RIP Dr. Zev Zelenko - He continued to resist the Deep State up until his last dying breath. Let that be an inspiration to all of us. No matter how old you are, you can always fight back!
✝️ God Bless You 🕊️

Dr. Zelenko wasn't old. He was 48,
Still old enough to fight the Deep State!
(I think that cancer really aged him 😥)
I wonder if it's the beard, or the religiosity, or the mature wisdom of being a father to 8 kids.
I've met Jewish doctors that look like Crones, who turned out to be younger, and I've met others that have youthful skin, and turned out to be older.
It can be a bit of a mixed bag.
He never came out and said there is no such thing as a contagious virus as far as I am aware.
He could've said "you know what? Im old, I have cancer, Im on my way out" and sat back and let evil fly. Nope, not this man.
He wanted us to be healthy even while he was on his death bed. Can you imagine the level of empathy this person had?
This picture was taken from his autobiography: https://www.amazon.com/Metamorphosis-Dr-Zev-Zelenko/dp/1600916562
I think it's calling my name...
You think 49 is old? Wait until you're 60 or 70, if you make it that far.
Don't be such an old fart.
I thought he was older because of how deteriorated he looked these past few years since I got to know him. (As stated in my previous comments.)
You will not derail this thread.
I can't help but wonder if the Deep State has the ability to give people cancer intentionally. Like the heart attack gun, but slower. They would have every reason to off Zelenko.
According to the guy who produces "Alien Wars" vids on Bitchute, Zelenko was murdered by the deep state via directed energy weapons.
Plausible, but I would think that would have killed him pretty quickly.
I mean, he did look older than 48.
Not if they had the ability to kill him slowly.
Watching "Ancient Aliens" on tv now. LOL They really reach with some of those "theories".
The dear doctor had been battling cancer long before he was trust into this fight. It should have killed him 4 years ago - and in fact he had a near death experience. He knew that whatever time he was given after that moment was not just a gift, but it was also for a purpose. Dr Z did not fully realize what that purpose was until Covid hit. I think his experiences with cancer gave him a clarity and focus that the rest of us cannot imagine. It also made him fearless in the face of what seemed like overwhelming evil.
The thing that most people do not understand is that it was not the cancer that he finally succumb to. His body was weakened yes, but it was a benign tumor in his heart that was the straw that finally broke David's back. When the surgeons were trying to remove as much of the tumor as they could, which they all knew was extremely risky, they noted that his cancer was in retreat - meaning the treatments, of which I have no doubt included several alternative therapies, was in fact working. That is the irony here. He was surviving the cancer.
So, is there some way that a tumor, such as the type that Dr Z suffered from, that seems to have suddenly appeared, could it be triggered somehow? I do not know. But given the recent attempt at taking out Dr Madej in a suspect plane crash, one cannot help but wonder. I just caution the others to be extra careful right now. The DS has a MO of taking out doctors like these in groups. They have done it before. Look into the death of Dr Bradstreet and several other doctors and alternative health care practitioners. They were using a therapy that had the potential to put big medicine out of business. There were several providers taken out all within a very short period of time. Even today there are few answers about the circumstances surrounding how they died. Dr Bradstreet in particular was ruled a suicide by a small jurisdictional ME within a day - shot in the chest and face down in a river. And yes, the DS also has the ability to give people cancer.
Thanks for the info, Mac. A lot I didn't know. Happy 4th!
Back at you buddy! We will hoist a few to the good doc this weekend.
Great idea! Be safe.
Thanks for the added info. I know I've been following Truthhammer on telegram on his condition. I knew he recently underwent a serious surgery that they knew could be risky. That must be the heart tumor you speak about.
Absolutely mac! They have murdered MANY dr's curing cancer.
I've wondered this myself, but I think he's had health issues prior because he said in his Zelenko Foundation video "I have been here before... God has played ping-pong with my soul before."
I know he had publicly said he had been ill with something terminal for about the last year or so. Maybe it was natural. Maybe intentional. We'll never know.
He said on Stew Peters show that Big Pharma took a contract on his life.
If you wanted to "make it look natural" and somehow had the ability to aggravate a pre-existing condition, that looks a lot more natural than a gunshot or car explosion.
Wow. I need to listen to his interview on X22.
I saw a video where he said he first developed the cancer before Covid hit. I guess it went into remission, and came back. (The impression I got was that it was in 2018 or 2019.- it was recent.)
My understanding is that he was found to have cancer back in 2018.
Steve Jobs comes to mind.
Rush (mnurder), Beau Biden (sacrifice) come to mind as well. Jobs...not sure why the DS would off him with pancreatic cancer. Supposedly, he also had AIDS.
It might be related to Black Berry. I think Steve was a wholesome guy that loved the technology and creating cutting edge products. Steve refused to play along with the demands of the deep state to have spying, tracking and backdoor access on his products.
Since they couldn't "off" two big tech leaders, they had the hedge funds short sell Blackberry into oblivion under 0bama's SEC back in 2008.
Rest in peace Dr. Zelenko, you will receive your victor's crown and hear the words "well done my good and faithful servant". You will be missed!
Shalom. I have not lost my family, but we've had terrible arguments.
God Bless you Patriot! We are family...
Interesting that he was born in ukraine. My question is, wasn't he using his protocol? Wasn't he using one of the cures for cancer?
Good question, was he taking ivermectin?
The doctor had extended his life using alternative therapies for several years. He should have died from his cancer 4 years ago. When the surgeons were trying to remove part of a benign tumor in his heart they noted that his cancer was actually in retreat. It was not the cancer that killed him. It was the tumor in his heart and complications from the surgery that they all knew was extremely risky.
I thought this also. Obviously the deep state wanted him eliminated. I hope and pray that the white hats got access to him, let the deep state think he's dead, and then shuffled him off to witness protection.
He was taken from us too soon. For the longest time he was our only advocate. He will be missed. I pray for him to live a content and happy eternity.
100% Correct. Being Jewish in America has its own politics.
For example, if you are secular from Israel, and you come to America, you have Orthodox status. I'm sure you're aware of this already because it looks like you know your research.
Great reply fren. It is to our disadvantage that some try to paint others with a very broad brush in order to promote their own beliefs and agendas. This is especially true when it concerns the Jewish people. People should not be so convinced that their own theologies are "the correct ones" and we should be very careful about the hills we plant our flags upon because in actuality we may find themselves in opposition to God. Many walk around with the idea that they somehow have a exclusive corner on the truth and everyone else is in error. I think in the end, many are going to be shocked that the banner of their own particular brand of beliefs, with which they justified persecuting others in the name of, are in fact, not right either. Anything that results in hate is coming from a wrong place to begin with and is at its core, in error.
There are many Jews, as you so eloquently stated, that are Patriots and are willing to stand alongside and die to save this country. They hold very conservative views that are not so different from the views of many conservative Christians. Dr Z was one such individual. We must learn to be fruit inspectors and be less concerned about what a person professes. We will be judged by our works and the Almighty is the judge of man - not man.
The proof is in the pudding and Dr Z proved more than once his true beliefs by how he lived. He demonstrated compassion towards his fellow man and when it came to saving lives, he did not care what a person's beliefs were and treated everyone with respect - even those that did not reciprocate that respect to him. He always said, Turn away from bad, do good, and live. He promoted consciousness of God at the center of our lives. I think if we can all agree on this, we can all learn to walk together in order to achieve the goal of making this world a better place. As long as some Patriots continue to try to separate everyone based upon some misguided tribal ideological standards, we will never defeat the beast.
Merranos and other crypto Jews are not religious and only use the heritage as leverage.
THIS! 👆u/IHaveAList
Be careful who you follow.
Essence to Essence: Life Through the Lens of Chassidic and Kabbalistic Wisdom
Front Cover Zev Zelenko Zev Zelenko MD, Nov 25, 2019
People are getting their panties in a twist on other threads about Dr. Z because I pointed out to them that all their "See you in heaven!" type quotes are nothing more than wishful thinking, because according to the Bible, he most assuredly is not going to Heaven. 🤷♀️
You are correct.
Did anyone ask what his beliefs about Jesus Christ were?
Does everyone really believe Steve Bannon, Dr. Robert Malone, Jerry Corsi, Jack Posobiec, Boris Epshteyn and so many others are 100% trustworthy?
There are many more than two sides to what is going on.
They aim to control all of them.
Why would Steve Bannon claim that Wisconsin is the most egregious example and easiest state to prove voter fraud, but in years of daily shows only spent a few moments discussing the Root, gateway and model district of Racine, Wisconsin? When he did briefly mention it, he obfuscated the heart of the story and had to bounce.
I wonder if the cancer he had was developed in a lab?
Major comms right there.
I'm glad someone finally pointed this out! 🙂
Serious question. What was Z eating to have him die at age 48?
Did he get caught in Chernobyl or something?
Good question. I'm thinking his biography might have the answer. I'll let you know once I read it.
Cancer isn’t just an “old person’s” disease. I’ve know toddlers and young mothers who’ve died of it. I admit, I was shocked to see he was only 48, and thought it really tragic, actually, that someone who clearly had so much left to give to the world left it too soon. But I don’t think questioning what he was eating to die of cancer at 48 is really a serious (or helpful) question.
I think it's a very relevant and helpful question. If he was drinking 8 diet Cokes a day then that could be a good start. I think half the cancers people get are completely unavoidable..and it's usually their diet. Some cancers are because of where someone 'lives'..possibly near toxic areas, etc. Knowing Z's diet could help save other's lives.