This is about the biggest stretch I've seen in awhile. Just because his slogan has three letter "T"'s in it that means it's code for the "+++" in the Q posts? I mean hey anything is possible I'm not here to tell you it's definitely not but man that's really reaching. If it is I say it's poor form on Trump - I would have made it just a tad bit more obvious to add more confirmation. Even lower case "t"'s would have made even a slightly less obscure connection.
How come no one heard of Trump's speaking in Memphis? No media coverage, zero. ((They))) are totally removing him from the public.
When Q talked about bringing the PAIN, was he talking about the pain WE were going to feel? The outright thievery happening to us? The Fed is printing money like never before, Biden is giving it to the Elites, and the people are paying for the swindle via high gas and food. AND we will continue to pay for this swindle thru our 401Ks, IRAs and savings until it is all gone?
What the hell is happening? It is PAST time for men to do something to stop the tyranny, the PAIN, the collateral damage.
Why does no one read Q posts anymore? Pain = Justice
Increase in attacks (de-platform, shill infiltration, MSM/Fake MAGA direct, link(s) to terrorism/acts of violence) only demonstrates validity and close proximity to JUSTICE [PAIN].
This is about the biggest stretch I've seen in awhile. Just because his slogan has three letter "T"'s in it that means it's code for the "+++" in the Q posts? I mean hey anything is possible I'm not here to tell you it's definitely not but man that's really reaching. If it is I say it's poor form on Trump - I would have made it just a tad bit more obvious to add more confirmation. Even lower case "t"'s would have made even a slightly less obscure connection.
Reaches are part of the plan and bring [pain]
How come no one heard of Trump's speaking in Memphis? No media coverage, zero. ((They))) are totally removing him from the public.
When Q talked about bringing the PAIN, was he talking about the pain WE were going to feel? The outright thievery happening to us? The Fed is printing money like never before, Biden is giving it to the Elites, and the people are paying for the swindle via high gas and food. AND we will continue to pay for this swindle thru our 401Ks, IRAs and savings until it is all gone?
What the hell is happening? It is PAST time for men to do something to stop the tyranny, the PAIN, the collateral damage.
Yes, now I believe that "pain" was for all of humanity not just the evil ones.
I heard - watched it on OAN live.
Why does no one read Q posts anymore? Pain = Justice
I heard
Literally just truthed a decode and this..
One Word upends their entire Agenda.
The Word is Racine.
The Bavarian Illuminati never disbanded after formed with Mayer Amschel Rothschild and Adam Weishaupt in 1776. They moved to Racine.
Only together with Jesus Christ and The Truth will the Root be exposed, the Agenda revealed and the Mark denied.
Trust The Truth
+rust +he +ruth
You're the first person I thought of when I saw this post.
I+'s+ime+o >>> I'simeo
What does that mean?
Top of the pyramid? Eye at the top? Very cryptic for sure. Need other eyes on this decode.
The plus sign is being interpreted as the letter "t."
It's time to = I+'s +ime +o = +++ The +++ is in Q posts:
So +++ is the clinton foundation..? Hmm
From Q Post 133:
House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+ Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+ Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+
I think the +++ is a stretch. But the US flag being a decapitated pyramid is plausible
illuminati all seeing eye. Masonic symbolism. Symbolism will be their downfall. It's all over DC if you look for it.
+++, aka PLVS VLTRA aka (((+)))
I like it. Their system of control will be flipped over and they'll be buried, wiped out of existence. Nice observation.
This will be the END of the D party...
The D party will cease to exist...
kind of a stretch w/ this one.
Will symbolism be our downfall? Everyone on both sides (good and evil), seems to be compelled to use symbolism.
Sounds legit to me