Husband and I have been trying to research and see what could help our family to detox from the chemicals and metals in chemtrails, food, water, etc and have found a few good ones, many recommending zeolite. We would like to know what you have tried and has worked for you and your family. What suggestions you have. We have 2 little ones and one on the way and we want to do all we can to keep them safe and healthy.
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Living next to an Air Force Base We get sprayed here like roaches at least twice a week.
We use this regularly. Research it and I think you will like what u read, but then u have to find a legit version to buy which isn't too hard but I did not want to post retailer links.
Cilantro is supposed to be amazing at metal detox?
Iodide + selenium = powerful heavy metal detox
Are these pills you Take? Iodide and selenium. I’ve seen selenium in capsules.
Lugols iodine + 200mcg selenium. Lugols has elemental iodine and postassium iodide, both are important.
Flourine, chlorine and bromine all attach to your iodine receptors unless you get enough iodine
Will have to be careful with that one. Husband and son are allergic to iodine.
Wow, what are the effects?
I drink the heavy metal detox smoothie from medical medium everyday.
Zeolites, and alumino-silicate nanostructure that's completely natural and a product of volcanic emissions and seawater. If processed (removing the heavy metals from the original structure) it acts as an "electrical sponge" for heavy metals, neutralizing their charge and chelating them out of the body.
Actually, a reason people have difficulty losing weight is because the heavy metals are lipo-philic! Fat loving, which means that we store these metals in excess body fat, and the brain. When losing fat / weight, it releases the heavy metals, however they do not leave / chelate from the body without assistance.
Check this site out, has the most peer-reviewed research on the subject:
The best testimonials I've found are from the youtube channel Root Zeolites, which, although not as refined as ZOI, are still quite effective.
Reminder that this is just one component of achieving better health. Consuming foods that are precursors for neurotransmitters is a good example of another strong step in the right direction.
Here's Dr Sponaugle, talking on the gut and the way basic imbalances of the gut can extremely offset the neurotransmitter balances in the body, often resulting in various diseases! Very much worth a watch:
I use the product at the top of this list below, there are many options to choose from.
I think the spirulina removes the heavy metals from your cells, the cholera removes it from your bloodstream or vice versa.
I also have a filter similar to the one below in the rafters of my basement that feeds the water line to my refrigerator. It removes fluoride, chlorine, heavy metals, everything. It protects all the components in your refrigerator also. You don't have to change the filter in your frige as often. I refuse to drink tap water; the chlorine smell is totally removed when using this filter.
Colloidal Iodine. I get mine @
And how is it that those doing the spraying and their families are not negatively affected? Ignorantly stupidly following orders?
I heard a doctor discuss this. Wish I could remember. Said detox remove good stuff from your body but can’t remember what.
Yes, you must be careful with detox. It can remove essential magnesium, copper, zinc as well as unwanted aluminium, strontium, etc.
We use a Berkey water filter since we are not on a well. It takes out all the nonsense and the filters for us last 11 years. We use a mineral filter shower head as well. As for a detox regime, we haven't gone that far yet.
Not to derail the subject, but I highly recommend looking into this de-fungus protocol that's been making rounds on 4chan's /x/ forum the last couple weeks:
Appreciate the link!
Has it helped you? What symptoms has it helped with / fixed?
Chemtrails are notoroiosly associated with "morgellons," tldr nanofibers that are a sort of designed fungus, likely with the intent of reducing the population much like the vaccine.
Ever notice "more covid cases" anecdotally after heavy spraying sessions? Usually kicks up after 4-5 days? They're trying to simplify the root cause into a generalized "pharma-can-treat-this-and-only-them" system. Where they can shepherd the weakened and dying through their system of continued immune battery.
I've been aware of chemtrails, and I've heard about morgellons. First time I've heard they are connected. Thanks.
What it fixes is entirely dependent on how fungus'd you are. My brother is on it and his acne he's had for 15+ years has fallen off.
Myself? Day 18 overall. Zero desire to drink beer. Absolutely zero. No desire to drink soda. I drink coffee and think to myself how I'd rather be drinking water right now. Insane how much behavior is actually driven by the yeast inside us.
Feels like I'm "on keto" 24/7. That is, stable energy level throughout the entire day, and my diet throughout the protocol has been horrible for one reason or another. Far less anxiety. My eye floaters have turned into little dots instead of the wavy lines they were, I expect them to dissipate completely. One /x/ posted his two glasses prescriptions, went from a -4 with astigmatism to a -2 without.
That's very impressive. Thanks.
Candida albicans producing to I akin to snake venom.
Yeah imagine "Darkness to Light" being the revelation that 99% of us are all being driven by fungus. The entire LGBT movement being caused by mold.
Read "Healing with DMSO" - by Amandha Vollmer
Dimethyl Sulphoxide. Amazing stuff.
I agree, excellent shoutout. Unfortunate that most of the solutions are better used for skin and topically. I'd go as far to say a turpentine protocol is better for internal cleanses? I still have to go deeper on that, but so far it seems extremely promising
Good luck with that. It's virtually impossible to fully and completely detox from the shit [they] poison is with.
yeah so we should all give up? lol gimme a break doomer
people have come back from way worse. there's groups out there trying to find solutions. there ARE solutions through understanding