A lot of people interpret this as Q using time travel, but Q is clearly telling us to think. Q is saying "Unless you believe in time travel, the only way this works is if everything is pre-planned". This is essentially the crux of "future proves past".
But yeah, a lot of Qtubers use this to spin a whole bunch of fancy time travel stories.
We would have had to already establish the portal if you wish to ho backwards lije turning the machine on . That’s what I understand about time travel just my opinion im no one expert
I got a question. Say you are about to fly somewhere, if you now take the time machine to jump forward the time it takes to fly and land in the destination, can you save buying the flight tickets?
Thinking through a problem can be time consuming and challenging. In that sense, you do travel through time, to get to the logical conclusions (since there can be more than 1).
The tweet (original deleted): https://archive.ph/pGjSb
Essentially an Anon talking about a Q proof.
A lot of people interpret this as Q using time travel, but Q is clearly telling us to think. Q is saying "Unless you believe in time travel, the only way this works is if everything is pre-planned". This is essentially the crux of "future proves past".
But yeah, a lot of Qtubers use this to spin a whole bunch of fancy time travel stories.
You can't time travel with that attitude 🤪
Anyone can time travel forward. Going back and forth might be a little more difficult.
I have personally mastered the ability to time travel forward in time 1 second any time I want. I can't seem to stop it from happening though...
Did you try the brakes?
Time is like birds.
With enough LSD, you can exit spacetime entirely.
We would have had to already establish the portal if you wish to ho backwards lije turning the machine on . That’s what I understand about time travel just my opinion im no one expert
Microwave bean burritos are the most reliable time travelers I know.
Annnnnd you can experience this amazing technology yourself!
Yeah, amazingly I appear sitting on this portal-thingy. What’s this little handle do… 🌪
I time travel backwards in my head every time I think of the past.
Damn ... so THAT'S my problem.
Should have decalcified that gland.
Let me go back in time and change my attitude then!
We all time travel. 1 second at a time forward.
I got a question. Say you are about to fly somewhere, if you now take the time machine to jump forward the time it takes to fly and land in the destination, can you save buying the flight tickets?
No you already bought the flight tickets in that timeline you jump forward to.
Well that ain't my money ... so
If you fly westward, can you save daylight?
Daylight saving time with daylight saving.
From Australia I love flying to US. I have tons of daylight everytime. Sadly when I come home I always lose it.
Thanks for your comment it's such an interesting post..
Well stated.
Thinking through a problem can be time consuming and challenging. In that sense, you do travel through time, to get to the logical conclusions (since there can be more than 1).
On the other hand....oh look, squirrel....
Can't traverse what we consume.
Try finding a video clip of Desi Arnez saying...
"Lucy... You got some splainin to do."
Or Barney Fife fumbling for the bullet he kept in his pocket.
Its not time travel.
Its about reality and the recorded oral, pictorial, sculpted, written, recorded or video history, raw or manipulated, that can be accessed.
How much of recorded history that we have access to is simply made up.
Had to watch this several times, "but in the end" I "understood."
F is for Fake / Orson Welles
Dean Highbottom tapped his temple with his forefinger. "Think it over."
page 169
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
We will talk after July 6 when CERN goes full tilt....or Maybe we won't kek