We thank you Lord for equipping your servants to stand boldly while doing your will in these end time !
We ask for your continuos protection over this man and his family as he continues to be your voice for the innocent children who are being murdered ! We thank you Lord that the SCOTUS decision is just the beginning as you unleash the Great Awakening and return your country back to the Godly principles it was founded on !
We thank you Lord for equipping your servants to stand boldly while doing your will in these end time ! We ask for your continuos protection over this man and his family as he continues to be your voice for the innocent children who are being murdered ! We thank you Lord that the SCOTUS decision is just the beginning as you unleash the Great Awakening and return your country back to the Godly principles it was founded on !
Amen! 🙏🏻 Thank you, Father God! ✨🙏🏻✨
MIssissippi Solicitor General Scott Stewart,
God's children salute you, Sir
Make this man Attorney General.
I salute you, Sir.
Don't trust the crazies in this country by posting his picture.
I salute you, Sir!
He looks familiar. Don't know why. Chad jawline though.
Don't yell at me but he looks like a cross between Buttegeig and Beto.
Ah, Buttigieg. That's who I was thinking of. Thanks!
No problem.
God is shining down on you.
I Dedicate This Song To Scott Stewart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V33ebtcX-l4
Unknown Soldier (well, not so much now... :)
This is what a hero looks like
Thank you for your courage and fortitude sir.
God, please protect your servant.
God bless and protect this man.
While I 100% support the right to life, it seems like this was a 10th Amendment issue.
I'm not sure we should be doxing him. We know how crazy the left is.
Jesus definitely pulled from the discount bin... Poor guy... Good fight!