The legal definition of "marriage" is a union contract between a free man and a free woman. The court either needs to change the legal definition, or the current interpretation. The current situation is illogical and dangerous to Americans.
I only posted because you made me curious to find what's legally defined. I thought they changed the letter of the law, but if that's the case this is eye opening and may potentially leave an opening to fox this bullshit by the fags. I'm not against adults doing their own thing, but the fact we can use the letter of the law to potentially de normalize it is refreshing
I agree I think we were put here to be free to make poor decisions, but the law should be accurate even if some people don't like the truth. "Transsexualism" is the same way...literally a mental illness by medical science definition (ICD10 F64.0 diagnosis code). We live in clown world with clown laws.
Why the sudden efforts against abortion and gay marriage? Why now? Why not when trump was in office?
Set those mental gears in motion. Think. You obviously already know the answer, or at least your subconscious mind does, which is why you are asking the question.
The deep state set a trap for Trump. The vaccine. Support it and you get blamed for every permanent injury and death from the jab. Attack it, an all of the sudden, vaccine side effects are completely ignored and you get blamed for every Covid death on the planet.
So Trump outsmarted them. He dropped out. He let them steal the election, while watching closely to see how they did it.
He lets Roe Vs. Wade get overturned during Biden. He lets the Ukraine war happen during Biden. If Gay marriage gets overturned, it will be during Biden. All the things people will get upset about. All the things they want so desperately to blame on Donald J. Trump.
Trump can't be blamed for Covid death, nor vaccine injury/death. He's not to blame for gas prices or inflation, or Russia attacking Ukraine. Trump cannot be blamed for any of it.
While the Deep State is sprinting towards destruction and chaos so they can finally get us to consent to the Great Reset and Build Back Better, what Trump will do is swing into action at the last moment and rescue us. We will choose Trump over the Great Reset.
Having avoided all their traps, he going to come back at full strength.
I think with all the other things going on Gay marriage was low on the totem pole for Trump. Gays are not the problem transgenders and pedos are the problem. There are many pedos in both straight and gay population which need to be taken care of. The worst are the transgenders. I hope when Trump comes back in he has those violent criminals that are serving time in a womens prison or in one case a youth facillity even though he is 27 and put them all into the mens prisons where they should have been to start with.
These are actually crucial issues in the commie and WEF plans to destroy the family. Any time would be a good time to address them. They go to basic principles and the Dems are the ones distracted right now with Ukraine, vote cheating, racial issues--another battle is not what they need.
Gay marriages should never have been legalized. Marriage is between a man and woman. For same sex couples they should have a "civil union" or something similar to have the benefits marriage provides.
It's their life, they have the right to choose their sexual preference, and should have a right to be joined, I just don't think it should be called "marriage".
It could be a triggering event in the process of abolishing the constitution. They want to remove all authority from the states and place it 100% with the fed. This ruling could be a step/justification to convince people that it would not be a bad idea.
The new world order may have enough people elected at the local level to make it possible.
The legal definition of "marriage" is a union contract between a free man and a free woman. The court either needs to change the legal definition, or the current interpretation. The current situation is illogical and dangerous to Americans.
Just to add to your point you are correct.
Tyvm :) I had a link copied but forgot to add it.
I only posted because you made me curious to find what's legally defined. I thought they changed the letter of the law, but if that's the case this is eye opening and may potentially leave an opening to fox this bullshit by the fags. I'm not against adults doing their own thing, but the fact we can use the letter of the law to potentially de normalize it is refreshing
I agree I think we were put here to be free to make poor decisions, but the law should be accurate even if some people don't like the truth. "Transsexualism" is the same way...literally a mental illness by medical science definition (ICD10 F64.0 diagnosis code). We live in clown world with clown laws.
They know it will be overturned. That's why they are desperately trying to change the definition of "man" and "woman."
Set those mental gears in motion. Think. You obviously already know the answer, or at least your subconscious mind does, which is why you are asking the question.
The deep state set a trap for Trump. The vaccine. Support it and you get blamed for every permanent injury and death from the jab. Attack it, an all of the sudden, vaccine side effects are completely ignored and you get blamed for every Covid death on the planet.
So Trump outsmarted them. He dropped out. He let them steal the election, while watching closely to see how they did it.
He lets Roe Vs. Wade get overturned during Biden. He lets the Ukraine war happen during Biden. If Gay marriage gets overturned, it will be during Biden. All the things people will get upset about. All the things they want so desperately to blame on Donald J. Trump.
Trump can't be blamed for Covid death, nor vaccine injury/death. He's not to blame for gas prices or inflation, or Russia attacking Ukraine. Trump cannot be blamed for any of it.
While the Deep State is sprinting towards destruction and chaos so they can finally get us to consent to the Great Reset and Build Back Better, what Trump will do is swing into action at the last moment and rescue us. We will choose Trump over the Great Reset.
Having avoided all their traps, he going to come back at full strength.
And that is going to feel good.
I think with all the other things going on Gay marriage was low on the totem pole for Trump. Gays are not the problem transgenders and pedos are the problem. There are many pedos in both straight and gay population which need to be taken care of. The worst are the transgenders. I hope when Trump comes back in he has those violent criminals that are serving time in a womens prison or in one case a youth facillity even though he is 27 and put them all into the mens prisons where they should have been to start with.
Go back to the SPLC. Your attempts to divide us won’t work here.
Well, if they're American queers they get American rights which includes a place in public life.
The "movement" may have started/infiltrated to normalize kiddy diddling, but that doesn't make everyone that's gay of the same mindset.
These are actually crucial issues in the commie and WEF plans to destroy the family. Any time would be a good time to address them. They go to basic principles and the Dems are the ones distracted right now with Ukraine, vote cheating, racial issues--another battle is not what they need.
Fed over-reaching. That issue is not for federal government to decide.
Very interesting and brilliant observation. I didn't even contemplate the possibility of intentionally working up the libs. Thanks for sharing that.
This word: Grooming
How could it apply to the uprearing of most of your politicians today?
Gay marriages should never have been legalized. Marriage is between a man and woman. For same sex couples they should have a "civil union" or something similar to have the benefits marriage provides.
It's their life, they have the right to choose their sexual preference, and should have a right to be joined, I just don't think it should be called "marriage".
It's very simple.
Trump being in office makes it seem like he's a dictator.
Biden being in office... They lose their boogie man
It could be a triggering event in the process of abolishing the constitution. They want to remove all authority from the states and place it 100% with the fed. This ruling could be a step/justification to convince people that it would not be a bad idea.
The new world order may have enough people elected at the local level to make it possible.
The states should decide.