He has a choice! Some fucked up agreements were made otherwise 70% of politicians would land in jail! Those that commited heinous crimes are riding it out cause there is no out for them! Checkmate! They are keeping the game going knowing that it's over!
That look is so much more than that. That is the look of a man who is terrified.
I wonder if he has been threatened with bodily harm for himself or his family if he doesn't make certain things happen, and if he is removed from office there is nothing to keep them from going after him or exposing him or doing some other terrible thing to him or his loved ones.
His face and expression is one of a man whose plane is going down and all around him are screaming.
Yes indeed. Too many cowards that could've shown some heart, grown a spine and inspired countless others that instead chose the perceived easy path of corruption and soul selling...
Such an ass. The thing is, someone like him (of the species Crooked Politician) is a lazy fuck with no true marketable job skills. Watch him get a job working as a "consultant" for a government contractor or some such thing. Then, we do a MAGA tsunami in the fall, set up a (radical idea) Constitutional Republic that actually adheres to the Constitution with VERY limited government roles, and we shut down the whole federal theft machine.
He has a choice! Some fucked up agreements were made otherwise 70% of politicians would land in jail! Those that commited heinous crimes are riding it out cause there is no out for them! Checkmate! They are keeping the game going knowing that it's over!
That look is so much more than that. That is the look of a man who is terrified.
I wonder if he has been threatened with bodily harm for himself or his family if he doesn't make certain things happen, and if he is removed from office there is nothing to keep them from going after him or exposing him or doing some other terrible thing to him or his loved ones.
His face and expression is one of a man whose plane is going down and all around him are screaming.
Let's hope so.
I love how much fun Trump had the other night highlighting the cryer!
Yes indeed. Too many cowards that could've shown some heart, grown a spine and inspired countless others that instead chose the perceived easy path of corruption and soul selling...
Not us fren! We’ve a duty to lead by example. It sometimes gets me into trouble, but that’s ok :)
I don't think heroes should die for cowards, but if they want to volunteer then that's 'fine' I suppose, lol.
I'm guessing there is a lot more to that story that we can't even imagine.
When you realize ... Everyone will soon know you're a pedophile
He's thinking about who owns him, and how he can spin his answers to them (and coming up with nuthin)
His family publicly disowned him, too! This was a year or so ago. Hope it was worth it, asshole.
' i should have taken the deal '
Such an ass. The thing is, someone like him (of the species Crooked Politician) is a lazy fuck with no true marketable job skills. Watch him get a job working as a "consultant" for a government contractor or some such thing. Then, we do a MAGA tsunami in the fall, set up a (radical idea) Constitutional Republic that actually adheres to the Constitution with VERY limited government roles, and we shut down the whole federal theft machine.
I hear Amazon needs drivers, Kinzinger.
I hear Guantanamo Bay needs inmates.
That is no doubt true. Kinzinger can volunteer to work in the laundry.
I hear the Dems are good at laundering.
Hunter has entered the chat: "No we're not. (snort!)"
What would Hunter know about laundering? After all, he doesn't wear clothes. 😂
Ha! Strictly the money version. Half a mil each for bullshit paintings shows a certain flair.
These guys are trying hard. They know what awaits them.
That look you get when you know you're heading for an indictment and either jail or execution.
I can't wait until I see that look on Justin Trudeau. Can't come soon enough.
His district was done away with. He is leaving regardless.
Looks like he's about to burst into bitter tears.
Could be something more precious than his career.
Moment he decided to be on Ms Piggies side he was done for bye bye ...
And not a moment too soon!!
And you might end up in a tribunal with a gallow at the end of it.
Then he does a Jessie Smollett and writes himself a letter.
Bwhaha 🤣 🤣.
Goodbye scumbag.