She is going to ER with severe headache perhaps due to ear infection...visual changes and needs to be evaluated. Thanks for any intercession on her behalf.
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Our loving God and Father in heaven, send upon this young lady Your Holy Spirit to heal and comfort her. We asked these things in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, amen
I agree!
Thank you.
Great prayer, pede.
Prayers going up fren.
Thank you.
My family and I will pray for Christina to make a full recovery and have her brought back to her children. I am sorry you are going through this major event.
Thank you.
Prayers lifted up.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thank you.
Saying a prayer for her now
Thank you.
Prayers sent!
Thank you.
Prayers. Been there myself
I hate hospitals but this is when they can be useful. Hope they don't push vaccine crap.
Insist on an MRI. I was having headaches with visual symptoms and got booted from ER with no resolution just the speculation of "visual migraines" and later had a massive stroke and found out all my previous issues had been smaller strokes. Today is my 6 year anniversary of the big one.
Thanks for the heads up! You really just know when something is within the range of normal or abnormal. Hope you have recovered.
Get her out of there. The fact is that you’re way more likely to die in a hospital than almost anywhere else. Better to treat her at home with some ivermectin.
Ivermectin doesn't fix every problem. Nobody should think this. There are no fix-alls in medicine.
Praying for help in all the ways it's needed, u/tweety51A.
Thank you.
I am 71...have only been in the hospital once since I was born...overnight. I couldn't agree with you more. I like to treat everything myself but there are some things you don't fool with and severe headaches are one. They know the score...believe me.
Prayers sent anon.
My friend who took the shot (x3) had a very bad episode of his inner ear, effecting his vision and his balance. He couldn't be in a room with light, he couldn't stand up without the room spinning.
I'm only adding this in case it's any help.
She is pureblood but she is hospice social worker around vaxxed and her husband works in a nursing home around vaxxed. Shedding is a real problem. The have all necessary protocol on hand but something is just not right. God bless!
God bless anon, will be sending another.
Thank you.
My prayers are with you and your daughter and her children. Please let us know how things go.
Thank you.
Dear Lord, You are our Creator and Our Living God! Your Will is perfect even in times of uncertainty. You are the Great Physician! We know You lay out our paths before we travel them. May you provide protection and healing for this individual and may they Believe and Know You, and Trust You above all! Give this family peace in their hearts to know you Are with them always! May souls be saved along the way and You be Glorified! Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers! AMEN
Agreeing with you. Amen
Prayers 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for a positive outcome and restoration of health.
Thank you.
Praying for Christina's recovery...
Thank you.
prayers sent fern...she will be fine
Thank you...tough when it's your kids.
yes i know the feeling.....we are all with you
Thank you.
Very sorry for you and your family. You all are in my prayers.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Prayers to Christine who needs you God to watch over her and heal her in Your Son's name Jesus Christ Amen.
Thank you.
You are quite welcome.🙏🙏.
I just am crying with grateful tears that people would be so kind and caring when we don't even know each other. The love of God and his people is a wonderful thing. I feel very blessed to have such beautiful people in my corner.
That is the truth. Most people are good and God fearing.
The Fake News wants you to believe otherwise.
Thank you.
Praying for Christina and for your family, tweety.
Thank you.
Prayers on the way.
Thank you.
From swimming?
I am very prone to ear infections after swimming and I do keep a clean swimming pool. (which also has UV and ozone in addition to chlorine)
I use swimmer's ear drops after every dip in the pool where I have put my head under the water.
She was swimming last weekend and growing up we have treated swimmer's ear in the past...VERY PAINFUL. The kids were on swim teams for years. We learned to always use alcohol after swimming to avoid it which is the easiest way to treat it...I actually was thinking that is what it could be. She may need to do that again. Thanks for your thoughts.
Chlorine dioxide works wonders if alcohol or iodine won't work.
Thanks...I have never tried that...will look into it.
It's also called MMS. miracle mineral solution, CDS Chlorine Dioxide Solution, its real name. Jim Humble wrote a book about it, claims it cures Malaria almost instantly, Jim contracted Malaria in South America treated himself, then treated gobs of people in central/south America then went to Africa doing the same. Kerri Riveria has a protocol for treating autistic children, last I spoke to her over 1000 children helped, she has a book and website. And Dr. Andreas Klacker protocols. I urge everyone to read Kerri Reveria's book, it is flat out amazing what she has done for autistic children. Wonderful woman she has a podcast, on brighteon.TV every Thursday for her show 'Champions' - CST 10 am, 8 am PST, 9 am Mountain Time, 4pm EST
CDS/MMS It has two oxygen molecules... Dr Klacker studied the blood, he has a simple protocol to keep the blood saturated with oxygen using CDS. For Cancer Too. GOUT parasites, Shoot I can't even remember all its helped. What happened with Jim was the same thing that happened when people started taking Ivermectin, many beneficial side effects, cured many forms of cancer, removed parasites and on and on...
When you start your search, you're going to get a lot of ITS BLEACH, please read further. I've used it and given gobs away for many different aliments. it's purchased as a two-part water purifier. it's been used in hospitals as a disinfectant for ages. it may have been what President Trump was referring to when accused of telling people to drink bleach during the beginning of COVID19... which it's also good for. Here is the concentrate page from Dr Klacker he has videos as well, he has more than one protocols... also try Forums MMS/CDS forums search, Dive Deep! How to make one of Dr Andreas klacker's concentrate
Thank aware of Kerri Riveria. I know someone that makes this and it seems like it's time to do the research and add it to my bag of tricks! Thanks for the info...I probably have it saved but I have over 300 interesting items saved and sometimes digging and learning something new is a challenge the older you (I) get. Thanks.
You are very welcome, wishing you and yours all the best.
Kerri is just fantastic so is Dr Adreas Klacker and Jim Humble and the many others willing to buck the system. Thank the heavens for all the people who attempt to break the chains of the Matrix. I didn't mean to hijack your thread but don't see this mentioned much so my apologies. And thanks to the DATADUDE for bringing it up!
I always welcome knowledge. Sometimes we need to see things more than once to realize how we can utilize it. You can NEVER have too much knowledge or too many different ways to treat things. I love to be well versed in as many different healing modalities as I can. I have a niece whose child is autistic and listened to a lot of Kerri podcasts but I personally never utilized her info. I love people that buck the system...been doing that for over 50 years. Anytime is a good time to share knowledge.
Praying 🙏
Thank you.
Dear God, we ask that you protect Christina as she goes to the ER today over medical concerns. May those doctors that see her be given the wisdom to accurately diagnose and bring her no harm. Cloak her in your protection, Lord. We ask this in your name, if it be thy will. Amen.
Thank you.
Did she get the jab?
If so give her ivermectin, the docs won't give it to her. Make sure it dosent conflict with antibitoics.
If the infection is parasitic, antibiotics won't do shit, may want docs to test for parasites if this onset is sudden.
If she got the jab, don't rule out parasitic infection -- could just be a bad sinus infection. -- could be something more.
Last but not least would be a head clot leading to an aneurysm -- if she got the shot and dosent have an infection (Or even if she didn't get a shot).
Even though it's uncommon for healthy people to get aneurysms at a healthy age it can happen.
Lesser issues -- ocular problems due to eye muscles Dehydration. Poisoning Blocked sinus. Tooth decay
Can all cause migraines.
No pureblood but her and her husband work hospice/nursing home around jabbed. That is unfortunate because shedding is a problem. She has entire protocol on hand. I will suggest ivermectin which they do prophylactically but she had some dental work and I am suspecting perhaps some candida was disturbed. I had a tooth pulled and had a pretty bad sore throat off and on for ONE month...threw EVERTHING I had at it in max dosages. It finally went away. I have never seen anything like that...just weird. But a lot of things are weird now. Thanks for post.
I and two other people I know within the last 6 weeks have had similar struggles. I did covid protocol + iodine protocol and enzymes. Even quit puffin on my pipe, cleared in about 3 weeks.
One friend went to dr. A month ago, still on antibiotics, still struggling, still unresolved. She's hardhead.
I think it's something viral, either released or mutation.
It is NOT normal that's for sure.
We'll say a prayer for your baby.
From cradle to grave, we Love we Laugh, we Worry, we Pray.
You take care of yourself, she's gonna need you..❤️
She's the middle child of 5, middle girl of 3 born on Friday the 13th and she certainly is a unique child, thank you.
Please keep us updated 🙌🏻 God has your daughter
Thank you, yes He does.
Thank you.