when you learn who is running this guys campaign and who it is dressed up in those hoods, youre going to be shocked. I wonder how many will continue support for him once this information reaches full awareness. This will be a true test of our integrity and where we go one, we go all.
whatever happened to the spirit of research? Didnt Q teach us all how to do this ourselves? sometimes you must be shown the way rather than shown the destination.
when you learn who is running this guys campaign and who it is dressed up in those hoods, youre going to be shocked. I wonder how many will continue support for him once this information reaches full awareness.
...and then when anons logically respond "Well, who are you claiming will shock us?" come back at them with Oh, I don't have a name, why don't YOU go dig and try to find it?:
whatever happened to the spirit of research? Didnt Q teach us all how to do this ourselves?
Whoever told you that's how this works lied to you.
You get to give a name for anons to research, not make them go on a goose chase over your wispy allegation. Just say who you think it is under the hoods, or GTFO
It's cuz he doesn't have anything, anyone that posts stuff like this that doesn't also share the source and just says "hur dur research yourself" doesn't have shit and they know it.
You implied that you know something. So tell the anons what you know and they will take it from there. They are not afraid to vet candidates who claim to be MAGA.
I thought you were a shill at first, but I did a little research. Austin Steinbart is the campaign manager, and I am indeed shocked. Disappointed as well.
as many will be. I think now is a good time for people to perhaps revisit his claims, see if theres something there with a fresh perspective. Ya never know what you may have missed the first time around.
The burden of proof is on the accuser, i.e. YOU. Provide proof or be dismissed as a looney. Yelling at us to "Google it" and be potentially lead on a wild goose chase only damns you further.
Karen and, perhaps even the dreaded Mildred or a snappy Bev, would like to see that manager. Don't make her go final form, transforming into a giant Courtney.
Karen and, perhaps even the dreaded Mildred or a snappy Bev, would like to see that manager. Don't make her go final form, transforming into a giant Courtney.
248 views after 20 days :) Amazing that someone would go to all that trouble for such a small audience, and some, like me, likely only watched a few seconds.
when you learn who is running this guys campaign and who it is dressed up in those hoods, youre going to be shocked. I wonder how many will continue support for him once this information reaches full awareness. This will be a true test of our integrity and where we go one, we go all.
How about you share that info.
They’re Nigerian body builders
whatever happened to the spirit of research? Didnt Q teach us all how to do this ourselves? sometimes you must be shown the way rather than shown the destination.
That isn't how this works.
You don't get to come in and toss a grenade like
...and then when anons logically respond "Well, who are you claiming will shock us?" come back at them with Oh, I don't have a name, why don't YOU go dig and try to find it?:
Whoever told you that's how this works lied to you.
You get to give a name for anons to research, not make them go on a goose chase over your wispy allegation. Just say who you think it is under the hoods, or GTFO
Or at least give a starting point. Tell us what to research or what to look up exactly.
It's cuz he doesn't have anything, anyone that posts stuff like this that doesn't also share the source and just says "hur dur research yourself" doesn't have shit and they know it.
If you've already done the research, why waste another 100 people's time to do the same research? Just share it, that is how it works.
You implied that you know something. So tell the anons what you know and they will take it from there. They are not afraid to vet candidates who claim to be MAGA.
Well, we're waiting.....
I thought you were a shill at first, but I did a little research. Austin Steinbart is the campaign manager, and I am indeed shocked. Disappointed as well.
as many will be. I think now is a good time for people to perhaps revisit his claims, see if theres something there with a fresh perspective. Ya never know what you may have missed the first time around.
Stop trying to be all prophetic. You could have just said the name.
Anything to back up this statement?
The burden of proof is on the accuser, i.e. YOU. Provide proof or be dismissed as a looney. Yelling at us to "Google it" and be potentially lead on a wild goose chase only damns you further.
It's democrats under the hoods. Research completed
There's a guy in here that says he's the campaign manager.
Karen and, perhaps even the dreaded Mildred or a snappy Bev, would like to see that manager. Don't make her go final form, transforming into a giant Courtney.
Or a throbbing Nicole, Desiree, or Simone!
Let me speak to the manager! Make it snappy!
Remember this guy?
248 views after 20 days :) Amazing that someone would go to all that trouble for such a small audience, and some, like me, likely only watched a few seconds.