Dschlopes Dr. Zelenko update:
He coded out of nowhere after being completely stable earlier and the doctors on his team were able to resuscitate him.
The good news is that he is technically stabilizing from this.
The bad news is that he now has ARDS from this and he only had one working lung to begin with. The doctors do not feel that there is anything medically that can help him at this point. They are staying with him but said it would take a complete miracle to save him this point.
Please pray for Zev with all you have.
I will let you all know as soon as I find out more.
(My understanding this person had been authorized to release info; requested on TS to monitor his Telegram account for updates)
Thank you prayers to said 🙏
Prove them wrong Lord
This man opened people's eyes to many truths
Now let him be a walking testimony of your infinite and divine power and mercy!
So they realize the one truth!
^^^^This gave me goosebumps. Amen and I second that request.
For those who want to follow this telegram account for updates use this link (you do not need your own account)
Thanks, just joined his channel.
So grateful for his contributions. Gave us an excellent defense against the tyranny
Big update on Dr. Zelenko:
Zev's numbers have miraculously improved and now the doctors believe he is 50/50 to live or die. Just a couple of hours ago they had everyone preparing to say their final goodbyes to him but then as everyone around him and all of you were praying his numbers began to drastically change!
The doctors still don't know how this is even happening but I think they have started to become believers at this point.
Thank you all so much for the overwhelming prayers and support. I know it has been emotionally exhausting but please continue to pray and think about Zev, a true warrior for God. He still has more fight left in him!
I will update as soon as I know more.
(Dsclopes or whatever his name is…)
All glory to God. Please wrap your arms around Dr Z and doctors and bring him to health. In Jesus name. Amen.
Prayers from here.
Prayers outbound
This gives me a sad.
Me too! Such a brave and courageous man 🙏
So sad… praying for a miracle
Lord God, hear our prayers for your humble servant, Dr Zelenko. His protocol gave so many of us much hope and strength, keeping our own airways clear, our bodies away from much suffering, and our persons away from tyranny in showing us our liberty. Lord Jesus Christ, we pray for your loving mercy upon Dr Zelenko that you too may free him from his cancer, so that he may live in freedom in your Holy Name. Amen 🙏
I prayed for a miracle, and then they announced a miracle. I'll pray for another one.
Please God
Thanks for the newest update. Been praying for a miracle for Dr. Z.
Fenabexadole. Joe tippins protocol