Pharma is a PHRAUD: no link between serotonin and depression. SSRIs of no benefit.
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But, there is a link between Pharma, antidepressants / SSRIs, and mass-shootings:
I posted some links that get the noggin' joggin'.
The REAL Reason Why Your Serotonin Is Low and You Have Depression and Anxiety:
Wonder if this means anyone prescribed Prozac or other SSRI's for depression has grounds to sue for malpractice, or if SSRI's were misrepresented by Farm-a-cysts altogether.
More proof doctors are the biggest non thinking sheep on earth
No shit, gosh. The ‘chemical imbalance’ theory is nonsense.
My cognitive therapist told me as much years ago. She said there's no way to test for them in the first place. People need to learn to control their emotions and the way they think. It's a mental and behavioral issue that is dealt with improperly that causes a lot of it. Of course there are legitimate issues some people have, but generally speaking, there are a lot of internal and external influences that certain persons are ill-equipped to handle.
My first step to emotional help was God, who provided my therapist. She was great.
So, drugs like prozac are prescribed for the homicide/suicide side effects, not to relieve depression!
The concept of a "chemical imbalance" was introduced by Big Pharna as a sales pitch idea doctors could use to press drugs upon their patients. Even if there were an imbalance of some sort in the brain, humans are not in a position to understand what might be lacking or in excess and then go on to correct it. As it stands now, science has learned of about 200 neurotransmitters in the brain and body. That's a lot! But some scientists postulate that there may be as many as 700 neurotransmitters! Who could possibly know how to fix them or add to them properly or whatever????? NO ONE! That's who. Are there things we can do to help people balance their bodies and minds. YES! But I can't get into all of it right now. Quickly: we must ingest all essential nutrients and insure that our bodies are metabolizing them. Short answer for a complicated endeavor.
But...but...TruST thE ScIENcE
Now that all the SSRIs have all gone generic, and Pfizer can't make any money off Zoloft
There IS a proven link between the Guardian, the Independent, Psychology Today, New Scientist, etc,. and being totally full of shit, though.
Anything and everything these outlets say has to be taken with a silo of salt.
They are as far from science as, I dunno, as JayZ.
of course, because it is related to all the toxins and "food" we are exposed to our whole lives messing up our bodies' chemicals and systems
Whoda Thawtit?
Drugs: So You'll Never Have To Actually Deal With Your Issues