Interview with President Trump, the Revelations, His Response About Running for House Speaker, and Proof America is Under Communist Attack
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Can I get a TLDR?
Lots of "gosh, the country is in a mess", rehashing the comparisons. WAR (Wayne Allen Root) repeated several times that the destruction of America is deliberate by communists-socialists, while DJT wouldn't approach it from that angle, just kept saying that nothing like this has ever happened in this country. POTUS spoke of the sham J6 committee and lack of equal justice. POTUS did say that gas prices are going up much higher ($7, $8, $9 per gallon). That's probably the one data point I was able to pull out of this.
POTUS did mention that the people put into political positions need to be stronger and to fight more. POTUS wouldn't speak of his running for president in 2024 and skirted WAR's question about him possibly becoming the Speaker in 2022-2023. He did, however, as his answer to that (WAR telling DJT that the country needs him), say that "You'll be very happy".
Edit: another point with respect to election fraud was POTUS stressed the importance that landslides have on the left's ability to cheat without getting caught. In other words, we all need to get out and vote in the midterms.
I imagine that's not going to happen until he's publicly back in his rightful position. In the meantime I'm thinking the midterms will be the catalyst for the proverbial sleeping bear to wake up, rise up and attack those beasts that have been poking it. POTUS said as much during this WAR interview - that as soon as conservatives retake the power/majority they need to go after the guilty parties responsible for this assault against Americans. I took that as POTUS basically terrorizing the remaining DS players. I'm thinking at this point the cabal will do everything it can to make sure there's no midterm elections. Release another contagion? Try more FFs to provoke a serious gun grab? Try to get patriots to engage with their violent goon/thug squads to declare martial law? All of the aforementioned?
I'm sure you're correct. Which means we all have to be prepared for even the most drastic assaults by the DS. Keep your powder dry and both eyes open.
Because it's not all about the exterior enemy, but also about the interior one, the fight we face within. The enemy has infiltrated our souls and we have to root that out to win. We are not at war with flesh and bone... Names don't mean much unless we are looking for a sense of validation, honestly.
I ken't wett teh be very heppy
Thank you ThinQ for the sum up. 👍👍
Then maybe he should stop with the shitty endorsements
He is well over 90% success with his endorsements. I agree with some of the "shitty" endorsements, but in some cases there are no candidates running that can win. Our bench of MAGA candidates just isn't as deep as we need it.
In some cases Trump Endorses people he doesn't want to so he can notch a win and also claim it was his endorsement that got them in and maybe get some leverage.
Bottom line though, is we need more MAGAs. Trump can't run for every office himself.
The right wing is so leftwing we can't find candidates. There never were many leaders among the republican elite. Just puppets. Now the leaders must rise.
Even more telling is all of the people who complain about the lack of quality candidates, but then don't try to help fix the situation, maybe by throwing their hat in the ring or helping someone who has threw their hat in the ring who is alright...
But this shatters the amusing delusion that the reason they're winning is because of his endorsements.
If you only endorse the ones who will win, then you're not actually at kingmaker status yet.
He's trying to build a reputation as one... But when they fight like pussies or stab us in the back, it's not going to instill enough confidence.
To the idiots who don't understand:
Endorsing Dr. Oz and winning is not being a kingmaker.
Being a kingmaker is being able to even make a third party candidate win with your endorsement.
Its an excuse; we had THREE solid candidates who ARE MAGA in South Dakota running for positions against Noem, Johnson, and Thune that he SHOULD have endorsed. He threw his endorsement to RHINO Noem months ago of course though.
And of course when he throws his endorsement behind someone, the odds of them winning go up exponentially, even if they aren't deserving of the win. We have to move beyond this "A rhino is better than a dem" mentality. If the candidate isn't good for us, then they arent good for us, period.
He mentioned Kemp in his speech earlier today (Nashville, I think) saying that Kemp was a huge disappointment, but that it was still better than allowing a democrat to take that position. Some of these may be cases of lesser evils, nobody real solid and strong running in a particular race.
I've been surprised by (and not happy with) some of his endorsements also. The only thing I'll say, in his defense, is that it's highly unlikely he's just endorsing these people out of the blue with just a cursory scan of their qualifications. I'd wager that he has a whole hell of a lot more background info on these candidates than we've ever been privy to. I'm sure there's a lot of activity going on in the background that just isn't going to be disclosed.
Perhaps when the red wave has conservatives taking over the House and Senate later this year, some formerly tentative legislators can find their spines. Let's not forget that the rabid left uses violence, threats and intimidation as easily as the average Joe breathes air.
"it's highly unlikely he's just endorsing these people out of the blue with just a cursory scan of their qualifications. I'd wager that he has a whole hell of a lot more background info on these candidates than we've ever been privy to. I'm sure there's a lot of activity going on in the background that just isn't going to be disclosed."
Yes, this. I'm sure that there is a lot of Good-Guy activity going on in the background, that we can't yet see.
Teach them how to win?
I wonder if besides the cabal their are other opposing evil power structures and kemp is part of a less powerful one? Or he is just s lefty in patriots clothing.
FYI (from the page)
I asked Trump about my idea that he run for House Speaker after a GOP midterm landslide victory in November. I explained why we need him to lead the impeachment of Biden and Kamala- because “Milquetoast McCarthy” will never get the job done. I asked him why he endorsed McCarthy for House Speaker. Trump’s answer? “I never endorsed McCarthy for House Speaker, no, never did it. I only endorsed him for re-election to his seat in Congress.” Wait until you hear the rest of his answer. I draw the conclusion Trump is considering running for house Speaker and leaving his options open. B-I-G news!
Read the title?
Novel concept. Might just work.