There is no way that's the same Joe Biden I saw a couple weeks ago. This is just flat out weird now. This creature is acting like a ruthless dictator who wants to punish his political enemy. People are moving on from all the Trump investigations, and this just makes Biden look tyrannical.
Was this from today? I mean Garland comes out and says they are going to investigate Trump, and now this thing is acting like Trump is the Devil and must be stopped.... This is just too much. They are going to try to arrest Trump, and they might actually do it. Then what?
This entire “insurrection” thing may be a trap, used against the Demtards when they actually try a real insurrection when SCOTUS rules that this government is illegitimate due to massive fraud and foreign interference.
Arresting Trump would be a bold move, and set off something that would make that fake unarmed insurrection look like child's play.
I don't buy that they'll go all in like that. And if Q is real and the plan is to avoid confrontation between the citizenry and political class, that would not be a successful way to do it.
It isn't an attack only on Trump; it is an undeniable direct attack on tens of millions of people.
They can't win that. The military is not strong enough to hold off that many of their own people.
First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.
First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.
They will fight but you are ready.
Marker [9].
There is no way that's the same Joe Biden I saw a couple weeks ago. This is just flat out weird now. This creature is acting like a ruthless dictator who wants to punish his political enemy. People are moving on from all the Trump investigations, and this just makes Biden look tyrannical.
Was this from today? I mean Garland comes out and says they are going to investigate Trump, and now this thing is acting like Trump is the Devil and must be stopped.... This is just too much. They are going to try to arrest Trump, and they might actually do it. Then what?
This entire “insurrection” thing may be a trap, used against the Demtards when they actually try a real insurrection when SCOTUS rules that this government is illegitimate due to massive fraud and foreign interference.
Arresting Trump would be a bold move, and set off something that would make that fake unarmed insurrection look like child's play.
I don't buy that they'll go all in like that. And if Q is real and the plan is to avoid confrontation between the citizenry and political class, that would not be a successful way to do it.
It isn't an attack only on Trump; it is an undeniable direct attack on tens of millions of people.
They can't win that. The military is not strong enough to hold off that many of their own people.
Bad play from either side.
How many Joe Bidens do they have left?
This is what I have always thought Q meant by "The first arrest will shock the world."
FFS, Q never said that!
Quite right..
First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening. First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction. They will fight but you are ready. Marker [9]. Q