-6/B could do this at only 1/2 power. Saw that happen to Iraqi Army radar and radio posts during OIF. And those were shielded, too. Now, imagine what the Growler is capable of.
Just trying to keep everyone in perspective here. We're in a war for the fabric of our existence. Don't get complacent. We don't even know what the military has technologically any more, other than what's readily available thru open source. The Growler is almost 20 yrs old now.
Don't forget that we can also use CB radios. They obviously don't have the same range without repeaters, but like you said, the SHTF we can still communicate.
Another Anon shared an excellent resource for radio operator prepardness Amrron.
CB's can certainly reach out when an antenna is properly tuned and the elevation is high. Don't discount the CB. It's known as 11meters in Ham circles...40 preprogrammed channels is how it's regulated but today some are capable of single sideband transmission which helps out when channels are busy.
Exactly most are individuals or ham radio groups of which I’m a member here in CO we contribute funds to help keep these stations open for all hams to use unless they are private. The operators pay for everything, it’s at NO cost to these commie governments, so to me this is all nefarious behavior.
We had a guy leading morse code in our club a few years ago (before the scamdemic). Went about 3 months until unfortunately he's now SK. He would teach us a couple letters, then a few nights a week he'd go on one of the repeaters and send us code using those letters. Unfortunately he passed away pretty quickly, not exactly sure from what, it's been kept a secret, he just said at his last meeting, "I went to the doctor and it's not looking good." -- I still have the straight key he let me borrow, and then his wife gave me this huge, what has to be 1,000lb 1KW amp that is really pretty old. My wife keeps asking me to toss it, but all it needs is a little rebuilding. Not sure it's worth it though, it's hard for me to throw it away as it was something he had stored away as well.
Don’t toss it see if it’s salvageable, I wouldn’t know any of the old tube tech. I do know a few of the old Elmers would though. 😀 heck we have a guy on one of our nets that’s in his late 90’s.
Yes we do have a group of libtards in the amateur radio group I heard one yesterday “wear your masks ...” ugh good portion of the public is still in the dark.
When enough of our population dies off because of the death jab and our own government disarms us is when the Chinese army will flood down from Canada.
I keep thinking nothing will surprise me with the California Marxist state.
This surprised me. …but then I realized someone is starting to think of ways the people can get around state control, and going after every bit of freedom.
I didn’t even realize Ham operators were still operating very much. This shows you how very desperate they are.
Dumb people gotta be dumb, I guess. Why are they all in government?
For me personally, this reminds me of my searches back in August 2020. When I started to reject my old liberal devotions outright.
One thing I remember noting was several people were posting dreams of theirs about the coming election, and beyond. A few had a similar situation involving radio towers, and a select set of them specifically mentioned CA specifically.
I’m not bringing this up to cause panic, I just want people to be aware and prepare ... in every state, in every region, there are amateur radio operators get to know the “hams” in your neighborhood, also look into GMRS radio, you do need a license which is $35.00 but you don’t take a test it helps people with local communications, CB too. Just be aware that you may need “other” sources for communications if things get rough. As we know government is not here to help.
Hmm, historically Ham Radio has been used for a lot of evil by Clowns. Aka Nellie Ohr sure wasn't the first.
It comes down to how MSM outlets run with this. If they oddly act in disgust, instead of being impressed with them sharing our convictions, we ought be cautious and curious of their intent.
If they instead do the typical "We're Ending Ham Radio. Here's Why That's A Good Thing." treatment, then by all means, it's due to the reasons everyone else in this thread is voicing.
Every institution in this country has been infiltrated especially if it was intended for a a way for humans to connect and communicate with all around the world, a benefit of amateur radio is to help humanity in case of emergencies with communications.
Take this quote from an article about the beginnings of amateur radio ... “ It’s easy to find the stories about how Guglielmo Marconi invented radio and is considered to be the first “amateur” to get on the air — way back in 1901 with transatlantic communications. Before that experiment, Marconi adapted Heinrich Rudolf Hertz’s theory that radio waves existed and constructed a communication system in the 1890s. Amateurs took to the airwaves in the early 1900s and the first “wireless” club was formed at Columbia University in 1908.
Marconi was hailed early on. Just days after the Titanic sank in 1912, a crowd assembled in New York City to cheer the man responsible for creating the technology that ensured there were survivors of that famous shipwreck. While Marconi and his family chose not to sail on the famed ship, two of his Marconi Co. wireless operators sent out telegraph signals for assistance as the vessel sank into the ocean.“
Don’t know if some caught that last line on the quote above, I believe those telegraph operators were on the “Titanic” for long range communications, as well to confirm that the bankers who opposed the Federal Reserve “ Benjamin Guggenheim, Isa Strauss (actual name Isidor Straus), and John Jacob Astor as three wealthy men who died on the Titanic.” Didn’t make it to the life boats strange how everything is entwined isn’t it?
It's about high altitude mountain top repeater antenna site access that provides wide area communications coverage.
Hams have enjoyed complimentary, or limited cost of, access to public (police/fire/forest service) towers for the public good in times of emergencies which seem routine in Commiefornia. God forbid the official narrative be exposed as lies.
They are attempting to change that and derive additional revenues. This can be as high as $1000/month.
Can still be tracked with DFing (direction finding triangulation) and specific radios identified by the characteristics frequency drift and deviation (if fm)
Think about it, radio waves can’t be controlled, if there’s one way to communicate if cell phones go down the repeaters for ham radio help hams communicate outside of their area. Interesting huh? If SHTF they don’t want us communicating do they?
Radio waves can be controlled thru jamming. I used to mess around with my grandpa's ham radio when I was a kid. Got jammed off the airwaves a bunch of times by FCC until Grandpa got a fine in the mail because of it. Picking out my own switch and the subsequent ass beatings I took for it wasn't fun, but the rest was.
Also, don't think for even a second that the U.S. Govt won't fly AWACS, Hawkeyes, and Growlers all over this country just to jam out the ham and c.b. radio users. They do that shit just for fun on normal training ops. Seen that shit myself while in the Navy. And that was over 20 yrs ago using Vietnam era EA-6/B's. I saw one Prowler shut half of Seattle down for over 1 1/2 just doing training. No comms, no lights...nothing. That was in '96. If a Growler can shut down foreign naval vessels indiscriminately and for an indeterminate period of time while bypassing all the EM shieldimg modern naval vessels have, it's not a stretch to know that this can be done INCONUS. And only the repeater stations would need targeting. Anything else would be a boon. Also, a Growler can outright fry radios permanently. I know this because the EA-6/B could do this at only 1/2 power. Saw that happen to Iraqi Army radar and radio posts during OIF. And those were shielded, too. Now, imagine what the Growler is capable of.
Just trying to keep everyone in perspective here. We're in a war for the fabric of our existence. Don't get complacent. We don't even know what the military has technologically any more, other than what's readily available thru open source. The Growler is almost 20 yrs old now.
Food for thought.
Ha lol YesI know also could EMP all of us to, but I’m hoping they they can’t jam us all ... 😂
doing the same in Canada
Older article but I believe California is still trying to shut down the way ham radio communications work be aware.
Don't forget that we can also use CB radios. They obviously don't have the same range without repeaters, but like you said, the SHTF we can still communicate.
Another Anon shared an excellent resource for radio operator prepardness Amrron.
CB's can certainly reach out when an antenna is properly tuned and the elevation is high. Don't discount the CB. It's known as 11meters in Ham circles...40 preprogrammed channels is how it's regulated but today some are capable of single sideband transmission which helps out when channels are busy.
I still have my old analog CB with the magnet mounted antenna for my trunk and a cheapo digital tuner one for my parents.
Thanks I didn’t see that I’ll look into it!
HAM radio is offensive to Muslims.
The government doesn't install or maintain amateur radio repeaters, so they can go fuck themselves.
Exactly most are individuals or ham radio groups of which I’m a member here in CO we contribute funds to help keep these stations open for all hams to use unless they are private. The operators pay for everything, it’s at NO cost to these commie governments, so to me this is all nefarious behavior.
To all pedes out there long live CQ ... CQ and 73 ... time to brush up on Morse.
We had a guy leading morse code in our club a few years ago (before the scamdemic). Went about 3 months until unfortunately he's now SK. He would teach us a couple letters, then a few nights a week he'd go on one of the repeaters and send us code using those letters. Unfortunately he passed away pretty quickly, not exactly sure from what, it's been kept a secret, he just said at his last meeting, "I went to the doctor and it's not looking good." -- I still have the straight key he let me borrow, and then his wife gave me this huge, what has to be 1,000lb 1KW amp that is really pretty old. My wife keeps asking me to toss it, but all it needs is a little rebuilding. Not sure it's worth it though, it's hard for me to throw it away as it was something he had stored away as well.
There are sites you can go on to order tubes. Don't throw it away. Someone out there can bring it to life.
Yes, I plan to. It's just really heavy and takes up quite a bit of space in the garage.
Don’t toss it see if it’s salvageable, I wouldn’t know any of the old tube tech. I do know a few of the old Elmers would though. 😀 heck we have a guy on one of our nets that’s in his late 90’s.
No, I'm definitely not getting rid of it, I believe all it needs is a Tetrode and a little cleaning up of the solder, I'm sure it'll fire right up.
Gee, just happens to be a mode of communication where big brother can't control what is being said. Odd.
All fine and well 'cause the ham-ers are all uptight policing themselves. Citizen's band is alive and kicking just fine with no repeaters.
Yes we do have a group of libtards in the amateur radio group I heard one yesterday “wear your masks ...” ugh good portion of the public is still in the dark.
When enough of our population dies off because of the death jab and our own government disarms us is when the Chinese army will flood down from Canada.
China attacks from the West, Iran from East, obamas army of immigrants attacks from Canada and the cartels from south.
You just described a target rich environment. There will always be armed patriots.
I'm worried about the herd of Rinos in the room.
We may be back to print publications just like the first American revolution. We are adaptable. They are not.
Article Link:
Time to get me a portable ham radio. Shit hits the fannit won't matter if ur licensed.
This is true, still I don’t want to give any reason for them to look.
I keep thinking nothing will surprise me with the California Marxist state.
This surprised me. …but then I realized someone is starting to think of ways the people can get around state control, and going after every bit of freedom.
I didn’t even realize Ham operators were still operating very much. This shows you how very desperate they are.
Dumb people gotta be dumb, I guess. Why are they all in government?
Interesting indeed.
For me personally, this reminds me of my searches back in August 2020. When I started to reject my old liberal devotions outright.
One thing I remember noting was several people were posting dreams of theirs about the coming election, and beyond. A few had a similar situation involving radio towers, and a select set of them specifically mentioned CA specifically.
I’m not bringing this up to cause panic, I just want people to be aware and prepare ... in every state, in every region, there are amateur radio operators get to know the “hams” in your neighborhood, also look into GMRS radio, you do need a license which is $35.00 but you don’t take a test it helps people with local communications, CB too. Just be aware that you may need “other” sources for communications if things get rough. As we know government is not here to help.
Hmm, historically Ham Radio has been used for a lot of evil by Clowns. Aka Nellie Ohr sure wasn't the first.
It comes down to how MSM outlets run with this. If they oddly act in disgust, instead of being impressed with them sharing our convictions, we ought be cautious and curious of their intent.
If they instead do the typical "We're Ending Ham Radio. Here's Why That's A Good Thing." treatment, then by all means, it's due to the reasons everyone else in this thread is voicing.
Every institution in this country has been infiltrated especially if it was intended for a a way for humans to connect and communicate with all around the world, a benefit of amateur radio is to help humanity in case of emergencies with communications.
Take this quote from an article about the beginnings of amateur radio ... “ It’s easy to find the stories about how Guglielmo Marconi invented radio and is considered to be the first “amateur” to get on the air — way back in 1901 with transatlantic communications. Before that experiment, Marconi adapted Heinrich Rudolf Hertz’s theory that radio waves existed and constructed a communication system in the 1890s. Amateurs took to the airwaves in the early 1900s and the first “wireless” club was formed at Columbia University in 1908.
Marconi was hailed early on. Just days after the Titanic sank in 1912, a crowd assembled in New York City to cheer the man responsible for creating the technology that ensured there were survivors of that famous shipwreck. While Marconi and his family chose not to sail on the famed ship, two of his Marconi Co. wireless operators sent out telegraph signals for assistance as the vessel sank into the ocean.“
Don’t know if some caught that last line on the quote above, I believe those telegraph operators were on the “Titanic” for long range communications, as well to confirm that the bankers who opposed the Federal Reserve “ Benjamin Guggenheim, Isa Strauss (actual name Isidor Straus), and John Jacob Astor as three wealthy men who died on the Titanic.” Didn’t make it to the life boats strange how everything is entwined isn’t it?
It's about high altitude mountain top repeater antenna site access that provides wide area communications coverage.
Hams have enjoyed complimentary, or limited cost of, access to public (police/fire/forest service) towers for the public good in times of emergencies which seem routine in Commiefornia. God forbid the official narrative be exposed as lies.
They are attempting to change that and derive additional revenues. This can be as high as $1000/month.
That should scare you
Hams will work around whatever they throw at us. We always do.
Earth-Moon-Earth propagation.
Earth - tropospheric reflection - Earth propagation.
Earth - ionospheric reflection - Earth propagation.
Earth - meteor reflection - Earth propagation.
Earth - Satellite - Earth propagation.
Cool stuff, huh!
They know exactly what’s coming.
Yeah, that's not going to happen.
Nellie Ohr will be devastated.
Can’t you go “off the grid” and be under the radar with ham radios? Not possible to track?
Can still be tracked with DFing (direction finding triangulation) and specific radios identified by the characteristics frequency drift and deviation (if fm)
Ham radio should be safe in other states, as far as I know CA is the only state I have heard of doing this.