Sometimes being a criminal is the only moral thing. I believe in the rule of law but at some point, you may be put in the position to choose between morality and law. in a just society law helps morality express itself but society is not always just.
The founding fathers wrote the Constitution so that the document would be ever lasting through the changes of time. They knew from their own 'living through Hell' experiences under a tyrannical regime it most likely would and could happen over and over, again and again.
And here we are, defending what was written 200+ years ago.
The Constitution is biblical in a sense and protects humanity in our nation from the evils of the world, including our own from within.
Riddle me this then; if Ashli Babbit broke into your house and then was breaking into your locked bedroom as you warned her not to do so what would you do? And remember at the time you don't know who she is or why she's breaking in and why she doesn't stop EVEN after being warned you will shoot...
I'll riddle you and step in it too. How about this, evacuate the building and give ground. You know, kinda like the kid glove treatment the actual insurrectionist DS antifa & blm get. She was murdered. Period.
How about she wasn't shot? She might be dead now for all I know, but that black guy in a suit didn't shoot her. Slow motion replay of the video shows that he turned his gun away from her, fired down the hall, then quickly turned the gun back toward her. Anyone really shot in the neck would have been bleeding like a stuck pig immediately. She did show a drop of red until her helper stuck in his hand and made it happen. Also the crowd didn't break into the Capitol. The capitol police opened the doors and pointed the way for them to go. In other words, they were actually invited in.
I watched the videos that day, and many times since. I spoke to people who were there in real time as they fought their way out, upstream against the crowd surging the fence and breaking it down. Yeah 'some' alleged coppers did open gates, also on camera as we saw in real time that day. And we saw CNN and BLM clowns parading in and discussing it on camera.
Yeppers. The crowd did break in, they all knew barriers were in place to keep a secure perimeter and they all knew it was being breached.
If they claim different they are crazy, which more than a few of them are seemingly. They all knew they were interrupting Congress, that they were not on a public tour, that violences were occurring.
I'd pardon most of them but they did breach the peace, they did interrupt government, they did do violences and they did harm our cause.
It's not your house, it's a public building, with hundreds of guards and there were dozens of people who could take one woman down and no one, not one, in that chamber, who was remotely in danger. The House was threatened when the Puerto Ricans showed up, but not one member was in danger on Jan 6th.
I saw the video many times, from several angles. People don't wanna think for themselves I guess.
Ok, simple run down then. Yes there were armed security personnel behind her as well as in front of her, and she kept coming even as those armed people all told her to stop.
From the perspective of security... she was guilty of breaching security, she was carrying a backpack with unknown contents, she attempted to breach inner security even as she saw armed security telling her she would be shot if she kept coming. She kept coming - you have to hionor the threat. Was she gonna trigger a biological weapon, a labomba, pull our a bottle of urine and toss it around...?
They had to honor the threat she represented, based on ALL the facts of the moment.
Fact - she violated the Capitol, breached outer security.
Fact- she kept coming even as armed security warned her of mortal anger - WHY would a sane person do that? So the cops had to consider she had a Mission, an agenda, perhaps a weapon...
Yes, I would have shot her. If she broke into your house and then tried to break into your bedroom as you warned her not to you would shoot also, or should.
If we wish to be a nation which enjoys the Rule of Law we must respect and enforce Law. Everyone seems to want to emote rather than reason, but I am convinced- we are no longer a nation which desires the Rule of Law it seems.
Doesn't matter does it, by allowing 'themselves' to be used they became criminals, remember Trump said, Peacefully. They did not remain Peaceful they all knew - except the Grandma maybe- they were rioting.
The people who did interrupt Congress may have caused the false election to be certified by their criminal invasion of the Capitol.... because the natural order of government WAS interrupted.
Yeah many of them were played - they walked into it after being warned not to do so.
Why would it be that Pelosi et al refuse the release of 14000 hours of video footage from that day I wonder...
They were let in by corrupt cops with instructions to open the impenetrable magnet doors. Unless the patriots were sporting an RPG or two the only way in was by invite.
Newly released video (most likely leaked by white hats) shows there were scores of people buying thing at the Capitol gift shop! The bags they were carrying had the Capitol seal on it. And new video shows peaceful supports outside the Capitol stairs singing God Bless America.
These are some examples of TRUTH and why they don't want to show the 14000 hours. They only want to push their 'insurrection' narrative, which we now were paid thugs and instigators of FBI, CIA and Pelosi/Schiff event orchestration to cover up the real insurrection of the stolen election from Nov 3rd, 2020.
Remember; Schiff is a pathological liar and he got caught on the Russia, Russia evidence narrative and the Ukraine phone call. Over and over it's been proven he's a liar.
The Founding Fathers were criminals by definition too, get your head out of authority's ass.
Sometimes being a criminal is the only moral thing. I believe in the rule of law but at some point, you may be put in the position to choose between morality and law. in a just society law helps morality express itself but society is not always just.
Culture isn't the barometer.
The founding fathers wrote the Constitution so that the document would be ever lasting through the changes of time. They knew from their own 'living through Hell' experiences under a tyrannical regime it most likely would and could happen over and over, again and again.
And here we are, defending what was written 200+ years ago.
The Constitution is biblical in a sense and protects humanity in our nation from the evils of the world, including our own from within.
Well now fella or fellette watch your mouf.
Riddle me this then; if Ashli Babbit broke into your house and then was breaking into your locked bedroom as you warned her not to do so what would you do? And remember at the time you don't know who she is or why she's breaking in and why she doesn't stop EVEN after being warned you will shoot...
I'll riddle you and step in it too. How about this, evacuate the building and give ground. You know, kinda like the kid glove treatment the actual insurrectionist DS antifa & blm get. She was murdered. Period.
Are you suggesting government should abdicate?
Rule of Law is gone, you have convinced me, it is now law of the jungle I reckon.
Never happened
How about she wasn't shot? She might be dead now for all I know, but that black guy in a suit didn't shoot her. Slow motion replay of the video shows that he turned his gun away from her, fired down the hall, then quickly turned the gun back toward her. Anyone really shot in the neck would have been bleeding like a stuck pig immediately. She did show a drop of red until her helper stuck in his hand and made it happen. Also the crowd didn't break into the Capitol. The capitol police opened the doors and pointed the way for them to go. In other words, they were actually invited in.
I watched the videos that day, and many times since. I spoke to people who were there in real time as they fought their way out, upstream against the crowd surging the fence and breaking it down. Yeah 'some' alleged coppers did open gates, also on camera as we saw in real time that day. And we saw CNN and BLM clowns parading in and discussing it on camera.
Yeppers. The crowd did break in, they all knew barriers were in place to keep a secure perimeter and they all knew it was being breached.
If they claim different they are crazy, which more than a few of them are seemingly. They all knew they were interrupting Congress, that they were not on a public tour, that violences were occurring.
I'd pardon most of them but they did breach the peace, they did interrupt government, they did do violences and they did harm our cause.
It's not your house, it's a public building, with hundreds of guards and there were dozens of people who could take one woman down and no one, not one, in that chamber, who was remotely in danger. The House was threatened when the Puerto Ricans showed up, but not one member was in danger on Jan 6th.
I will riddle you this. If three police officers were standing directly behind Ashli Babbit would you still shot her? Look at the video.
I saw the video many times, from several angles. People don't wanna think for themselves I guess.
Ok, simple run down then. Yes there were armed security personnel behind her as well as in front of her, and she kept coming even as those armed people all told her to stop.
From the perspective of security... she was guilty of breaching security, she was carrying a backpack with unknown contents, she attempted to breach inner security even as she saw armed security telling her she would be shot if she kept coming. She kept coming - you have to hionor the threat. Was she gonna trigger a biological weapon, a labomba, pull our a bottle of urine and toss it around...?
They had to honor the threat she represented, based on ALL the facts of the moment.
Fact - she violated the Capitol, breached outer security.
Fact- she kept coming even as armed security warned her of mortal anger - WHY would a sane person do that? So the cops had to consider she had a Mission, an agenda, perhaps a weapon...
Yes, I would have shot her. If she broke into your house and then tried to break into your bedroom as you warned her not to you would shoot also, or should.
If we wish to be a nation which enjoys the Rule of Law we must respect and enforce Law. Everyone seems to want to emote rather than reason, but I am convinced- we are no longer a nation which desires the Rule of Law it seems.
Are you for real?
Who stole Nancy's laptop?
The patsy they pinned it on, or some tier 1 team guys?
There was more than just the drunks laptop taken.
Doesn't matter does it, by allowing 'themselves' to be used they became criminals, remember Trump said, Peacefully. They did not remain Peaceful they all knew - except the Grandma maybe- they were rioting.
The people who did interrupt Congress may have caused the false election to be certified by their criminal invasion of the Capitol.... because the natural order of government WAS interrupted.
Yeah many of them were played - they walked into it after being warned not to do so.
Was probably there working for the feds. Just like he’s here now still working for the feds.
You don't see any criminal activity there? Huh, neither does BLM when they riot...
Why would it be that Pelosi et al refuse the release of 14000 hours of video footage from that day I wonder...
They were let in by corrupt cops with instructions to open the impenetrable magnet doors. Unless the patriots were sporting an RPG or two the only way in was by invite.
YEAH, some were, after the fencing was torn down.
If you don't know why Pelosi hides things well I can't help you.
Newly released video (most likely leaked by white hats) shows there were scores of people buying thing at the Capitol gift shop! The bags they were carrying had the Capitol seal on it. And new video shows peaceful supports outside the Capitol stairs singing God Bless America.
These are some examples of TRUTH and why they don't want to show the 14000 hours. They only want to push their 'insurrection' narrative, which we now were paid thugs and instigators of FBI, CIA and Pelosi/Schiff event orchestration to cover up the real insurrection of the stolen election from Nov 3rd, 2020.
Remember; Schiff is a pathological liar and he got caught on the Russia, Russia evidence narrative and the Ukraine phone call. Over and over it's been proven he's a liar.
Satan is a liar and deceiver...Just saying.
Are they still criminals if the capital police opened barriers and doors and waved them in?
He has no reply because the narrative against this hasn't been spun up by people smarter than him, yet.
Looks like you're a bad takes machine. Back to reddit.